132 research outputs found

    PPAR-α transcriptional activity is required to combat doxorubicin-induced podocyte injury in mice.

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    Immunosuppressants and inhibitors of the renin angiotensin system are major reagents to treat nephrotic syndrome but their clinical effects are not necessarily satisfactory. Injection of doxorubicin in several strains of mice causes nephrotic syndrome-like disorder. Zhou et al. report that PPAR-α expression is downregulated in murine doxorubicin nephropathy and a PPAR-α agonist, fenofibrate, partially ameliorates the disorder induced likely through stabilization of nephrin expression and suppression of apoptosis in podocytes, providing a new preventive strategy

    Autocrine/paracrine role of adrenomedullin in cultured endothelial and mesangial cells

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    Autocrine/paracrine role of adrenomedullin in cultured endothelial and mesangial cells. Adrenomedullin (AM), a potent vasorelaxant and natriuretic peptide isolated from human pheochromocytoma, is present in the kidney and secreted from endothelial cells (EC) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), but the functional role of AM is still unclear. To clarify the significance of AM as a local regulator, we investigated its secretion and action in cultured cells, and examined the effects of neutralization using a specific monoclonal antibody against AM. The prepared antibody directed against the ring structure showed a high affinity for human and rat AM. Using radioimmunoassay with this antibody, we found significant secretion from cultured rat mesangial cells (MC) of a 6-kDa mature form of AM as seen from EC and VSMC. The addition of AM into cultured cells dose-dependently increased cAMP production and potently inhibited PDGF-stimulated thymidine incorporation. Pretreatment with the monoclonal antibody completely abolished cAMP increase induced by exogenous AM. Moreover, antibody neutralization of endogenously secreted AM in cultured EC, but not in MC or VSMC, markedly (by ∼70%) reduced basal cAMP production and significantly (1.7-fold) enhanced DNA synthesis. These results indicate that AM, acting as an autocrine/paracrine regulator, exerts an antiproliferative action on EC and MC, and suggest its role as a local modulator of endothelial and mesangial function

    Autocrine/paracrine role of adrenomedullin in cultured endothelial and mesangial cells

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    Autocrine/paracrine role of adrenomedullin in cultured endothelial and mesangial cells. Adrenomedullin (AM), a potent vasorelaxant and natriuretic peptide isolated from human pheochromocytoma, is present in the kidney and secreted from endothelial cells (EC) and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), but the functional role of AM is still unclear. To clarify the significance of AM as a local regulator, we investigated its secretion and action in cultured cells, and examined the effects of neutralization using a specific monoclonal antibody against AM. The prepared antibody directed against the ring structure showed a high affinity for human and rat AM. Using radioimmunoassay with this antibody, we found significant secretion from cultured rat mesangial cells (MC) of a 6-kDa mature form of AM as seen from EC and VSMC. The addition of AM into cultured cells dose-dependently increased cAMP production and potently inhibited PDGF-stimulated thymidine incorporation. Pretreatment with the monoclonal antibody completely abolished cAMP increase induced by exogenous AM. Moreover, antibody neutralization of endogenously secreted AM in cultured EC, but not in MC or VSMC, markedly (by ∼70%) reduced basal cAMP production and significantly (1.7-fold) enhanced DNA synthesis. These results indicate that AM, acting as an autocrine/paracrine regulator, exerts an antiproliferative action on EC and MC, and suggest its role as a local modulator of endothelial and mesangial function

    Ablation of Myeloid Cell MRP8 Ameliorates Nephrotoxic Serum-induced Glomerulonephritis by Affecting Macrophage Characterization through Intraglomerular Crosstalk

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    Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and one of its endogenous ligands myeloid-related protein 8 (MRP8 or S100A8), especially expressed in macrophages, play an important role in diabetic nephropathy and autoimmune disorders. However, detailed mechanisms and consequence of MRP8 expression remain unknown, partly due to embryonic lethality of MRP8 knockout mice. In this study, Myeloid lineage cell-specific MRP8 knockout mice were generated, and nephrotoxic serum-induced glomerulonephritis was developed. Mice with conditional ablation of MRP8 gene in myeloid cells exhibited less severe histological damage, proteinuria and inflammatory changes compared to control mice. Mechanism of MRP8 upregulation was investigated using cultured cells. Co-culture of macrophages with mesangial cells or mesangial cell-conditioned media, but not with proximal tubules, markedly upregulated MRP8 gene expression and inflammatory M1 phenotype in macrophages, which was attenuated in MRP8-deleted bone marrow-derived macrophages. Effects of MRP8 deletion was further studied in the context of macrophage-inducible C-type lectin (Mincle), which is critically involved in maintenance of M1 phenotype of macrophages. MRP8 ablation in myeloid cells suppressed the induction of Mincle expression on macrophages in glomerulonephritis. Thus, we propose that intraglomerular crosstalk between mesangial cells and macrophages plays a role in inflammatory changes in glomerulonephritis, and MRP8-dependent Mincle expression in macrophage may be involved in the process

    Osteocrin ameliorates adriamycin nephropathy via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibition

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    Natriuretic peptides exert multiple effects by binding to natriuretic peptide receptors (NPRs). Osteocrin (OSTN) binds with high affinity to NPR-C, a clearance receptor for natriuretic peptides, and inhibits degradation of natriuretic peptides and consequently enhances guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A/NPR1) signaling. However, the roles of OSTN in the kidney have not been well clarified. Adriamycin (ADR) nephropathy in wild-type mice showed albuminuria, glomerular basement membrane changes, increased podocyte injuries, infiltration of macrophages, and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation. All these phenotypes were improved in OSTN- transgenic (Tg) mice and NPR3 knockout (KO) mice, with no further improvement in OSTN-Tg/NPR3 KO double mutant mice, indicating that OSTN works through NPR3. On the contrary, OSTN KO mice increased urinary albumin levels, and pharmacological blockade of p38 MAPK in OSTN KO mice ameliorated ADR nephropathy. In vitro, combination treatment with ANP and OSTN, or FR167653, p38 MAPK inhibitor, reduced Ccl2 and Des mRNA expression in murine podocytes (MPC5). OSTN increased intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) in MPC5 through GC-A. We have elucidated that circulating OSTN improves ADR nephropathy by enhancing GC-A signaling and consequently suppressing p38 MAPK activation. These results suggest that OSTN could be a promising therapeutic agent for podocyte injury

    Ablation of the N-type calcium channel ameliorates diabetic nephropathy with improved glycemic control and reduced blood pressure

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    Pharmacological blockade of the N-and L-type calcium channel lessens renal injury in kidney disease patients. The significance of specific blockade of α1 subunit of N-type calcium channel, Cav2.2, in diabetic nephropathy, however, remains to be clarified. To examine functional roles, we mated Cav2.2-/- mice with db/db (diabetic) mice on the C57BLKS background. Cav2.2 was localized in glomeruli including podocytes and in distal tubular cells. Diabetic Cav2.2-/- mice significantly reduced urinary albumin excretion, glomerular hyperfiltration, blood glucose levels, histological deterioration and systolic blood pressure (SBP) with decreased urinary catecholamine compared to diabetic Cav2.2+/+ mice. Interestingly, diabetic heterozygous Cav2.2+/- mice also decreased albuminuria, although they exhibited comparable systolic blood pressure, sympathetic nerve activity and creatinine clearance to diabetic Cav2.2+/+ mice. Consistently, diabetic mice with cilnidipine, an N-/L-type calcium channel blocker, showed a reduction in albuminuria and improvement of glomerular changes compared to diabetic mice with nitrendipine. In cultured podocytes, depolarization-dependent calcium responses were decreased by Ω-conotoxin, a Cav2.2-specific inhibitor. Furthermore, reduction of nephrin by transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) in podocytes was abolished with Ω-conotoxin, cilnidipine or mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase inhibitor. In conclusion, Cav2.2 inhibition exerts renoprotective effects against the progression of diabetic nephropathy, partly by protecting podocytes.</p

    Increase of Total Nephron Albumin Filtration and Reabsorption in Diabetic Nephropathy

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    There is a hot debate concerning actual amount of albumin filtered through glomeruli and reabsorbed at proximal tubules in normal kidneys and diabetic conditions. To overcome current technical problems, we generated a drug-inducible megalin knockout mouse line, megalin(lox/lox);Ndrg1-CreER[T2] (or iMegKO), whose protein reabsorption can be shut off anytime by tamoxifen (Tam). After Tam administration, renal megalin protein expression was reduced by 92% compared to wild-type C57BL/6J mice, and renal reabsorption of intravenously-injected retinol binding protein was almost completely abrogated. Urinary albumin excretion increased to 175 μg/day (0.460 mg/mg-creatinine), suggesting that this was the amount of total nephron albumin filtration. Glomerular sieving coefficient of albumin was 1.7 x 10[-5]. By comparing streptozotocin-induced, Tam-treated, diabetic STZ;iMegKO mice with non-STZ;iMegKO mice, we estimated that daily albumin filtration was increased by 1.9-fold, reabsorption was increased by 1.8-fold, and reabsorption efficiency was reduced to 86% by development of diabetes (versus 96% in control). Such abnormalities were well normalized after insulin treatment. Another type 1 diabetic model of Akita;iMegKO mice showed equivalent results. This study reveals actual values and changes of albumin filtration and reabsorption in early diabetic nephropathy, bringing new insights into our understanding of renal albumin dynamics in hyperfiltration status of diabetic nephropath

    Natriuretic peptide receptor guanylyl cyclase-A pathway counteracts glomerular injury evoked by aldosterone through p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibition

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    Guanylyl cyclase-A (GC-A) signaling, a natriuretic peptide receptor, exerts renoprotective effects by stimulating natriuresis and reducing blood pressure. Previously we demonstrated massive albuminuria with hypertension in uninephrectomized, aldosterone-infused, and high salt-fed (ALDO) systemic GC-A KO mice with enhanced phosphorylation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in podocytes. In the present study, we examined the interaction between p38 MAPK and GC-A signaling. The administration of FR167653, p38 MAPK inhibitor, reduced systolic blood pressure (SBP), urinary albumin excretion, segmental sclerosis, podocyte injury, and apoptosis. To further investigate the local action of natriuretic peptide and p38 MAPK in podocytes, we generated podocyte-specific (pod) GC-A conditional KO (cKO) mice. ALDO pod GC-A cKO mice demonstrated increased urinary albumin excretion with marked mesangial expansion, podocyte injury and apoptosis, but without blood pressure elevation. FR167653 also suppressed urinary albumin excretion without reducing SBP. Finally, we revealed that atrial natriuretic peptide increased phosphorylation of MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) concomitant with inhibited phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in response to MAPK kinase 3 activation, thereby resulting in decreased mRNA expression of the apoptosis-related gene, Bax, and Bax/Bcl2 ratio in cultured podocytes. These results indicate that natriuretic peptide exerts a renoprotective effect via inhibiting phosphorylation of p38 MAPK in podocytes.</p

    Protective role of podocyte autophagy against glomerular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes.

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    To examine the cell-protective role of podocyte autophagy against glomerular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes, we analyzed the renal phenotype of tamoxifen (TM)-inducible podocyte-specific Atg5-deficient (iPodo-Atg5-/-) mice with experimental endothelial dysfunction. In both control and iPodo-Atg5-/- mice, high fat diet (HFD) feeding induced glomerular endothelial damage characterized by decreased urinary nitric oxide (NO) excretion, collapsed endothelial fenestrae, and reduced endothelial glycocalyx. HFD-fed control mice showed slight albuminuria and nearly normal podocyte morphology. In contrast, HFD-fed iPodo-Atg5-/- mice developed massive albuminuria accompanied by severe podocyte injury that was observed predominantly in podocytes adjacent to damaged endothelial cells by scanning electron microscopy. Although podocyte-specific autophagy deficiency did not affect endothelial NO synthase deficiency-associated albuminuria, it markedly exacerbated albuminuria and severe podocyte morphological damage when the damage was induced by intravenous neuraminidase injection to remove glycocalyx from the endothelial surface. Furthermore, endoplasmic reticulum stress was accelerated in podocytes of iPodo-Atg5-/- mice stimulated with neuraminidase, and treatment with molecular chaperone tauroursodeoxycholic acid improved neuraminidase-induced severe albuminuria and podocyte injury. In conclusion, podocyte autophagy plays a renoprotective role against diabetes-related structural endothelial damage, providing an additional insight into the pathogenesis of massive proteinuria in diabetic nephropathy