213 research outputs found

    Effects of Mini Volley on Physical Fitness and Profile of Mood States in Middle-aged Women

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    Dietary nitrate supplementation effect on dynamic cerebral autoregulation in normoxia and acute hypoxia

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    We tested the hypothesis that increasing the nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability by dietary nitrate would recover the hypoxia-induced reduction in dynamic cerebral autoregulation (CA). Twelve healthy males (age 21 ± 2 years) completed four days of dietary supplementation with a placebo or inorganic nitrate drink (140-ml beetroot juice per day) followed by 60-min of normoxia or hypoxia (fraction of inspired oxygen [FiO(2)] = 13%). Duplex ultrasonography was used to perform volumetric change-based assessment of dynamic CA in the internal carotid artery (ICA). Dynamic CA was assessed by rate of regulation (RoR) of vascular conductance using the thigh-cuff method. Four days of beetroot supplementation increased circulating nitrate by 208 [171,245] μM (mean difference [95% confidence interval]) compared with placebo. Dynamic CA was lower in hypoxia than normoxia (RoR Δ−0.085 [−0.116, −0.054]). Compared with placebo, nitrate did not alter dynamic CA in normoxia (RoR Δ−0.022 [−0.060, 0.016]) or hypoxia (RoR Δ0.017 [−0.019, 0.053]). Further, nitrate did not affect ICA vessel diameter, blood velocity or flow in either normoxia or hypoxia. Increased bioavailability of NO through dietary nitrate supplementation did not recover the hypoxia-induced reduction in dynamic CA. This suggests the mechanism of hypoxia-induced reduction in dynamic CA does not relate to the availability of NO

    Five days of tart cherry supplementation improves exercise performance in normobaric hypoxia

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    Previous studies have shown tart cherry (TC) to improve exercise performance in normoxia. The effect of TC on hypoxic exercise performance is unknown. This study investigated the effects of 5 days of tart cherry (TC) or placebo (PL) supplementation on hypoxic exercise performance. Thirteen healthy participants completed an incremental cycle exercise test to exhaustion (TTE) under two conditions: (i) hypoxia (13% O2) with PL and (ii) hypoxia with TC (200 mg anthocyanin per day for 4 days and 100 mg on day 5). Pulmonary gas exchange variables, peripheral arterial oxygen saturation (SpO2), deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb), and tissue oxygen saturation (StO2) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy in the vastus lateralis muscle were measured at rest and during exercise. Urinary 8-hydro-2′ deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) excretion was evaluated pre-exercise and 1 and 5 h post-exercise. The TTE after TC (940 ± 84 s, mean ± standard deviation) was longer than after PL (912 ± 63 s, p 2 and SpO2 were higher after TC than PL. Moreover, a significant interaction (supplements × time) in urinary 8-OHdG excretion was found (p 2 in the working muscles during submaximal exercise

    Contact representation of short range correlation in light nuclei studied by the High-Momentum Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics

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    The high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (HMAMD) is a new promising framework with significant analytical simplicity and efficiency inherited from its antisymmetrized molecular dynamics in describing the high momentum correlations in various nuclear states. In the aim of further improving the numerical efficiency for the description of nucleon-nucleon correlation, we introduce a new formulation by including a new Gaussian weighted basis of high momentum pairs in the HMAMD wave function, with which very rapid convergence is obtained in numerical calculation. It is surprising that the very high-momentum components in the new HMAMD basis are found to be almost equivalent to the contact representation of the nucleon-nucleon pairs with very small nucleon-nucleon distance. The explicit formulation for the contact term significantly improves the numerical efficiency of the HMAMD method, which shows the importance of the contact correlation in the formulation of light nuclei

    Measuring the Energy of Ventilation and Circulation during Human Walking using Induced Hypoxia

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    Energy expenditure (EE) during walking includes energy costs to move and support the body and for respiration and circulation. We measured EE during walking under three different oxygen concentrations. Eleven healthy, young, male lowlanders walked on a treadmill at seven gait speeds (0.67–1.83 m s−1) on a level gradient under normobaric normoxia (room air, 21% O2), moderate hypoxia (15% O2), and severe hypoxia (11% O2). By comparing the hypoxia-induced elevation in heart rate (HR [bpm]), ventilation (VE [L min−1]) with the change in energy expenditure (EE [W]) at each speed, we were able to determine circulatory and respiratory costs. In a multivariate model combining HR and VE, respiratory costs were 0.44 ± 0.15 W per each L min−1 increase in VE, and circulatory costs were 0.24 ± 0.05 W per each bpm increase in HR (model adjusted r2 = 0.97, p \u3c 0.001). These VE costs were substantially lower than previous studies that ignored the contribution of HR to cardiopulmonary work. Estimated HR costs were consistent with, although somewhat higher than, measures derived from catheterization studies. Cardiopulmonary costs accounted for 23% of resting EE, but less than 5% of net walking costs (i.e., with resting EE subtracted)

    The Relationship between the Heat Disorder Incidence Rate and Heat Stress Indices at Yamanashi Prefecture in Japan

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    In recent years, the risk of heat disorder in daily life has increased dramatically because the thermal environment has been deteriorating. The main objective of this study was to examine regional differences in the relationship between heat disorder incidence rate and heat stress indices at Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan. Daily maximum air temperature and daily maximum WBGT were used as heat stress indices in each region. Nonlinear regression analysis was used to examine the regional difference in the relationship between the heat disorder incidence rate and heat stress indices in each region. The heat disorder incidence rate was correlated with both indices of heat stress in all regions. However, the more appropriate heat stress index for heat disorder prevention differed among regions. The distributions of heat stress indices, such as the slope of regression curve and the temperature threshold, differed in each region, irrespective of the index used. Therefore, the criteria for thermal conditions for heat disorder prevention need to be determined for each region, considering the regional characteristics of the relationship between the heat disorder incidence rate and heat stress indices


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    【目的】埋伏下顎大臼歯は,発生率は低いものの骨性癒着が認められた際は重大な不正咬合の原因となる.その治療予後の予測は未だ困難であり,重要な臨床課題の一つである.本研究では臨床的に牽引が不可能であった下顎大臼歯のエックス線画像を見直し,牽引可能であった例と比較することで,牽引の可否を鑑別するための特徴的な画像所見を検討した. 【方法】資料として徳島大学病院矯正歯科を受診した第三大臼歯を除く下顎大臼歯の埋伏を有する患者5 名の歯科用コーンビームCT (以下CB-CT) 画像とパノラマエックス線画像を用いた.Ducommun らの骨性癒着歯の評価項目である歯根膜腔消失・歯根吸収・組織置換に加え,置換性歯根吸収(歯根吸収により生じた歯根表面の凹凸部の骨硬化像),歯根彎曲の有無を評価した. 【結果】パノラマエックス線画像では5 例全てで歯根膜腔の消失を認めたが,歯根吸収や組織置換像は観察されなかった.一方,CB-CT 画像では牽引が不可能であった3 例全てで歯根膜腔の消失と置換性歯根吸収像を認めた.牽引が可能であった2 例でも歯根膜腔の消失がみられ,うち1 例では歯根吸収像も認めたがその近傍に骨硬化像はなかった. 【考察】Ducommun らの評価項目のみでは,牽引可能であった1 例が偽陽性となったが,置換性歯根吸収の評価項目への追加により偽陽性はなくなった.このことから置換性歯根吸収の評価が埋伏下顎大臼歯の牽引の可否の鑑別に極めて重要であると考えられた. 【結論】埋伏下顎大臼歯の診断において,CB-CT 画像での当該歯の周囲組織の詳細な観察により,牽引が可能であるかを非常に高い精度で診断できる可能性が示唆された

    A treatment case of Sotos syndrome

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    Sotos syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by overgrowth in childhood, specific facial manifestations, advanced bone age, and mental retardation. Although only one case report of Sotos syndrome treated with surgical orthodontics has thus far been published, there have also been a few detailed reports of long-term observation of Sotos syndrome through total orthodontic treatment. This article aimed to present the case of a growing patient with skeletal mandibular protrusion and unilateral posterior crossbite as present in Sotos syndrome treated with a non-surgical orthodontic technique. A 10-year-old boy was diagnosed with skeletal mandibular protrusion and posterior crossbite associated with Sotos syndrome. After maxillary lateral expansion, the skeletal Class III relationship with an anterior crossbite improved owing to mandibular clockwise rotation, while the facemask had a marginal effect. At the completion of growth at 16 years, he had a skeletal Class I relationship, and thus, conventional orthodontic treatment with preadjusted edgewise appliances was initiated. After 41 months of multibracket treatment, acceptable occlusion with a functional Class I relationship was obtained. At 12 months postretention, no or few changes in occlusion and facial features were observed. Our results demonstrate that considering the maxillofacial vertical growth during peripubertal period associated with Sotos syndrome, much attention should be paid to the early orthopedic treatment with the facemask and/or chin cap