6 research outputs found

    フクシ キョウイク キャンプ ニ オケル キャンプ デノ セイカツ タイケン ガクシュウ ガ キャンプ ノ イメージ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    本研究では、浦和大学短期大学部学生(117名)を対象とした、福祉教育キャンプにおけるキャンプでの生活体験学習がキャンブのイメージに及ぼす影響について検討した。実習前と比較して、実習後の刺激語(キャンプ)に対する反応語数は有意に増加した。実習前後の一般的な反応語は、テント、山、川およびキャンプファイヤー等であった。反応語の分類では、実習後に感情型、要素型、環境型が減少傾向を示した。一方、社交型(例えば、友達、友情、協力、笑顔など)は実習後有意に増加した。A study was carried out to examine the effects of welfare education camp on the image of camping in Urawa University Junior College students (n=117). The number of reactive words to the stimulus word (camp) in the post-camp significantly increased compared with the pre-camp. In the pre- and post-camp, common reactive words were the tent, the mountain, the river, and the campfire, etc. In the classification reaction words, the feelings type, the element type and the environmental type showed the decreasing tendency after practicing camping. On the other hand, the sociality type (for example, friend and friendship, cooperation, and smile, etc.) significantly increased in the post-camp

    Cooperative Adsorption of Supercritical CH<sub>4</sub> in Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns for Compensation of Nanopore Potential

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    High-density CH<sub>4</sub> storage using adsorption techniques is an important issue in the use of CH<sub>4</sub> as a clean energy source. The CH<sub>4</sub> adsorption mechanism has to be understood to enable innovative improvements in CH<sub>4</sub> adsorption storage. Here, we describe the adsorption mechanism, based on CH<sub>4</sub> structure, and stabilities in the internal and external nanopores of single-walled carbon nanohorns, which have wide and narrow diameters, respectively. The adsorption of larger amounts of CH<sub>4</sub> in the narrow nanopores at pressures lower than 3 MPa was the result of strong adsorption potential fields; in contrast, the wider nanopores achieve higher-density adsorption above 3 MPa, despite the relatively weak adsorption potential fields. In the wider nanopores, CH<sub>4</sub> molecules were stabilized by trimer formation. Formation of CH<sub>4</sub> clusters therefore compensates for the weak potential fields in the wider nanopores and enables high-density adsorption and adsorption of large amounts of CH<sub>4</sub>

    Physiological Status of Declining Camphor Trees after Therapy

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    近年,衰退樹木に対する樹勢回復処置が多く行われるようになったが,このような処置に関する科学的知見は乏しく,処置の効果を科学的に明らかにすることが必要とされている。東京大学総合図書館前に,クスノキ(Cinnamomum camphora)が2本,東西対称に植栽されている。1985年から1987年に両クスノキを挟む形で新校舎建設が行われて以来,西側の個体(LW)は東側の個体(LE)と比較して著しく枝葉が減少し,衰退が顕著となった。衰退の原因として,コンクリート舗装による根への水分および酸素の供給の制限,建築工事に伴う根系の傷害などが考えられた。そこで,1996年にLW,LEを対象に樹勢回復処置が施された。この処置の効果を検定するため,処置前後の樹体の生理状態について検討を加えた。処置前の1995年にLW,LEおよび外観上は健全な生育を示す安田講堂前の個体(C1)について日中の木部圧ポテンシャル(Ψw)の測定およびP-V曲線法による水分特性値(Ψtlpw,Ψsats等)の測定を行った。処置後,1997年にLW,LE,C1および構内の健全個体(C2,C3)について水分生理状態の測定,フェノロジーの調査,葉のクロロフィル量の測定を行った。処置前の調査では,日中のΨwとΨtlpw,Ψsatsは,LWではLEと比較して低い値を示した。このことから,LWはLEに比べて強い水ストレス下にあることが示唆され,今後も衰退が進行する可能性があると考えられた。処置後のLWとLEの水分生理状態は処置前と同様の値を示し,処置後もLWはLEに比べて強い水ストレス下にあったものの,処置後,LWの枝葉の密度の増加が観察されたことから,衰退は進行していないものと考えられた。フェノロジー観察の結果,LWでは,他調査木と比較して開芽期間が長く,展葉期間が短いこと,1年生葉の落葉期が早いことが明らかにされ,このようなフェノロジー特性が水ストレス下の衰退木に特徴的である可能性が示唆された。葉のクロロフィル量は,LWで他調査木と比較して有意に低い値を示した。以上のように,LWは処置後も健全個体と比較して水分特性値やフェノロジー特性,クロロフィル量に差が認められるものの,枝葉の成長は良好であり,樹勢回復処置が衰退の進行を停止させた可能性がある。このような処置の効果は,大きな樹木の生理状態などに速やかには反映しにくいことから,今後も継続的な観察が必要である。Recently, following the increasing concern for protection and preservation of urban trees, many therapeutic treatments for old or declining trees have been carried out according to instructions by tree doctors. For the development of therapeutic principles and techniques, it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of such therapeutic treatments scientifically. There are two large camphor trees in front of the Central Library on the campus of the University of Tokyo which have been planted symmetrically east and west. Two buildings have been constructed between 1985 and 1987 on either side of the two camphor trees. After construction, the west-side camphor tree (LW) started declining. In 1994, the decline of LW became remarkable, as both branch and leaf density of LW decreased compared to the east-side tree (LE). The causes of the decline are thought to be soil compaction and root injury occurring during construction and limited water and oxygen availability due to concrete paving around the stem base. In 1996, to improve the health of the declining tree, therapeutic treatment (soil improvement and pruning) was undertaken. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, the physiological status of LW and LE were investigated before and after therapy. The physiological status of other camphor trees on the campus were also investigated. In 1995, before therapy, midday water potentials were measured and water relation parameters such as water potential at turgor-loss point (Ψtlpw) and osmotic potential at full turgidity (Ψsats) were estimated by pressure-volume analysis. In 1997, following therapy, the water relations and chlorophyll contents were measured again. In addition, the phenology of budding and defoliation was also observed. Prior to therapy, water relations of LW were lower than those of LE. Following therapy, both Ψtlpw and Ψsats of LW were lower than those of LE. Differences between their water relation values remained unchanged before and after therapy. Of all trees sampled, the longest budding period, the shortest leaf unfolding period and the fastest defoliation were all observed in LW. Leaf chlorophyll contents of LW were significantly lower than LE. However both branch and leaf density of LW increased after therapy. It was shown that the therapy has improved the root vitality of LW and prevented further decline. Such therapy does not work immediately on a large tree, therefore continuing observation is needed