51 research outputs found

    Comunidades de microfouling de los plásticos pelágicos y bentónicos muestreados en aguas costeras mediterráneas

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    The present study used scanning electron microscopy to characterize the organisms colonizing marine plastic debris collected from pelagic and benthic habitats across Mediterranean coastal waters of Greece, Italy and Spain. A total of 42 fragments of plastic were collected during the COMSOM experimental cruise, 16 from the seafloor and 26 from surface waters. The results showed that diatoms were the most abundant organisms on both pelagic and benthic plastics. The diatom Ceratoneis closterium, frequently observed on surface plastics (73%), is a harmful microalgae associated with mucilage events in the Mediterranean. The abundance of marine plastic in coastal and oceanic waters may provide new habitats that offer an easy substrate for these invasive organisms. Furthermore, the colonization of these new environments might reduce the success of life strategies, or drive the organisms out of their essential habitat by dispersion and rafting phenomena. The results of the present work highlight the need to increase our knowledge of the consequences of colonization of plastics introduced into the marine environment, and the need to raise awareness of the potential impacts of debris accumulation on biodiversity of marine ecosystems.El presente estudio utilizó el microscopio electrónico de barrido para caracterizar los organismos colonizadores de los plásticos de hábitats pelágicos y bentónicos de las aguas costeras mediterráneas de Grecia, Italia y España. Durante la campaña COMSOM se muestrearon un total de 42 fragmentos de plásticos, 16 de fondo y 26 de superficie. Los resultados evidenciaron que las diatomeas fueron los organismos más abundantes tanto en los plásticos pelágicos como en los bentónicos. Cabe mencionar que la diatomea Ceratoneis closterium, observada frecuentemente en plásticos de superficie (73%), es una especie de alga nociva asociada a fenómenos de mucílago en el Mediterráneo. La abundancia de los plásticos marinos en aguas costeras y oceánicas puede proporcionar nuevos hábitats que ofrecen un substrato fácil para los organismos invasores. Además, la colonización de estos nuevos ambientes puede reducir el éxito de las estrategias de vida, o alejar a los organismos de sus hábitats esenciales mediante fenómenos de dispersión o de transporte mediante “rafting”. Los resultados de este trabajo ponen de relieve la necesidad de aumentar nuestro conocimiento sobre las consecuencias de la colonización de los plásticos introducidos en el medio marino y, al mismo tiempo, la necesidad de concienciar sobre sus impactos potenciales en la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas marinos

    Trends in Ostreopsis proliferation along the Northern Mediterranean coasts

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    14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tableHarmful benthic microalgae blooms represent an emergent phenomenon in temperate zones, causing health, ecological and economic concern. The main goal of this work was to compile records of Ostreopsis at large temporal and spatial scales, in order to study the relationship between cell abundances, the periodicity and intensity of the blooms and the role of sea water temperature in 14 Spanish, French, Monegasque and Italian sites located along the northern limits of the Mediterranean Sea. General trends were observed in the two considered basins: the north-western Mediterranean Sea, in which higher cell abundances were mostly recorded in mid-summer (end of July), and the northern Adriatic Sea where they occur in early fall (end of September). The sea-water temperature does not seem to be a primary driver, and the maximal abundance periods were site and year specific. Such results represent an important step in the understanding of harmful benthic microalgae blooms in temperate areas, and provide a good base for policy makers and managers in the attempt to monitor and forecast benthic harmful microalgae bloomsThe research of the Barcelona group was financed by the national project CTQ 2008-06754-C04-04 EBITOX (Study of the biological and toxinologic aspects of benthic dinoflagellates associated with risks to the human health). We also acknowledge the support given by the CatalanWater Agency (Generalitat de Catalunya), and the facilities kindly offered by the family Aceña from the Restaurant Pins Mar (Sant Andreu de Llavaneres). The research of the French groups was supported by the national program MediOs 2 (LITEAU-Ministère de l’Ecologie, Conseil Général des Alpes-Maritimes, Agence de l’Eau Rhône Méditerrannée et Corse), by a researchers exchange program Galilée (Université franco-italienne, Egide, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères) and by the Monaco Environmental Agency. The research of the Italian groups was supported by the national project “Marine biotoxins in Italian coastal waters: characteristics, origin, actions”, (PRIN 2007), MURST, by the project “Ostreopsis ovata e Ostreopsis spp.: nuovi rischi di tossicità microalgale nei mari italiani”, ISPRA-Italian Ministry of Environment, by the project “Qualità ecologica e fioriture di Ostreopsis in Liguria” of the Genova University and by a researchers exchange program Galileo (Università franco-italiana, CRUI)Peer reviewe

    Teaching composite materials using technology

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    La tecnologia de materials compostos combina un conjunt de processos i materials complexos. S’ha dissenyat una pràctica amb l’objectiu de transmetre a l’alumne els conceptes de disseny i fabricació utilitzant les tècniques de la infusió i el pre-impregnat; una pràctica d’anàlisi i simulació computacional amb validació experimental a partir d’un assaig destructiu de flexió i un no-destructiu amb ultrasons i, finalment, s’ha proposat la presentació oral d’un treball davant un grup d’alumnes.Peer Reviewe

    ¿Por qué los estudiantes participan poco en la gestión de la universidad? La opinión del profesorado

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    This article reflects on the results of a research study into the participation of students in university management and government. It focuses on the opinions and perceptions of the teaching staff involved directly in the management of teaching. Relevant data provides a more complete view of student participation, which is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. The interpretation of that data provides important information that helps explain some of the reasons for this low participation and leads to possible strategies to attempt to overturn this tendency.El artículo invita a reflexionar sobre la participación de los estudiantes en la gestión y el gobierno de la universidad a partir de una investigación. Se centra en la opinión y percepción que el profesorado implicado directamente en la gestión de la docencia tiene sobre esta participación. Se aportan datos relevantes que ayudan a disponer de una visión más completa de un fenómeno complejo y multidimensional como es la participación estudiantil. Sus interpretaciones nos ofrecen información significativa que contribuye a comprender algunas de las causas de la baja participación y nos orienta hacia las posibles estrategias a emprender para intentar invertir esta tendencia

    Evaluation of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on people and organisations in long-term care facilities of Catalonia and proposals for improving the care model: the resicovid-19 project

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    Background: During the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is estimated that around 25% of infected residents in Nursing Homes in Catalonia died, which accounted for more than 50% of total COVID-19 deaths in the region. This devastating impact not only highlights the structural deficits of the long-term care facilities system, but it also provides a unique opportunity to gather evidence to support a redesign of the health and social care models–a redesign that focuses on individuals and their singularities, and is equipped with the staff and infrastructure required to meet their needs. Methods: The ResiCOVID-19 project will include five work packages to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (from March 2020 to June 2022) on the individuals living in long-term care facilities in Catalonia, their family members, health care workers, and the organisations themselves. In this project, we will develop proposals for improvement and indicators for the long-term care model in Catalonia to better adapt to the current and future needs of people-centred care through conducting a rapid review, analysis of international experiences, retrospective analysis, and a cross-sectional study. The analysis will be conducted both from a quantitative and a qualitative perspective, measuring the impact at a system level as well as at a setting and individual level, including residents, families, professionals, and managers of longterm care facilities. Conclusions: The ResiCOVID-19 project is expected to have a significant impact at different dimensions, including the care model, social and organisational aspects (on professionals and facilities), systemic efforts (both for the healthcare and the social systems), and scientific contributions (providing evidence in a field of limited research in Catalonia)

    Guia per a la prevenció i el control de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries

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    Toxiinfecció alimentària; Medicina preventiva; Seguretat dels alimentsFood poisoning; Preventive medicine; Food safetyToxiinfección alimentaria; Medicina preventiva; Seguridad de los alimentosEn aquesta segona edició de la Guia per a la prevenció i el control de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries es presenta l’etiologia, la patogènia, el tractament i, fonamentalment, la profilaxi de les toxiinfeccions alimentàries més importants i freqüents al nostre medi. Tracta de les normes de declaració, recollida de mostres i mesures de prevenció, i informa sobre les normes de conservació i les mesures de preparació dels aliments per tal d’evitar aquestes malalties

    Consens d’escales i eines per a la valoració multidimensional de les persones a Catalunya

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    Model d'atenció integral; Valoració multidimensional; DiagnòsticModelo de atención integral; Valoración multidimensional; DiagnósticoComprehensive care model; Multidimensional valuation; DiagnosisActualment no existeix a Catalunya un consens sobre quin hauria de ser el mínim comú denominador d’escales i eines d’elecció per a la valoració de les diferents dimensions de les persones grans amb multimorbiditat, fragilitat, cronicitat complexa o avançada. Aquest escenari fa evident la necessitat de disposar d’escales i eines consensuades i compartides que facilitin l’aproximació multidimensional a aquestes persones de forma objectiva i pragmàtica, amb l’objectiu d'ajudar els professionals en aquest procés d’individualització de l’atenció. És per aquest motiu que, impulsat per la Direcció General de Planificació i Recerca en Salut i per l’oficina eSalut, s’ha promogut i desenvolupat aquest consens i es vol assegurar que la proposta pugui ser suportada en l’entorn digital

    CIBERER : Spanish national network for research on rare diseases: A highly productive collaborative initiative

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    Altres ajuts: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII); Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.CIBER (Center for Biomedical Network Research; Centro de Investigación Biomédica En Red) is a public national consortium created in 2006 under the umbrella of the Spanish National Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). This innovative research structure comprises 11 different specific areas dedicated to the main public health priorities in the National Health System. CIBERER, the thematic area of CIBER focused on rare diseases (RDs) currently consists of 75 research groups belonging to universities, research centers, and hospitals of the entire country. CIBERER's mission is to be a center prioritizing and favoring collaboration and cooperation between biomedical and clinical research groups, with special emphasis on the aspects of genetic, molecular, biochemical, and cellular research of RDs. This research is the basis for providing new tools for the diagnosis and therapy of low-prevalence diseases, in line with the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) objectives, thus favoring translational research between the scientific environment of the laboratory and the clinical setting of health centers. In this article, we intend to review CIBERER's 15-year journey and summarize the main results obtained in terms of internationalization, scientific production, contributions toward the discovery of new therapies and novel genes associated to diseases, cooperation with patients' associations and many other topics related to RD research