4,953 research outputs found

    "Digitaria sanguinalis - Ustilago syntherismae" pathosystem: changes in the reproductive development of plants due to fungal infection

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    El objetivo del estudio fue conocer cómo la infección por carbón causado por “Ustilago syntherismae” afecta al número de ápices reproductivos (NAR) que forman las plantas de garranchuelo (Digitaria sanguinalis) en una generación. Se marcaron 24 cuadrados de 0,25m2, se escardaron manualmente para dejar únicamente plantas de garranchuelo, y se registraron la densidad y NAR de cada planta. El NAR se sometió a un análisis de la covarianza que contempló el efecto principal tipo de individuo (con carbón o sin carbón), la densidad, y su interacción. El tipo de ápice reproductivo y la interacción fueron muy significativos en el rango de densidades registrado (de 12 a 156 pl m-2). A densidades elevadas, la media del NAR de las plantas con carbón casi dobló la de las plantas aparentemente sanas, es decir las plantas enfermas desarrollaron más soros que inforescencias se hubieran formado en plantas sanas.The main objective of our study was to evaluate how the infection by “Ustilago syntherismae” (loose smut) can affect the number of apical reproductive buds (NAR) formed in Digitaria sanguinalis plants during one generation. The study was performed using 24 quadrats of 0.25m2 in which seedlings of other species were removed. The large crabgrass densities and the NAR of each plant were obtained. The NAR was subjected to an analysis of covariance considering the type of plant (smutted or non-smutted) as a principal effect, the plant density, and their interaction. The type of reproductive bud and the interaction were highly significant sources of variance at the observed densities (ranging from 12 to 156 pl m-2). At high plant densities, NAR of smutted plants was, on average, near to the double of that non-smutted plants. The number of sori registered in smutted plants was much higher than the expected number of inflorescences if they would not have been infected

    Neutral gas in Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies Haro 11 and ESO 338-IG04 measured through sodium absorption

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    Context. The Lyman alpha emission line of galaxies is an important tool for finding galaxies at high redshift, and thus probe the structure of the early universe. However, the resonance nature of the line and its sensitivity to dust and neutral gas is still not fully understood. Aims. We present measurements of the velocity, covering fraction and optical depth of neutral gas in front of two well known local blue compact galaxies that show Lyman alpha in emission: ESO 338-IG 04 and Haro 11. We thus test observationally the hypothesis that Lyman alpha can escape through neutral gas by being Doppler shifted out of resonance. Methods. We present integral field spectroscopy from the GIRAFFE/Argus spectrograph at VLT/FLAMES in Paranal, Chile. The excellent wavelength resolution allows us to accurately measure the velocity of the ionized and neutral gas through the H-alpha emission and Na D absorption, which traces the ionized medium and cold interstellar gas, respectively. We also present independent measurements with the VLT/X-shooter spectrograph which confirm our results. Results. For ESO 338-IG04, we measure no significant shift of neutral gas. The best fit velocity is -15 (16) km/s. For Haro 11, we see an outflow from knot B at 44 (13) km/s and infalling gas towards knot C with 32 (12) km/s. Based on the relative strength of the Na D absorption lines, we estimate low covering fractions of neutral gas (down to 10%) in all three cases. Conclusions. The Na D absorption likely occurs in dense clumps with higher column densities than where the bulk of the Ly-alpha scattering takes place. Still, we find no strong correlation between outflowing neutral gas and a high Lyman alpha escape fraction. The Lyman alpha photons from these two galaxies are therefore likely escaping due to a low column density and/or covering fraction.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Diet Digestibility and Growth Performance of Giant Gouramy Juvenile, Osphronemus Goramy Fed on Diet Supplemented Using Glutamine

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    Ikan gurami Osphronemus goramy sebagai komoditas unggulan ikan air tawar mempunyai pertumbuhan yang lambat. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengevaluasi penambahan glutamin dengan dosis berbeda dalam pakan terhadap kecernaan pakan dan kinerja pertumbuhan benih ikan gurami. Penelitian ini terdiri atas dua tahap yaitu uji kecernaan pakan dan uji pertumbuhan. Glutamin dengan dosis 0, 1, 2 dan 3% dicampurkan ke dalam pakan uji isoprotein dan isoenergi. Chromium oxide (Cr2O3) ditambahkan dalam pakan uji sebanyak 0,6% sebagai indikator kecernaan. Ikan uji yang digunakan adalah benih ikan gurami dengan bobot awal 2,07±0,00 g, dipelihara dalam akuarium berukuran 50x40x35 cm3 dengan padat tebar 25 ekor per akuarium. Ikan diberi pakan uji dengan frekuensi tiga kali dalam sehari yaitu pada pukul 07.00, 12.00, dan 17.00 WIB secara at satiation. Uji kecernaan pakan dilakukan selama 20 hari menggunakan metode pengumpulan feses yang dilakukan pada hari ketujuh setelah ikan diberi pakan uji. Uji pertumbuhan dilakukan selama 60 hari dan selama pemeliharaan dilakukan pergantian air sebanyak 30% dari volume media pemeliharaan pada pagi hari sebelum pemberian pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan glutamin 3% meningkatkan kecernaan total (73,66±0,18%), kecernaan energi (64,79±0,22%), kecernaan protein (90,57±0,01%), aktivitas enzim protease (6,13±0,02 U g-1 protein) dan lipase (0,86±0,01 U g-1 protein) serta kadar glikogen hati (6,86±0,17mg g-1 sampel). Penambahan glutamin 2% meningkatkan efisiensi pakan (88,75±2,54%), laju pertumbuhan harian (4,25±0,07%) dan retensi protein (47,19±0,77%). Disimpulkan bahwa penambahan glutamin dosis 2-3% dalam pakan dapat meningkatkan kecernaan pakan dan kinerja pertumbuhan benih ikan gurami

    Merekonstruksi Habitat Curik Bali Leucopsar Rothschildi Stresemann, 1912 Di Bali Bagian Barat

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    Habitat Reconstruction of Bali Starling Leucopsar rothschildi Stresemann 1912 in WesternPart of Bali Island. Bali Starling Leucopsar rothschildi Stresemann 1912 is an endemic speciesof north western part of lowland of Bali Island. The land use changes of original habitat BaliStraling to resettlement and agriculture area since the year 1980, has caused this speciesmoved to the marginal habitat in the Prapatagung Peninsula and resided in Telukkelor areas. Inwet season this bird in Prapatagung Peninsula can have enough food from vegetation in themonsoon forest in Telukkelor, but in dry season the birds must look for the food in evergreenforest near Prapatagung. At the end of 2005, this species was categorized as an extinct speciesin the wild, but population in captured are still abundant. In 2007 and 2008, the release of thisbird in the nature has been done in Prapatagung peninsula area. In following year birdmonitoring showed that some pairs of these birds can breed sucessfully.The development of Bali province has caused the end of adding more the electrical powersupply from Java electrical power system. To transmite the electrical power to Bali, extra highvoltage electrical power transmission infrastructure (SUTET) that will be passing and cuttingthe lowland forest ecosystem in Prapatagung Peninsula is needed. Other infrastructures suchas Jawa–Bali bridge and high way were under studied to develop in similar area. Theinfrastructures were assumed will decrease the carrying capacity of evergreen forest insupporting Bali Starling food especially during dry season. Based on the recent condition,study on the habitat recovery of Bali Starling should was conducted especially on the originalhabitat that already changed. The results showed that local state land tenure of Sumberklampok,Sumberbatok, Tegalmuara and Tanjunggelap as in the past known as Bali Starling habitatshould be returned back their function as home of Bali Starling. To support this action plantinventarisation has been conducted to understand the rest of plant diversity in supportingBali Starling conservation

    Sequential pivotal mechanisms for public project problems

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    It is well-known that for several natural decision problems no budget balanced Groves mechanisms exist. This has motivated recent research on designing variants of feasible Groves mechanisms (termed as `redistribution of VCG (Vickrey-Clarke-Groves) payments') that generate reduced deficit. With this in mind, we study sequential mechanisms and consider optimal strategies that could reduce the deficit resulting under the simultaneous mechanism. We show that such strategies exist for the sequential pivotal mechanism of the well-known public project problem. We also exhibit an optimal strategy with the property that a maximal social welfare is generated when each player follows it. Finally, we show that these strategies can be achieved by an implementation in Nash equilibrium.Comment: 19 pages. The version without the appendix will appear in the Proc. 2nd International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, 200

    Pengaruh Pencemaran DAS Way Seputih di Lampung Tengah terhadap Sumber Daya Perikanan (suatu Kasus Pentingnya Pengelolaan secara Terpadu)

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    Seputih river basin located at Center of Lampung is not only utilized by fisheries sector, but also by other sectors such as industry and water irrigation, Industrial pollution has significantly affected on the degradation of the fisheries resources and a mass mortality of cultured fish in floating cages. To cope the ecological damage caused by the pollution need am in integrated management of the river basin. Causes and effects of the pollution on the fisheries resources and their ecologies, and the importance of an integrated management of the river basin based on the community management were discussed

    Holographic Spectral Functions in Metallic AdS/CFT

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    We study the holographic D3/D7 setup dual to N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills with quenched fundamental matter. We extend the previous analyses of conductivity and photoproduction to the case where there is a finite electric field. Due to the electric field a special region in the D7-brane geometry, labelled the singular shell, appears generically, and the computation of correlators involves a careful study of the indicial exponents both at this singular region and at the horizon. We show that there is a unique choice consistent with the known expression for the electrical conductivity found by Karch and O'Bannon. We explore the parameter space spanned by the quark mass, the baryon density and the electric field. We find a region where the conductivity and photoproduction change rapidly and trace this behavior to competing effects which manifest themselves as a crossover behavior in the probe brane embeddings.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, v2. references added, minor corrections mad

    On the Price of Anarchy of Highly Congested Nonatomic Network Games

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    We consider nonatomic network games with one source and one destination. We examine the asymptotic behavior of the price of anarchy as the inflow increases. In accordance with some empirical observations, we show that, under suitable conditions, the price of anarchy is asymptotic to one. We show with some counterexamples that this is not always the case. The counterexamples occur in very simple parallel graphs.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figure