4 research outputs found

    Prevenci贸n de errores de medicaci贸n en la farmacia ambulatoria del hospital

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    Prevenci贸; Errors de medicaci贸; Farm脿cia ambulat貌riaPrevenci贸n; Errores de medicaci贸n; Farmacia ambulatoriaPrevention; Medication errors; Outpatient pharmacyArticle que parla sobre la prevenci贸 d鈥檈rrors en el tractament amb medicaments hospitalaris de dispensaci贸 ambulat貌ria (MHDA); quins s贸n els errors m茅s freq眉ents aix铆 com les mesures per disminuir-ne el risc

    Mobile health to improve adherence and patient experience in heart transplantation recipients : The mheart trial

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    Altres ajuts: Amgen SL, General Pharmaceutical Council of Barcelona i Astellas Pharma USBackground:Non-adherence after heart transplantation (HTx) is a significant problem. The main objective of this study was to evaluate if a mHealth strategy is more effective than standard care in improving adherence and patients' experience in heart transplant recipients. Methods: This was a single-center, randomized controlled trial (RCT) in adult recipients >1.5 years post-HTx. Participants were randomized to standard care (control group) or to the mHeart Strategy (intervention group). For patients randomized to the mHeart strategy, multifaceted theory-based interventions were provided during the study period to optimize therapy management using the mHeart mobile application. Patient experience regarding their medication regimens were evaluated in a face-to-face interview. Medication adherence was assessed by performing self-reported questionnaires. A composite adherence score that included the SMAQ questionnaire, the coefficient of variation of drug levels and missing visits was also reported. Results: A total of 134 HTx recipients were randomized (intervention N = 71; control N = 63). Mean follow-up was 1.6 (SD 0.6) years. Improvement in adherence from baseline was significantly higher in the intervention group versus the control group according to the SMAQ questionnaire (85% vs. 46%, OR = 6.7 (2.9; 15.8), p-value < 0.001) and the composite score (51% vs. 23%, OR = 0.3 (0.1; 0.6), p-value = 0.001). Patients' experiences with their drug therapy including knowledge of their medication timing intakes (p-value = 0.019) and the drug indications or uses that they remembered (p-value = 0.003) significantly improved in the intervention versus the control group. Conclusions: In our study, the mHealth-based strategy significantly improved adherence and patient beliefs regarding their medication regimens among the HTx population. The mHeart mobile application was used as a feasible tool for providing long-term, tailor-made interventions to HTx recipients to improve the goals assessed

    Prevenci贸n de errores de medicaci贸n en la farmacia ambulatoria del hospital

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    Prevenci贸; Errors de medicaci贸; Farm脿cia ambulat貌riaPrevenci贸n; Errores de medicaci贸n; Farmacia ambulatoriaPrevention; Medication errors; Outpatient pharmacyArticle que parla sobre la prevenci贸 d鈥檈rrors en el tractament amb medicaments hospitalaris de dispensaci贸 ambulat貌ria (MHDA); quins s贸n els errors m茅s freq眉ents aix铆 com les mesures per disminuir-ne el risc

    Hernia enlargement and pancreatitis in a patient with short bowel syndrome treated with teduglutide Crecimiento de hernias y pancreatitis en una paciente con s铆ndrome de intestino corto tratada con teduglutida

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    Introduction: teduglutide (TED) is indicated for the treatment of patients with short-bowel syndrome (SBS) who are dependent on parenteral support. Case report: we report the case of a 60-year-old woman with SBS treated with TED. She had previously undergone multiple surgical resections due to Crohn's disease. Her remnant bowel included only the duodenum and 50-60 centimeters of jejunum. The patient was dependent on intravenous fluids (2,320 mL/48 h) and had a high stoma output (3,000 mL/day). After four months of TED the jejunostomy output had decreased to 2,200 mL/day with a thicker consistency, and intravenous fluid therapy was reduced to 2,010 mL/48 h. TED was withdrawn due to acute pancreatitis and enlargement of two supraumbilical hernias with high strangulation risk. Discussion: pancreatitis has been reported in clinical studies, and determination of amylase and lipase is recommended in all patients receiving TED. In contrast, there are no recommendations for the surveillance of hernia enlargement in patients on TED therapy, but we suggest the need for surveillance based on this case report