68 research outputs found

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    Heretofore, epithelial cells have been considered to be the only source of keratin (K) polypeptides that assemble into 10-nm filaments to form an extensive cytoplasmic network in conjunction with nuclear and cytoplasmic membranes. However, K was recently found to be expressed also in cultured non-epithelial normal and tumor cells: melanocyte, fibroblast, endothelial cell, malignant melanoma, fibrosarcoma, and angiosarcoma. Nevertheless, electron microscopy was incapable of detecting the K filaments (Katagata et al., J Dermatol Sci, 30, 1-9, 2002, see ref. 11). That is, K may present as subunits in each of the cultured cells named above, not as a filament formation. We used squamous cell carcinoma observed with immunoelectron microscopy, a more precise and conclusive technique, to further confirm whether or not K filament is formed in those cultured cells. HaCaT, an immortalizd keratinocyte cell line used as a positive control, yielded elegant immunoelectron microscopic images. Considerable K filament formations existed in malignant melanoma using anti-K or anti-vimentin antibodies, as revealed by the presence of linear immune gold particles on high electron density substances. In the case of squamous cell carcinoma, the gold particles were fewer than those of malignant melanoma. By contrast, no K filaments were detected in the other non-epithelial normal and tumor cell lines: fibroblast, endothelial cell, fibrosarcoma and angiosarcoma. These results suggest that the formation of K filaments in malignant melanoma (and slight presence in squamous cell carcinoma) is a particular and cell-dependent characterization. Key words: tumor cells, keratins, filament formation, immunoelectron microscop

    eDNA metabarcoding analysis reveals the consequence of creating ecosystem‐scale refugia from deer grazing for the soil microbial communities

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    シカの森林被害は土壌微生物にも波及する --大規模生態系操作実験と環境DNA分析の融合--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-12-22.Ungulate overbrowsing is a growing problem in forests worldwide due to its prolonged and pervasive impact on plant biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. It has been shown that overbrowsing not only reduces plant species diversity and biomass (i.e., direct effects) but also causes a loss of associated trophic levels that could potentially feedback to influence plant community structure (i.e., indirect effects). One of the primary pathways of such indirect effects that have not been fully examined is the impact of overbrowsing on soil microorganisms. Recent studies have shown that soil microorganisms maintain vegetation diversity and drive succession, so it is of critical importance to understand how soil microbial communities might be affected by or protected from the deer impact. To assess the consequence of creating artificial grazing refugia on the structure and composition of soil microbial communities, we compared the distribution and abundance of soil microbial taxa (bacteria, archaea, fungi) at the fenced versus unfenced control sites in the context of a catchment-scale field experiment in Japan. The eDNA metabarcoding analysis of soil microbial communities showed that the numbers of archaea and basidiomycetes fungal species were greater in the fenced site than in the control, while no such pattern was found for bacteria and ascomycetes fungi. Despite the lack of significant influence of the fence treatment on taxonomic composition in the soil fungal communities, their functional guild composition was influenced by the fenced treatment, with significant changes in the abundance of animal pathogens. Thus, although the effect of fencing on soil microbial communities is characterized by complex responses that vary from taxon to taxon, our work suggests that creating ecosystem-scale refugia from deer overgrazing might help sustain certain, if not all, taxa of soil microbial communities

    Successful remission of ulcerative colitis flare-up during pregnancy with adsorptive granulomonocytapheresis plus tacrolimus

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    Ulcerative colitis (UC) is 1 of the 2 major phenotypes of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which afflicts millions of individuals throughout the world with debilitating symptoms that impair function and quality of life. Further, IBD often affects women during childbearing age. Indeed, UC activity frequently increases during pregnancy, and the medications used to induce remission may adversely affect the health of the mother and the unborn child. We report successful induction of a remission in a UC case who experienced a flare-up in the first trimester of pregnancy. Upon relapse, she was treated with steroids and adsorptive granulomonocytapheresis (GMA) with the Adacolumn plus tacrolimus. This combination therapy induced a stable remission that was maintained during her entire pregnancy. She gave birth to a healthy child at 36 weeks of pregnancy with no maternal or fetal complications. Our experience indicates that GMA, as a non-drug therapeutic intervention with a favorable safety profile, plus tacrolimus might be a relevant treatment option for patients with active IBD during pregnancy. A future study of a large cohort of pregnant patients should strengthen our findings

    Organized and Sustainable Education Program for Drug Abuse Prevention by Yogo-teachers

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     学校における喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の充実には,問題行動が顕在化する中学校期だけでなく小学校期 における指導の推進が重要であり,系統的な指導計画を立て,指導者や時間の確保,教材作成などに組織的に取 組み,継続可能なプログラム開発を行う必要がある。そこで,地区内12 校の養護教諭が協働して,発達段階に応 じた系統的・組織的かつ継続可能な地区共通の指導計画を開発し,各校の教育課程・年間計画に位置付けた実践 研究を行った。その結果,指導計画の実施状況は,小学校11 校中,学級活動10 校,ミニ保健指導10 校,長期 休業前指導6 校,広報活動9 校となり,特別支援学校1 校では広報活動のみを行うことができた。小学校におけ る喫煙・飲酒・薬物乱用防止教育の推進には,学校保健活動の中核的役割を担う養護教諭が専門性を活かし協働 して,系統的な指導計画を各校の教育課程に位置付け組織的で継続可能なプログラムとする取組が有効であった