177 research outputs found

    Quantitative and cell type-specific transcriptional regulation of A-type cyclin-dependent kinase in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    AbstractA-type cyclin-dependent kinase (CDKA) is an ortholog of yeast Cdc2/Cdc28p, and is assumed to have an essential function in plant growth and organogenesis. Previous studies revealed that its kinase activity is controlled by post-translational modifications, such as binding to cyclins and phosphorylations, but its transcriptional regulation is poorly understood. Here, we generated a promoter dissection series of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) CDKA;1, and used β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene-fused reporter constructs for expression analyses in planta. The results revealed two types of transcriptional control in shoots: general quantitative regulation and cell type-specific regulation. We identified a promoter region that promotes CDKA;1 expression in the leaf epidermis, but not in the L1 layer of the shoot apical meristem. This region also directed abaxial side-biased expression, which may be linked to the adaxial/abaxial side specification. Another reporter construct showed that CDKA;1 expression in the inner layers of leaves is controlled by a distinct regulatory region in the promoter. These results suggest that the transcriptional regulation of CDKA;1 may play a key role in proper development of leaves by coordinating cell division and differentiation of different cell types

    Phosphorylation of the C2 subunit of the proteasome in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    AbstractProteasomes function mainly in the ATP-dependent degradation of proteins that have been conjugated with ubiquitin. To demonstrate the phosphorylation of proteasomes in plants, we conducted an enzymatic dephosphorylation experiment with a crude extract of rice cultured cells. The results indicated that the C2 subunit of the 20S proteasome is phosphorylated in vivo in cultured cells. An in-gel kinase assay and analysis of phosphoamino acids revealed that the C2 subunit is phosphorylated by a 40-kDa serine/threonine protein kinase, the activity of which is inhibited by heparin, a specific inhibitor of casein kinase II. The catalytic subunit of casein kinase II from Arabidopsis was also able to phosphorylate the C2 subunit. These results suggest that the C2 subunit in rice is probably phosphorylated by casein kinase II. Our demonstration of the phosphorylation of proteasomes in plants suggests that phosphorylation might be involved in the general regulation of the functions of proteasomes.© 1997 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    Transcriptional integration of paternal and maternal factors in the Arabidopsis zygote

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    In many plants, the asymmetric division of the zygote sets up the apical-basal axis of the embryo. Unlike animals, plant zygotes are transcriptionally active, implying that plants have evolved specific mechanisms to control transcriptional activation of patterning genes in the zygote. In Arabidopsis, two pathways have been found to regulate zygote asymmetry: YODA (YDA) mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling, which is potentiated by sperm-delivered mRNA of the SHORT SUSPENSOR (SSP) membrane protein, and up-regulation of the patterning gene WOX8 by the WRKY2 transcription factor. How SSP/YDA signaling is transduced into the nucleus and how these pathways are integrated have remained elusive. Here we show that paternal SSP/YDA signaling directly phosphorylates WRKY2, which in turn leads to the up-regulation of WOX8 transcription in the zygote. We further discovered the transcription factors HOMEODOMAIN GLABROUS11/12 (HDG11/12) as maternal regulators of zygote asymmetry that also directly regulate WOX8 transcription. Our results reveal a framework of how maternal and paternal factors are integrated in the zygote to regulate embryo patterning

    Resection of Metachronous Lymph Node Metastases from Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Hepatectomy: Report of Four Cases

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    We report 4 cases of surgical resection of metachronous lymph node (LN) metastases from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) following hepatectomy. Clinicopathological features and results of LN dissection were investigated in the 4 patients. One patient was found to have a single metastasis in the mediastinal LNs, another had multiple metastases in the mediastinal and abdominal LNs, and the other 2 had single metastases in the abdominal LN. The locations of the abdominal LN metastases were behind the pancreas head in 2 patients and around the abdominal aorta in 1 patient. They all underwent surgical resection of metastatic LNs and had no postoperative complications. The 3 patients whose LN metastases were solitary have been alive for more than 2 years after LN resection, and one of them is free from recurrence. The patient with multiple LN metastases died 13 months after LN resection due to carcinomatosis. With the expectation of long-term survival, a single metachronous LN metastasis from HCC after hepatectomy should be resected in patients without uncontrollable intrahepatic or extrahepatic tumors

    Favorable control of hepatocellular carcinoma with peritoneal dissemination by surgical resection using indocyanine green fluorescence imaging: a case report and review of the literature

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    Background The optimal management for peritoneal dissemination in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma remains unclear. Although several reports have described the usefulness of surgical resection, the indications should be carefully considered. Herein, we report the case of a patient with hepatocellular carcinoma with peritoneal recurrence who underwent surgical resection using an indocyanine green fluorescence navigation system and achieved favorable disease control. Case presentation A 45-year-old Asian woman underwent left hemihepatectomy for a ruptured hepatocellular carcinoma. Seventeen months after the initial surgery, a single nodule near the cut surface of the liver was detected on computed tomography, along with elevation of tumor markers. The patient was diagnosed with peritoneal metastasis and underwent a surgical resection. Twelve months later, a single nodule on the dorsal side of the right hepatic lobe was detected on computed tomography, and we performed surgical resection. Indocyanine green (0.5 mg/kg) was intravenously administered 3 days before surgery, and the indocyanine green fluorescence imaging system revealed clear green fluorescence in the tumor, which helped us perform complete resection. Indocyanine green fluorescence enabled the detection of additional lesions that could not be identified by preoperative imaging, especially in the second metastasectomy. There was no further recurrence at 3 months postoperatively. Conclusion When considering surgical intervention for peritoneal recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma, complete resection is mandatory. Given that disseminated nodules are sometimes too small to be detected by preoperative imaging studies, intraoperative indocyanine green fluorescence may be an essential tool for determining the indications for surgical resection

    Adenomatoid mesothelioma arising from the diaphragm: a case report and review of the literature

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    Background Adenomatoid mesothelioma is a rare subtype of malignant mesothelioma that can be confused with adenomatoid tumors, which are classified as benign. The clinical features and optimal management of adenomatoid mesothelioma have not been elucidated in the literature. In this report, we present an extremely rare case of adenomatoid mesothelioma that developed on the peritoneal surface of the diaphragm as well as a literature review of adenomatoid mesothelioma in the abdominal cavity. Case presentation The patient was a 61-year-old Japanese woman who had undergone resection of a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor of the hand 18 years prior. She was diagnosed with clinical stage I lung adenocarcinoma on follow-up chest radiography. Simultaneously, a 20-mm enhancing nodule with slow growth on the right diaphragm was detected on contrast-enhanced computed tomography. She presented no specific clinical symptoms. At this point, the lesion was suspected to be a hypervascular tumor of borderline malignancy, such as a solitary fibrous tumor. After a left upper lobectomy for lung adenocarcinoma, she was referred to our department, and laparoscopic tumor resection was performed. Adenomatoid tumors were also considered based on the histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses, but we made the final diagnosis of adenomatoid mesothelioma using the results of the genetic profile. The patient remains alive, with no recurrence noted 6 months after surgery. Conclusion We encountered a valuable case of adenomatoid mesothelioma of peritoneal origin. There are some previously reported cases of adenomatoid mesothelioma and adenomatoid tumors that may need to be recategorized according to the current classification. It is important to accumulate and share new findings to clarify the clinicopathological characteristics and genetic status of adenomatoid mesothelioma

    Rapid Elimination of the Persistent Synergid through a Cell Fusion Mechanism

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    SummaryIn flowering plants, fertilization-dependent degeneration of the persistent synergid cell ensures one-on-one pairings of male and female gametes. Here, we report that the fusion of the persistent synergid cell and the endosperm selectively inactivates the persistent synergid cell in Arabidopsis thaliana. The synergid-endosperm fusion causes rapid dilution of pre-secreted pollen tube attractant in the persistent synergid cell and selective disorganization of the synergid nucleus during the endosperm proliferation, preventing attractions of excess number of pollen tubes (polytubey). The synergid-endosperm fusion is induced by fertilization of the central cell, while the egg cell fertilization predominantly activates ethylene signaling, an inducer of the synergid nuclear disorganization. Therefore, two female gametes (the egg and the central cell) control independent pathways yet coordinately accomplish the elimination of the persistent synergid cell by double fertilization

    Identifying the target genes of SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1, a master transcription factor controlling DNA damage response in Arabidopsis

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    In mammalian cells, the transcription factor p53 plays a crucial role in transmitting DNA damage signals to maintain genome integrity. However, in plants, orthologous genes for p53 and checkpoint proteins are absent. Instead, the plant-specific transcription factor SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RADIATION 1 (SOG1) controls most of the genes induced by gamma irradiation and promotes DNA repair, cell cycle arrest, and stem cell death. Thus far, the genes directly controlled by SOG1 remain largely unknown, limiting the understanding of DNA damage signaling in plants. Here, we conducted a microarray analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-sequencing, and identified 146 Arabidopsis genes as direct targets of SOG1. By using the ChIP-sequencing data, we extracted the palindromic motif [CTT(N)7AAG] as a consensus SOG1-binding sequence, which mediates target gene induction in response to DNA damage. Furthermore, DNA damage-triggered phosphorylation of SOG1 is required for efficient binding to SOG1-binding sequence. Comparison between SOG1 and p53 target genes showed that both transcription factors control genes responsible for cell cycle regulation, such as CDK inhibitors, and DNA repair proteins, whereas SOG1 preferentially targets genes involved in homologous recombination. We also found that defense-related genes were enriched in the SOG1 target genes. Consistent with this, SOG1 is required for resistance against the hemi-biotrophic fungus Colletotrichum higginsianum, suggesting that SOG1 has a unique function in controlling immune response. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved