11 research outputs found

    Застосування інтервальних нормобаричних гіпоксичних тренувань для амеліорації впливу бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу курорту Трускавець на резистентність до гіпоксії та вегетативну нервову систему

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    В клинико-физиологическом наблюдении за детьми с вегетативной дистонией показано, что дополнение стандартного бальнеотерапевтического комплекса курорта Трускавец интервальной нормобарической гипоксической тренировкой предотвращает снижение теста Штанге и сопутствующее ему усугубление симпатотонического сдвига вегетативного гомеостаза, а также усиливает положительное влияние бальнеотерапии на тест Штанге, сопровождаемое ваготоническим сдвигом вегетативного гомеостаза.In the clinical-physiological monitoring of children with vegetative dystonia is shown that the addition of standard balneotherapeutic complex spa Truskavets interval normobaric hypoxic training prevents the reduction of the hypoxic test Stange and the concomitant worsening sympathotonic shift of vegetative homeostasis, but also enhances the positive effect of balneotherapy on the test Stange, accompanied by a shift of autonomic vagotonic homeostasis

    Review on Redesign of Traditional Open Canal System Into Closed Conduit System of Shetphal Medium Canal Project

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    This paper deals with the water distribution methods of canal irrigation and their social implications. The availability of water of water resources is limited in space and time. It was also seen that the water is stolen by the people's results in ineffective irrigation system. The Pipe Distribution Network system is one of the best possible alternatives to overcome the limitations of conventional gravity flow Canal Distribution Network system. But it was found that there is a loss of water due to evaporation, percolation and theft. It also includes study of different irrigation system like sprinkler, flow, drip irrigation and suggesting the system as per crop pattern and water requirement. This paper includes information about closed conduit canal system of water distribution. It includes advantages of pipe distribution network over the open canal water supply system

    The Art of ‘Flexing’: Translating a New Vision of Police Leadership from the Top

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    Recent cases of police officer misconduct, corruption, criminality and ineffective leadership have tarnished the reputation of the police service in England and Wales and polarised debate on leadership. The bulk of this discussion tends to gravitate between assessing the merits of transactional and transformational leadership styles, with the latter typically emerging as the superior model that offers the potential to enact reform and cultural change. In line with recent concern over the possible shortfalls of adopting a binary approach to exploring police leadership, this chapter explores the synergy between transformational and transactional leadership styles. It draws from a small-scale qualitative research project to illustrate the importance of effective leadership in a police organisation with a recent history of people-centred scandals. In doing so it highlights the complexities of leadership at the top of a police organisation, and the need for a balanced approach characterised by fluidity of movement between leadership styles if senior police leaders are to achieve meaningful reform and cultural change