16 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は、大学生の精油の香りに対する噌好とリラックス効果との関連を明らかにすることであった。噌好性ごとのラベンダーとイランイランの2種類の精油吸入前後の生化学的指標、生理的指標、心理的指標を比較した結果、各精油吸入後の副交感神経系の充進、各精油の主要成分の影響によるリラックス効果の可能性が示唆された。一方、精油の香りに対する噌好とリラックス効果との関連をはっきりと確認できなかった。The purpose of this study was to clarify the association between taste and relaxation effect for the fragrance of the essential oil of the university student. As a result of having compared a biochemical index before and after two kinds of essential oil inhalation of the ylang-ylang, a physiological index, the psychological index with the lavender every palatableness, sthenia of the parasympathetic system after each essential oil inhalation, the possibility of the relaxation effect by the influence of major components of each essential oil were suggested. On the other hand, I was not able to confirm the association between palatableness and relaxation effect for the fragrance of the essential oil clearly

    Efficacy and safety of olaparib, olaparib plus bevacizumab and niraparib maintenance treatment in Japanese patients with platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer

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    Objective: To investigate whether maintenance treatment could be safely and effectively performed with olaparib, olaparib plus bevacizumab and niraparib in platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer at multiple institutions in Japan. Methods: We investigated progression-free survival and adverse events in 117 patients with platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer treated with maintenance therapy. Results: The median progression-free survival of 117 patients was 20.1 months. Patients with germline BRCA pathogenic variants had a significantly better prognosis than the other groups (P Conclusion: Maintenance treatment was performed effectively and safely. Renal function deterioration is likely to occur during maintenance treatment, and careful administration is important in platinum-sensitive advanced ovarian cancer

    Expression of the gene for Dec2, a basic helix–loop–helix transcription factor, is regulated by a molecular clock system

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    Dec2, a member of the basic helix–loop–helix superfamily, is a recently confirmed regulatory protein for the clockwork system. Transcripts of Dec2, as well as those of its related gene Dec1, exhibit a striking circadian oscillation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, and Dec2 inhibits transcription from the Per1 promoter induced by Clock/Bmal1 [Honma, Kawamoto, Takagi, Fujimoto, Sato, Noshiro, Kato and Honma (2002) Nature (London) 419, 841–844]. It is known that mammalian circadian rhythms are controlled by molecular clockwork systems based on negative-feedback loop(s), but the molecular mechanisms for the circadian regulation of Dec2 gene expression have not been clarified. We show here that transcription of the Dec2 gene is regulated by several clock molecules and a negative-feedback loop. Luciferase and gel retardation assays showed that expression of Dec2 was negatively regulated by binding of Dec2 or Dec1 to two CACGTG E-boxes in the Dec2 promoter. Forced expression of Clock/Bmal1 and Clock/Bmal2 markedly increased Dec2 mRNA levels, and up-regulated the transcription of the Dec2 gene through the CACGTG E-boxes. Like Dec, Cry and Per also suppressed Clock/Bmal-induced transcription from the Dec2 promoter. Moreover, the circadian expression of Dec2 transcripts was abolished in the kidney of Clock/Clock mutant mice. These findings suggest that the Clock/Bmal heterodimer enhances Dec2 transcription via the CACGTG E-boxes, whereas the induced transcription is suppressed by Dec2, which therefore must contribute to its own rhythmic expression. In addition, Cry and Per may also modulate Dec2 transcription