291 research outputs found

    Thiazolidinediones and Edema: Recent Advances in the Pathogenesis of Thiazolidinediones-Induced Renal Sodium Retention

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    Thiazolidinediones (TZDs) are one of the major classes of antidiabetic drugs that are used widely. TZDs improve insulin resistance by activating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and ameliorate diabetic and other nephropathies, at least, in experimental animals. However, TZDs have side effects, such as edema, congestive heart failure, and bone fracture, and may increase bladder cancer risk. Edema and heart failure, which both probably originate from renal sodium retention, are of great importance because these side effects make it difficult to continue the use of TZDs. However, the pathogenesis of edema remains a matter of controversy. Initially, upregulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in the collecting ducts by TZDs was thought to be the primary cause of edema. However, the results of other studies do not support this view. Recent data suggest the involvement of transporters in the proximal tubule, such as sodium-bicarbonate cotransporter and sodium-proton exchanger. Other studies have suggested that sodium-potassium-chloride cotransporter 2 in the thick ascending limb of Henle and aquaporins are also possible targets for TZDs. This paper will discuss the recent advances in the pathogenesis of TZD-induced sodium reabsorption in the renal tubules and edema

    X-ray Anomalous Scattering of Diluted Magnetic Oxide Semiconductors: Possible Evidence of Lattice Deformation for High Temperature Ferromagnetism

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    We have examined whether the Co ions crystallographically substitute on the Ti sites in rutile and anatase Ti_{1-x}CoCo_{x}OO_{2-delta}thinfilmsthatexhibitroomtemperatureferromagnetism.IntensitiesofthexrayBraggreflectionfromthefilmsweremeasuredaroundthe thin films that exhibit room-temperature ferromagnetism. Intensities of the x-ray Bragg reflection from the films were measured around the KabsorptionedgeofCo.IftheCoionsrandomlysubstituteontheTisites,theintensityshouldexhibitananomalyduetotheanomalousdispersionoftheatomicscatteringfactorofCo.However,noneoftheanataseandrutilesamplesdidexhibitananomaly,unambiguouslyshowingthattheCoionsinTi-absorption-edge of Co. If the Co ions randomly substitute on the Ti sites, the intensity should exhibit an anomaly due to the anomalous dispersion of the atomic scattering factor of Co. However, none of the anatase and rutile samples did exhibit an anomaly, unambiguously showing that the Co ions in Ti_{1-x}CoCo_{x}OO_{2-delta}arenotexactlylocatedattheTisitesofTiO are not exactly located at the Ti sites of TiO_2.TheabsenceoftheanomalyisprobablycausedbyasignificantdeformationofthelocalstructurearoundCoduetotheoxygenvacancy.WehaveappliedthesamemethodtoparamagneticZn. The absence of the anomaly is probably caused by a significant deformation of the local structure around Co due to the oxygen vacancy. We have applied the same method to paramagnetic Zn_{1-x}CoCo_{x}$O thin films and obtained direct evidence that the Co ions are indeed substituted on the Zn sites.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted in PR

    Preoperative Evaluation of the Right Upper Lobe Pulmonary Artery by 3D-CT Pulmonary Angiography vs. Thin-Section Multiplanar Reconstruction Images Obtained by Contrast-Enhanced Multidetector-Row CT

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    We compared the effectiveness of 3-dimensional computed tomography pulmonary angiography (3D-CTPA) and thin-section multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) images obtained using contrast-enhanced multidetector row CT (MDCT), in the evaluation of pulmonary artery (PA) branches of the right upper lobe. We studied 127 patients suspected of having lung cancer of the right upper lobe who underwent contrast-enhanced MDCT scans and a right upper lobectomy. We compared the intraoperative findings of the PA branches of the right upper lobe obtained with 3D-CTPA and thin-section MPR images. In 125 (97.7%) patients, one or more PA branches arose from arteries other than the superior trunk. Among 10 (7.9%) patients, a PA branch arose from the middle lobe in one patient and from the superior segment of the lower lobe in the other 9 patients. According to the intraoperative findings, 97.2% and 99.7% of the PA branches were identified by 3D-CTPA and thin-section MPR images, respectively (p<0.03). The single branch missed by both imaging modalities was 1.0mm in dia. The 8 branches missed only by 3D-CTPA were<1.4mm in dia. Both the 3D-CTPA and thin-section MPR images provided precise preoperative information regarding PA branches of the right upper lobe. However, the thin-section MPR images appeared to contribute more to the evaluation of smaller PA branches

    AC magnetic susceptibility studies of single crystalline CeNiGe2 under high pressure

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科環境計画The magnetic susceptibility of CeNiGe2 single crystal has been measured under high pressure up to 2.0 GPa. Although two anomalies are observed at TN1=4.0 K and at TN2=3.0 K at ambient pressure, TN2 disappears above 0.13 GPa, while TN1 still remains near 2.0 K up to 2.0 GPa. On the other hand, the peak height of the susceptibility curve decreases with increasing pressure, which may suggest that the correlation between conduction and f-electrons is strengthened by pressure. The Kondo temperature TK is estimated from the maximum of χc–T curve. TK is remarkably enhanced by applying pressure

    Mild inflammation persists in the glenohumeral joint of patients with shoulder instability:Cross-sectional study

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    OBJECTIVE: Approximately two-thirds of patients with history of shoulder dislocation may develop osteoarthritis (OA) of the glenohumeral joint. However, the biochemical mechanisms underlying the association between dislocation and OA are largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate macrophage markers and inflammatory cytokine expression associated with shoulder instability (SI) in comparison to rotator cuff tears (RCTs). DESIGN: This study included 30 patients with SI and 30 patients with RCTs. Synovial membrane samples were harvested from the rotator interval during the arthroscopic anatomical repair for both groups. The localization of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-1β, and cluster of differentiation (CD) 68 in synovial membranes was determined by immunohistochemistry. Transcript-level expressions of the inflammatory cytokines (TNFA and IL1B) and macrophage markers pan-CD68 and -M1 (CD80 and CD86) were quantified. CD80 and CD86 expression in macrophages from the SI group was confirmed using flow cytometry. RESULTS: TNF-α, IL-1β, and CD68 were expressed in the synovial lining layer of the synovial tissue in both groups. In addition, the mRNA expressions of TNFA, IL1B, CD68, and CD80 were significantly higher in the SI group compared to the RCT group (P ​= ​0.012, 0.014, 0.022, 0.003, respectively). In samples from the SI group, 96.3% of CD68+/CD14+ macrophages were CD86-positive, whereas 2.5% of CD68+/CD14+/CD86+ cells were CD80-positive. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with SI had higher mRNA levels of TNFA, IL1B, CD68, and CD80 than those with RCTs. These findings may partially explain the biochemical mechanism underlying the frequent development and progression of osteoarthritis in patients with SI

    Negative regulation of hepatitis B virus replication by forkhead box protein A in human hepatoma cells

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    AbstractHepatitis B virus (HBV) replication is controlled by liver-enriched transcriptional factors, including forkhead box protein A (FOXA) members. Here, we found that FOXA members are directly and indirectly involved in HBV replication in human hepatic cells. HBV replication was elevated in HuH-7 treated with individual FOXA members-specific siRNA. Reciprocally, the downregulation of HBV replication was observed in FOXA-induced HuH-7. However, the mechanism of downregulation is different among FOXA members at the level of HBV RNA transcription, such as precore/pg RNA and 2.1kb RNA. In addition, FOXA1 and FOXA2 suppressed nuclear hormone receptors, such as HNF4α, that are related to HBV replication

    Contents of the Curriculum for Teaching English at the High-School Department of Deaf Schools in Japan: Current Situation Regarding Teaching English under the Japanese Ministry’s Curriculum Guideline

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    平成25(2013)年度より,特別支援学校(聴覚障害)高等部に現行学習指導要領が学年進行で施行された。その際,それまでの教科内容が大きく変わったのが外国語(以下,英語科)であった。他方で,近年のグローバル化を踏まえて,中央教育審議会は,平成34年度からの新たな教育課程の施行に向けて,「審議のまとめ」(2016)の中で,高等学校英語科の新たな科目案を示した。しかし,聴覚障害教育においては,「聞く」,「話す」ことに困難のある生徒に対する英語科指導の教育的手立てについて,これまでも課題が指摘されてきている。他方で,「読む」,「書く」ことについても,基礎となる日本語習得の手立てを考慮しながら進めていく必要があることや,生徒の状態の多様化を踏まえた指導方法の工夫などの対応も求められている。本稿では,現行学習指導要領が施行された初年度において全国の特別支援学校(聴覚障害)高等部において開設された英語科に関して行った調査の概要を報告するととに,そこから得られた結果を踏まえて,次期学習指導要領に向けて何が求められるのかについて検討した。From 2013, the current national curriculum guideline for special needs school began to apply to deaf schools’ high school departments and lasted three years. In that new guideline, the subjects of English were changed thoroughly. In 2016, the Central Council for Education in Japan officially announced the policy report for the next national curriculum guideline starting from 2022. In this report, and in accordance with globalization, an idea for new English subjects in high-school education is provided. However, in the education for the deaf, many tasks were indicated in the instruction process of teaching English as a foreign language because students have difficulty in listening and speaking. Moreover, in reading and writing activities, it is also necessary for the teachers to consider the procedure for students to acquire basic Japanese skills, with particular attention given in accordance with the variety of deaf student’s levels. In this paper, the authors summarize the results of the survey of the Japanese deaf schools given in the first year of the current national curriculum guideline. The authors also proposed some tasks and discussed possible ways for deaf students to acquire English competency with a view toward the contents of the next new national curriculum.本稿は,平成26年度広島大学大学院教育学研究科博士課程前期特別支援教育学専攻の課題研究報告書の内容の一部に基づき作成されたものである

    MR1 deficiency enhances IL-17-mediated allergic contact dermatitis

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    Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class Ib molecules present antigens to subsets of T cells primarily involved in host defense against pathogenic microbes and influence the development of immune-mediated diseases. The MHC class Ib molecule MHC-related protein 1 (MR1) functions as a platform to select MR1-restricted T cells, including mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells in the thymus, and presents ligands to them in the periphery. MAIT cells constitute an innate-like T-cell subset that recognizes microbial vitamin B2 metabolites and plays a defensive role against microbes. In this study, we investigated the function of MR1 in allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) by examining wild-type (WT) and MR1-deficient (MR1-/-) mice in which ACD was induced with 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB). MR1-/- mice exhibited exaggerated ACD lesions compared with WT mice. More neutrophils were recruited in the lesions in MR1-/- mice than in WT mice. WT mice contained fewer MAIT cells in their skin lesions following elicitation with DNFB, and MR1-/- mice lacking MAIT cells exhibited a significant increase in IL-17-producing αβ and γδ T cells in the skin. Collectively, MR1-/- mice displayed exacerbated ACD from an early phase with an enhanced type 3 immune response, although the precise mechanism of this enhancement remains elusive

    The ADAXIALIZED LEAF1 gene functions in leaf and embryonic pattern formation in rice

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    AbstractThe adaxial–abaxial axis in leaf primordia is thought to be established first and is necessary for the expansion of the leaf lamina along the mediolateral axis. To understand axis information in leaf development, we isolated the adaxialized leaf1 (adl1) mutant in rice, which forms abaxially rolled leaves. adl1 leaves are covered with bulliform-like cells, which are normally distributed only on the adaxial surface. An adl1 double mutant with the adaxially snowy leaf mutant, which has albino cells that specifically appear in the abaxial mesophyll tissue, indicated that adl1 leaves show adaxialization in both epidermal and mesophyll tissues. The expression of HD-ZIPIII genes in adl1 mutant increased in mature leaves, but not in the young primordia or the SAM. This indicated that ADL1 may not be directly involved in determining initial leaf polarity, but rather is associated with the maintenance of axis information. ADL1 encodes a plant-specific calpain-like cysteine proteinase orthologous to maize DEFECTIVE KERNEL1. Furthermore, we identified intermediate and strong alleles of the adl1 mutant that generate shootless embryos and globular-arrested embryos with aleurone layer loss, respectively. We propose that ADL1 plays an important role in pattern formation of the leaf and embryo by promoting proper epidermal development