22 research outputs found

    Transient neuronal inhibition reveals opposing roles of indirect and direct pathways in sensitization

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    The dorsal striatum plays an important role in the development of drug addiction; however, a precise understanding of the roles of striatopallidal (indirect) and striatonigral (direct) pathway neurons in regulating behaviors remains elusive. Using a novel approach that relies on the viral-mediated expression of an engineered GPCR (hM4D), we demonstrated that activation of hM4D receptors with clozapine-N-oxide (CNO) potently reduced striatal neuron excitability. When hM4D receptors were selectively expressed in either direct or indirect pathway neurons in rats, CNO did not change acute locomotor responses to amphetamine but altered behavioral plasticity associated with repeated drug treatment. Specifically, transiently disrupting striatopallidal neuronal activity facilitated behavioral sensitization whereas decreasing excitability of striatonigral neurons impaired its persistence. These findings suggest that acute drug effects can be parsed from the behavioral adaptations associated with repeated drug exposure and highlight the utility of this approach for deconstructing neuronal pathway contributions to behaviors such as sensitization

    α3* Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors in the Habenula-Interpeduncular Nucleus Circuit Regulate Nicotine Intake

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    Allelic variation in CHRNA3, the gene encoding the α3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit, increases vulnerability to tobacco dependence and smoking-related diseases, but little is known about the role for α3-containing (α3*) nAChRs in regulating the addiction-related behavioral or physiological actions of nicotine. α3* nAChRs are densely expressed by medial habenula (mHb) neurons, which project almost exclusively to the interpeduncular nucleus (IPn) and are known to regulate nicotine avoidance behaviors. We found that Chrna3tm1.1Hwrt hypomorphic mice, which express constitutively low levels of α3* nAChRs, self-administer greater quantities of nicotine (0.4 mg kg-1 per infusion) than their wild-type littermates. Microinfusion of a lentivirus vector to express a short-hairpin RNA into the mHb or IPn to knock-down Chrna3 transcripts markedly increased nicotine self-administration behavior in rats (0.01-0.18 mg kg-1 per infusion). Using whole-cell recordings, we found that the α3β4* nAChR-selective antagonist α-conotoxin AuIB almost completely abolished nicotine-evoked currents in mHb neurons. By contrast, the α3β2* nAChR-selective antagonist α-conotoxin MII only partially attenuated these currents. Finally, micro-infusion of α-conotoxin AuIB (10 μm) but not α-conotoxin MII (10 μm) into the IPn in rats increased nicotine self-administration behavior. Together, these data suggest that α3β4* nAChRs regulate the stimulatory effects of nicotine on the mHb-IPn circuit and thereby regulate nicotine avoidance behaviors. These findings provide mechanistic insights into how CHRNA3 risk alleles can increase the risk of tobacco dependence and smoking-related diseases in human smokers.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Allelic variation in CHRNA3, which encodes the α3 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subunit gene, increases risk of tobacco dependence but underlying mechanisms are unclear. We report that Chrna3 hypomorphic mice consume greater quantities of nicotine than wild-type mice and that knock-down of Chrna3 gene transcripts in the habenula or interpeduncular nucleus (IPn) increases nicotine intake in rats. α-Conotoxin AuIB, a potent antagonist of the α3β4 nAChR subtype, reduced the stimulatory effects of nicotine on habenular neurons, and its infusion into the IPn increased nicotine intake in rats. These data suggest that α3β4 nAChRs in the habenula-IPn circuit regulate the motivational properties of nicotine

    Homeostatic Synapse-Driven Membrane Plasticity in Nucleus Accumbens Neurons

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    Stable brain function relies on homeostatic maintenance of the functional output of individual neurons. In general, neurons function by converting synaptic input to output as action potential firing. To determine homeostatic mechanisms that balance this input–output/synapse–membrane interaction, we focused on nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons and demonstrated a novel form of synapse-to-membrane homeostatic regulation, homeostatic synapse-driven membrane plasticity ( h SMP). Through h SMP, NAc neurons adjusted their membrane excitability to functionally compensate for basal shifts in excitatory synaptic input. Furthermore, h SMP was triggered by synaptic NMDA receptors (NMDARs) and expressed by the modification of SK-type Ca 2+ -activated potassium channels. Moreover, h SMP in NAc neurons was abolished in rats during a short- (2 d) or long- (21 d) term withdrawal from repeated intraperitoneal injections of cocaine (15 mg/kg/d, 5 d). These results suggest that h SMP is a novel form of synapse-to-membrane homeostatic plasticity and dysregulation of h SMP may contribute to cocaine-induced cellular alterations in the NAc

    Cannabinoid receptor 1-expressing neurons in the nucleus accumbens

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    Endocannabinoid signaling critically regulates emotional and motivational states via activation of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) in the brain. The nucleus accumbens (NAc) functions to gate emotional and motivational responses. Although expression of CB1 in the NAc is low, manipulation of CB1 signaling within the NAc triggers robust emotional/motivational alterations related to drug addiction and other psychiatric disorders, and these effects cannot be exclusively attributed to CB1 located at afferents to the NAc. Rather, CB1-expressing neurons in the NAc, although sparse, appear to be critical for emotional and motivational responses. However, the cellular properties of these neurons remain largely unknown. Here, we generated a knock-in mouse line in which CB1-expressing neurons expressed the fluorescent protein td-Tomato (tdT). Using these mice, we demonstrated that tdT-positive neurons within the NAc were exclusively fast-spiking interneurons (FSIs). These FSIs were electrically coupled with each other, and thus may help synchronize populations/ensembles of NAc neurons. CB1-expressing FSIs also form GABAergic synapses on adjacent medium spiny neurons (MSNs), providing feed-forward inhibition of NAc output. Furthermore, the membrane excitability of tdT-positive FSIs in the NAc was up-regulated after withdrawal from cocaine exposure, an effect that might increase FSI-to-MSN inhibition. Taken together with our previous findings that the membrane excitability of NAc MSNs is decreased during cocaine withdrawal, the present findings suggest that the basal functional output of the NAc is inhibited during cocaine withdrawal by multiple mechanisms. As such, CB1-expressing FSIs are targeted by cocaine exposure to influence the overall functional output of the NAc

    Cascades of Homeostatic Dysregulation Promote Incubation of Cocaine Craving

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    In human drug users, cue-induced drug craving progressively intensifies after drug abstinence, promoting drug relapse. This time-dependent progression of drug craving is recapitulated in rodent models, in which rats exhibit progressive intensification of cue-induced drug seeking after withdrawal from drug self-administration, a phenomenon termed incubation of drug craving. Although recent results suggest that functional alterations of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) contribute to incubation of drug craving, it remains poorly understood how NAc function evolves after drug withdrawal to progressively intensify drug seeking. The functional output of NAc relies on how the membrane excitability of its principal medium spiny neurons (MSNs) translates excitatory synaptic inputs into action potential firing. Here, we report a synapse-membrane homeostatic crosstalk (SMHC) in male rats, through which an increase or decrease in the excitatory synaptic strength induces a homeostatic decrease or increase in the intrinsic membrane excitability of NAc MSNs, and vice versa. After short-term withdrawal from cocaine self-administration, despite no actual change in the AMPA receptor-mediated excitatory synaptic strength, GluN2B NMDA receptors, the SMHC sensors of synaptic strength, are upregulated. This may create false SMHC signals, leading to a decrease in the membrane excitability of NAc MSNs. The decreased membrane excitability subsequently induces another round of SMHC, leading to synaptic accumulation of calcium-permeable AMPA receptors and upregulation of excitatory synaptic strength after long-term withdrawal from cocaine. Disrupting SMHC-based dysregulation cascades after cocaine exposure prevents incubation of cocaine craving. Thus, cocaine triggers cascades of SMHC-based dysregulation in NAc MSNs, promoting incubated cocaine seeking after drug withdrawal.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Here, we report a bidirectional homeostatic plasticity between the excitatory synaptic input and membrane excitability of nucleus accumbens (NAc) medium spiny neurons (MSNs), through which an increase or decrease in the excitatory synaptic strength induces a homeostatic decrease or increase in the membrane excitability, and vice versa. Cocaine self-administration creates a false homeostatic signal that engages this synapse-membrane homeostatic crosstalk mechanism, and produces cascades of alterations in excitatory synapses and membrane properties of NAc MSNs after withdrawal from cocaine. Experimentally preventing this homeostatic dysregulation cascade prevents the progressive intensification of cocaine seeking after drug withdrawal. These results provide a novel mechanism through which drug-induced homeostatic dysregulation cascades progressively alter the functional output of NAc MSNs and promote drug relapse