232 research outputs found

    Rapid fabrication of colloidal crystal assisted by electrophoretic deposition technique

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    Anomalous momentum dependence of the multiband electronic structure of FeSe_1-xTe_x superconductors induced by atomic disorder

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    When periodicity of crystal is disturbed by atomic disorder, its electronic state becomes inhomogeneous and band dispersion is obscured. In case of Fe-based superconductors, disorder of chalcogen/pnictogen height causes disorder of Fe 3d level splitting. Here, we report an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study on FeSe_1-xTe_x with the chalcogen height disorder, showing that the disorder affects the Fe 3d band dispersions in an orbital-selective way instead of simple obscuring effect. The reverse of the Fe 3d level splitting due to the chalcogen height difference causes the splitting of the hole band with Fe 3d x^2-y^2 character around the Gamma point.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanical guidance of self-condensation patterns of differentiating progeny

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    Spatially controlled self-organization represents a major challenge for organoid engineering. We have developed a mechanically patterned hydrogel for controlling self-condensation process to generate multi-cellular organoids. We first found that local stiffening with intrinsic mechanical gradient (IG > 0.008) induced single condensates of mesenchymal myoblasts, whereas the local softening led to stochastic aggregation. Besides, we revealed the cellular mechanism of two-step self-condensation: (1) cellular adhesion and migration at the mechanical boundary and (2) cell-cell contraction driven by intercellular actin-myosin networks. Finally, human pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatic progenitors with mesenchymal/endothelial cells (i.e., liver bud organoids) experienced collective migration toward locally stiffened regions generating condensates of the concave to spherical shapes. The underlying mechanism can be explained by force competition of cell-cell and cell-hydrogel biomechanical interactions between stiff and soft regions. These insights will facilitate the rational design of culture substrates inducing symmetry breaking in self-condensation of differentiating progeny toward future organoid engineering.Matsuzaki T., Shimokawa Y., Koike H., et al. Mechanical guidance of self-condensation patterns of differentiating progeny. iScience 25, 105109 (2022); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.105109


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    目的:群馬県内のAプールが実施している健康教室に参加することが心身に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目的とした. 方法:研究参加に同意した65歳以上の低身体活動の女性11名を対象者とした.教室参加前に年齢,健康状態,気分を,教室当日に運動前,中,後の血圧・脈拍,主観的運動強度を,教室終了後に気分を調査した.任意で体力測定を行った. 結果:体力測定の結果は,握力,上体起こし,長座体前屈,開眼片足立ち,10m障害物歩行の全てで全国平均よりも低かった.気分は,教室参加後に緊張・不安が有意に低下した.収縮期血圧は運動後では運動前よりも有意に上昇し,脈拍は運動前よりも有意に低下した.主観的運動強度は運動前よりも有意に上昇した. 結論:対象者は,肥満,筋力低下傾向にあるが,集団で実施する水中運動の強度は適度であった.健康教室により,緊張・不安が改善し,適度な運動強度においても血圧や脈拍の有意な変動が認められた.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a health class offered at a swimming pool. Methods: The subjects were 11 women aged 65 years or older who had low active mass. We investigated age, health condition, and mood before the health class. On the day of the health class, we measured blood pressure, pulse, and perceived exertion before, during, and after aquatic exercise. We then investigated mood after the health class. We also offered an optional physical fitness test to the subjects. Results: Scores for grip strength, sit-ups, toe touching, one-leg standing with eyes open, and 10-m obstacle walking test results were below healthy levels. The mood test showed that tension and anxiety were improved. Systolic blood pressure was significantly higher, pulse was significantly lower, and the rate of perceived exertion was significantly higher after exercise than before. Conclusions: The subjects were obese and had muscle weakness, but the exercise was of moderate intensity. Tension and anxiety improved after the health class. Significant changes in blood pressure and pulse were found after exercise.原

    Preparation of mechanically patterned hydrogels for controlling the self-condensation of cells

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    Synthetic protocols providing mechanical patterns to culture substrate are essential to control the self-condensation of cells for organoid engineering. Here, we present a protocol for preparing hydrogels with mechanical patterns. We describe steps for hydrogel synthesis, mechanical evaluation of the substrate, and time-lapse imaging of cell self-organization. This protocol will facilitate the rational design of culture substrates with mechanical patterns for the engineering of various functional organoids. For complete details on the use and execution of this protocol, please refer to Takebe et al. (2015) and Matsuzaki et al. (2014, 2022).Matsuzaki T., Kawano Y., Horikiri M., et al. Preparation of mechanically patterned hydrogels for controlling the self-condensation of cells. STAR Protocols 4, 102471 (2023); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2023.102471

    The effect of duration of illness and antipsychotics on subcortical volumes in schizophrenia: Analysis of 778 subjects

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    BackgroundThe effect of duration of illness and antipsychotic medication on the volumes of subcortical structures in schizophrenia is inconsistent among previous reports. We implemented a large sample analysis utilizing clinical data from 11 institutions in a previous meta-analysis.MethodsImaging and clinical data of 778 schizophrenia subjects were taken from a prospective meta-analysis conducted by the COCORO consortium in Japan. The effect of duration of illness and daily dose and type of antipsychotics were assessed using the linear mixed effect model where the volumes of subcortical structures computed by FreeSurfer were used as a dependent variable and age, sex, duration of illness, daily dose of antipsychotics and intracranial volume were used as independent variables, and the type of protocol was incorporated as a random effect for intercept. The statistical significance of fixed-effect of dependent variable was assessed.ResultsDaily dose of antipsychotics was positively associated with left globus pallidus volume and negatively associated with right hippocampus. It was also positively associated with laterality index of globus pallidus. Duration of illness was positively associated with bilateral globus pallidus volumes. Type of antipsychotics did not have any effect on the subcortical volumes.DiscussionA large sample size, uniform data collection methodology and robust statistical analysis are strengths of the current study. This result suggests that we need special attention to discuss about relationship between subcortical regional brain volumes and pathophysiology of schizophrenia because regional brain volumes may be affected by antipsychotic medication