26 research outputs found

    Local Release of C-Reactive Protein From Vulnerable Plaque or Coronary Arterial Wall Injured by Stenting

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    ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to assess local release of C-reactive protein (CRP) from atherosclerotic plaques or the vessel wall injured by stenting.BackgroundRecent research has focused on the local production of CRP, especially in inflammatory atherosclerotic plaques.MethodsThe study consisted of two separate protocols. In protocol 1, we measured serum high-sensitivity-CRP (hs-CRP) levels in coronary arterial blood sampled just distal and proximal to the culprit lesions in 36 patients with stable angina and 13 patients with unstable angina. In protocol 2, we measured serial serum hs-CRP levels and activated Mac-1 on the surface of neutrophils in both coronary sinus and peripheral blood in 20 patients undergoing coronary stenting.ResultsIn protocol 1, CRP was higher in distal blood than proximal blood in both stable (p < 0.05) and unstable angina (p < 0.01). The translesional CRP gradient (distal CRP minus proximal CRP, p < 0.05) as well as the proximal CRP (p < 0.05) and distal CRP (p < 0.05) was higher in unstable angina than in stable angina. In protocol 2, the transcardiac CRP gradient (coronary sinus minus peripheral blood) and activated Mac-1 increased gradually after stenting, reaching a maximum at 48 h (p < 0.001 vs. baseline for both). There was a positive correlation between the transcardiac CRP gradient and activated Mac-1 at 48 h (r = 0.45, p < 0.01).ConclusionsC-reactive protein is an excellent marker for plaque instability or poststent inflammatory status, and its source might be the inflammation site of the plaque or the coronary arterial wall injured by stenting

    エイヨウ シヒョウ タンパク トシテノ トランスフェリン, トランスサイレチン オヨビ レチノール ケツゴウ タンパク ノ ソクテイ イギ

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    ベーリングネフェロメーターアナライザーII(BNII)を使用し,栄養指標蛋白としてのトランスフェリン(Tf),トランスサイレチン=プレアルブミン(TTR)およびレチノール結合蛋白(RBP)の測定について基礎的検討と臨床的有用性についての検討を行った.Tf,TTR,RBPの再現性は変動係数(CV)5.1%以下,直線性は良好であったが,共存物質において乳び(カイロミクロンによる濁り)血清による負の影響がRBPとTTRで約30%~40%認められた.開腹手術後のTf,TTR,RBPの推移は,術前の値を100%とした場合,TTRとRBPは術後3日目に約55%まで低下し,その後は上昇に転じ7日目で約70%,11日目では80%前後まで回復することが認められた.これに対し,総蛋白(TP)とアルブミン(Alb)は術後3日目で90%と81%,7日目は92%と80%,11日目は90%と83%であり変動を認めなかった.Tfの変動はTPとAlbよりも大きかったが,TTRとRBPよりも小さかった.今回の検討から栄養指標蛋白としては,TPやAlbに比べ半減期が短いTf,TTR,RBPの方が栄養状態を鋭敏に反映していることが明らかにされた.Tf,TTR,RBPを日常検査へ導入することで,患者の栄養管理について客観的な評価に有用であると考えられる.We investigated the assay performance and clinical usefulness of transfferin (Tf), trans thyretin (TTR) and retinol-binding protein (RBP) as nutrition assessment proteins. Assay precision, linearity and nonspecific reactions were examined with Behring Nephelometer Analyzer II (BNII). The assay precision (Coefficient of variation : CV) was less than 5.1%. The linearity showed the good performance. But, lipemic sera showed 30% negative bias in measurement of TTR and RBP. In patients with abdominal surgery total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), Tf, TTR and RBP were measured for lldays after operation. When the assay results of TTR and RBP at the pre-operation time were taken as 100%, the assay results at the day 3 were decreased to 55%. The assay results at the day 7 and at the day 11 were increased to 70% and 80%, respectively for TTR and RBP. However, the assay results of TP and Alb at the day 3 were decreased to 90% and 81 %, respectively. The assay results at the day 7 were slightly increased to 92% and 80%. Furthermore, the assay results at the day 11 were increased to 90% and 83%. The changes of Tf were bigger than the changes of Alb and TP and smaller than the changes of TTR and RBP. The changes of Tf, TTR and RBP were bigger than the changes of TP and Alb due to the short half life and the small stock in the body. In conclusion, this study shows the monitering of patients\u27 nutritional state was successfully achieved by measurement of Tf, TTR and RBP

    Protein oxidation inhibits NO-mediated signaling pathway for synaptic plasticity.

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    Oxidative stress is a primary factor inducing brain dysfunction in aged animals. However, how oxidation affects brain function is not fully understood. Here we show that oxidation inhibits signaling pathways essential for synaptic plasticities in the cerebellum. We first revealed that nitric oxide (NO)-dependent plasticities at the parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapse (PF synapse) were impaired in the cerebellar slices from aged mice, suggesting a possible inhibitory action of protein oxidation by endogenous reactive oxygen species. PF-synaptic plasticities were also blocked in the cerebellar slices from young mice preincubated with oxidizing agents or thiol blocker. Because the treatment of the slices with the oxidizing agent did not affect basic electrophysiological properties of excitatory postsynaptic current of PF (PF-EPSC) and did not occlude the synaptic plasticities, oxidation was revealed to specifically inhibit signaling pathways essential for PF-synaptic plasticities. Finally, biochemical analysis confirmed the idea that inhibitory action of protein oxidation on the PF-synaptic plasticities was mediated by impairment of nitric oxide-induced protein S-nitrosylation. Therefore, oxidation was revealed to inhibit the S-nitrosylation-dependent signaling pathway essential for synaptic plasticity in a "competitive" manner

    Paclitaxel-induced aberrant mitosis and mitotic slippage efficiently lead to proliferative death irrespective of canonical apoptosis and p53.

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    Spindle poisons elicit various cellular responses following metaphase arrest, but how they relate to long-term clonogenicity has remained unclear. We prepared several HeLa lines in which the canonical apoptosis pathway was attenuated, and compared their acute responses to paclitaxel, as well as long-term fate, with the parental line. Three-nanomolar paclitaxel induced brief metaphase arrest (<5 h) often followed by aberrant mitosis, and about 90% of the cells of each line had lost their clonogenicity after 48 h of the treatment. A combination of the same concentration of paclitaxel with the kinesin-5 inhibitor, S-trityl-L-cysteine (STLC), at 1 µM led to much longer arrest (∼20 h) and predominance of subsequent line-specific responses: mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) in the apoptosis-prone line, or mitotic slippage without obvious MOMP in the apoptosis-reluctant lines. In spite of this, combination with STLC did not lead to a marked difference in clonogenicity between the apoptosis-prone and -reluctant lines, and intriguingly resulted in slightly better clonogenicity than that of cells treated with 3 nM paclitaxel alone. This indicates that changes in the short-term response within 3 possible scenarios — acute MOMP, mitotic slippage or aberrant mitosis ― has only a weak impact on clonogenicity. Our results suggest that once cells have committed to slippage or aberrant mitosis they eventually undergo proliferative death irrespective of canonical apoptosis or p53 function. Consistent with this, cells with irregular DNA contents originating from mitotic slippage or aberrant mitosis were mostly eliminated from the population within several rounds of division after the drug treatment

    Paclitaxel-induced aberrant mitosis and mitotic slippage efficiently lead to proliferative death irrespective of canonical apoptosis and p53

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    <p>Spindle poisons elicit various cellular responses following metaphase arrest, but how they relate to long-term clonogenicity has remained unclear. We prepared several HeLa lines in which the canonical apoptosis pathway was attenuated, and compared their acute responses to paclitaxel, as well as long-term fate, with the parental line. Three-nanomolar paclitaxel induced brief metaphase arrest (<5 h) often followed by aberrant mitosis, and about 90% of the cells of each line had lost their clonogenicity after 48 h of the treatment. A combination of the same concentration of paclitaxel with the kinesin-5 inhibitor, <i>S</i>-trityl-L-cysteine (STLC), at 1 µM led to much longer arrest (∼20 h) and predominance of subsequent line-specific responses: mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization (MOMP) in the apoptosis-prone line, or mitotic slippage without obvious MOMP in the apoptosis-reluctant lines. In spite of this, combination with STLC did not lead to a marked difference in clonogenicity between the apoptosis-prone and -reluctant lines, and intriguingly resulted in slightly better clonogenicity than that of cells treated with 3 nM paclitaxel alone. This indicates that changes in the short-term response within 3 possible scenarios — acute MOMP, mitotic slippage or aberrant mitosis ― has only a weak impact on clonogenicity. Our results suggest that once cells have committed to slippage or aberrant mitosis they eventually undergo proliferative death irrespective of canonical apoptosis or p53 function. Consistent with this, cells with irregular DNA contents originating from mitotic slippage or aberrant mitosis were mostly eliminated from the population within several rounds of division after the drug treatment.</p

    Involvement of C-terminal truncation mutation of kinesin-5 in resistance to kinesin-5 inhibitor.

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    Cultured cells easily develop resistance to kinesin-5 inhibitors (K5Is) often by overexpressing a related motor protein, kinesin-12/KIF15, or by acquiring mutations in the N-terminal motor domain of kinesin-5/KIF11 itself. We aimed to identify novel mechanisms responsible for resistance to S-trityl L-cysteine (STLC), one of the K5Is, using human osteosarcoma cell lines. Among six lines examined, U-2OS and HOS survived chronic STLC treatment and gave rise to resistant cells with IC50s at least 10-fold higher than those of the respective parental lines. Depletion of KIF15 largely eliminated the acquired K5I resistance in both cases, consistent with the proposed notion that KIF15 is indispensable for it. In contrast to the KIF11-independent property of the cells derived from HOS, those derived from U-2OS still required KIF11 for their growth and, intriguingly, expressed a C-terminal truncated variant of KIF11 resulting from a frame shift mutation (S1017fs). All of the isolated clones harbored the same mutation, suggesting its clonal expansion in the cell population due to the growth advantage during chronic STLC treatment. Transgenic expression of KIF11S1017fs in the parental U-2OS cells, as well as in HeLa cells, conferred a moderate but reproducible STLC resistance, probably owing to STLC-resistant localization of the mutant KIF11 on mitotic spindle. Our observations indicate that both KIF15 and the C-terminal-truncated KIF11 contributes to the STLC resistance of the U-2OS derived cells