43 research outputs found

    Semaphorin 3F and Netrin-1: The Novel Function as a Regulator of Tumor Microenvironment

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    Axon guidance molecules play an important role in regulating proper neuronal networking during neuronal development. They also have non-neuronal properties, which include angiogenesis, inflammation, and tumor development. Semaphorin 3F (SEMA3F), a member of the class 3 semaphorins, was initially identified as an axon guidance factor, that repels axons and collapses growth cones. However, SEMA3F has similar effects on endothelial cells (ECs) and tumor cells. In this review, we discuss the novel molecular mechanisms underlying SEMA3F activity in vascular and tumor biology. Recent evidence suggests that SEMA3F functions as a PI3K-Akt-mTOR inhibitor in mammalian cells, including T cells, ECs, and tumor cells. Therefore, SEMA3F may have broad therapeutic implications. We also discuss the key role of axon guidance molecules as regulators of the tumor microenvironment. Netrin-1, a chemoattractant factor in the neuronal system, promotes tumor progression by enhancing angiogenesis and metastasis. Moreover, our recent studies demonstrate that netrin-1/neogenin interactions augment CD4+ T cell chemokinesis and elicit pro-inflammatory responses, suggesting that netrin-1 plays a key role in modulating the function of a tumor and its surrounding cells in the tumor microenvironment. Overall, this review focuses on SEMA3F and netrin-1 signaling mechanisms to understand the diverse biological functions of axon guidance molecules

    The no-ghost theorem for string theory in curved backgrounds with a flat timelike direction

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    It is well-known that the standard no-ghost theorem can be extended straightforwardly to the general c=26 CFT on R^{d-1,1} \times K, where 2 \leq d \leq 26 and K is a compact unitary CFT of appropriate central charge. We prove the no-ghost theorem for d=1, i.e., when only the timelike direction is flat. This is done using the technique of Frenkel, Garland and Zuckerman.Comment: 25 pages, AMS-LaTeX; v2: added discussion on the extension of our results and on earlier works, minor correction

    Preventive effects of betamethasone valerate ointment for radiation-induced severe oral mucositis in patients with oral or oropharyngeal cancer: protocol for a multicentre, phase II, randomised controlled trial (Bet-ROM study)

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    Introduction: This is a randomised, multi-centre, open-label, phase II study to evaluate the efficacy of betamethasone valerate ointment on radiation-induced oral mucositis in patients with head and neck cancer undergoing concomitant radiotherapy with cisplatin or cetuximab.Methods and analysis: The trial will take place at seven hospitals in Japan. Patients will be randomised (1:1) into betamethasone and control groups after the occurrence of grade 1 oral mucositis. In the betamethasone group, patients will use betamethasone valerate ointment five times a day, in addition to usual oral hygiene guidance. The primary endpoint is the incidence and onset time of grade 3 oral mucositis. The secondary endpoints are the incidence and onset time of grade 2 oral mucositis, incidence and onset time of oral candidiasis, completion of radiation therapy and adverse events. Target accrual is 102 patients with a two-sided type I error rate of 5% and 80% power to detect an 80% risk reduction in the incidence of grade 3 oral mucositis.Ethics and dissemination: This study was approved by the Clinical Research Review Board of Nagasaki University (No. CRB20-009). All participants will be required to provide written informed consent. Findings will be disseminated through scientific and professional conferences and peer-reviewed journal publication. The datasets generated during the study will be available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.Trial registration number: jRCTs071200013


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    本研究の目的は、看護学生に複数の方法で臥床患者の水平移動を実施してもらい、移動方法と実施時に感じた主観的な容易性との関連を明らかにすることである。同意を得た看護学生16 名を対象に、上方水平移動と左右水平移動の模擬患者への実施を求めた。その際に看護者が感じた主観的な容易性を4件法で評価した。自由記載は、Microsoft excel を用いてキーワード分析を行った。結果、上方水平移動の主観的な容易性は順に、シート法、古武術法、キネステティク法であった。左右水平移動の主観的な容易性は高い順に、グローブ法、キネステティク法、古武術法であった。上方水平移動の頻出記載語は多い順に、「動」、「力」、「できた」であった。左右水平移動の頻出記載語は多い順に、「動」、「腰」、「身体」であった。以上より、シート法とグローブ法は看護学生にとっても主観的な容易性の高い、臨床の場や看護教育の中で広く活用されるべき体位変換方法と推察された


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    患者を移動する際には、ボディメカニクスを習得すると腰痛を予防できることは周知されているが、習得は難しく腰痛予防教育が困難な現状は否定できない。本研究は、看護師の動作に着眼し、患者および看護師に負担が少ないとされているキネステティク法、古武術法およびスライディングシート法による上方水平移動方法の比較検討を目的とした。看護師1名が23名の対象に実施した結果、3 つの知見が得られた。①看護師の動作には高い再現性が認められた、②看護師の体幹と股関節の角度は、大きい順にスライディングシート法、キネステティク法、古武術法であった、③上方水平移動の所要時間は、短い順にスライディングシート法、古武術法、キネステティク法であった

    ブレンディッドラーニングを用いた基礎看護技術の授業を試みて : ベッドメイキングの単元を事例として

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    本報告は平成29年度の基礎看護技術論における新しい授業方法を試みた総括である。基礎看護学領域では、本学に導入されているICT (information and communication technology : 情報通信技術)システムを「基礎看護技術論」「日常生活援助技術論」「医療支援技術論」の教授・学習方略に活用している。基礎看護技術論ではブレンディッドラーニングとしてe ラーニングと「従来の対面式授業、一斉演習、演習時の同期型動画視聴」を組み合わせた授業を実施した。基礎看護技術論の「ベッドメイキング」の単元では、学生自身のベッドメイキング動画をweb上のフォルダに提出させる方法の技術試験を今回初めて導入した。今回ブレンディッドラーニングを導入し、動画提出による技術試験を実施したことで、「予習-講義-復習-演習-自己練習」の習得サイクルによる学習に導くことができたと考える。今後は、この習得サイクルによる学習を継続して学生自身が実践できるような働きかけが必要である


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    Recessive resistance governed by a major quantitative trait locus restricts clover yellow vein virus in mechanically but not graft-inoculated cultivated soybeans

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    Clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV) infects and causes disease in legume plants. However, here we found that ClYVV isolate No. 30 (ClYVV-No.30) inefficiently multiplied or spread via cell-to-cell movement in mechanically inoculated leaves of a dozen soybean (Glycine max) cultivars, and resulted in failure to spread systemically. Soybean plants also had a similar resistance phenotype against additional ClYVV isolates. In contrast, all but one of 24 tested accessions of wild soybeans (G. soja) were susceptible to ClYVV-No.30. Graft inoculation of cultivated soybean TK780 with ClYVV-No.30-infected wild soybean B01167 scion resulted in systemic infection of the cultivated soybean rootstock. This suggests that upon mechanical inoculation the cultivated soybean inhibits ClYVV-No.30 at infection steps prior to the systemic spread of the virus via vascular systems. Systemic infection of all of F1 plants from crossing between TK780 and B01167 and 68 out of 76 F2 plants with ClYVV-No.30 indicated recessive inheritance of the resistance. Further genetic analysis using 64 recombinant inbred lines between TK780 and B01167 detected one major quantitative trait locus, designated d-cv, for the resistance that was positioned in the linkage group D1b (chromosome 2). The mapped region on soybean genome suggests that d-cv is not an allele of the known resistance genes against soybean mosaic virus