8 research outputs found

    Kobieta w obiektywie polskojęzycznego i rosyjskojęzycznego czasopisma „Dobre rady” – «Добрые советы»

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    This article attempts to characterize the Polishlanguage magazine Dobre rady in comparison with its Russian-language version Добрые cоветы. This article applies a comprehensively targeted discursive comparison of content to analyze thematic, semantic, cultural, social, structural, and linguistic data. The magazines are related to each other and form a whole, and both affect the perception of a specific group of readers. The analyzed magazines are monthlies of a handbook character, which help readers to take care of children, their health and beauty, and the home. They also provide information on how to resolve legal and financial issues, publish recipes, and entertain their readers. The analysis reveals that in these magazines, a personal pattern emerges of a woman whose main task is to combine the roles of worker, wife, mother, and housekeeper. The presented model comprises two types of women—the stereotypical, empathetic woman whose most important values are marriage and the home, and the rebel woman—a professional, for whom the realization of her own ambitions and the cult of the body are in the first place. The article reflects both theoretical and practical interests, and may be useful not only to those who read the magazines (modern women, housewives burdened with family problems, etc.) but also more broadly—taking into account women who do not fit the outlined image. The comparative nature of the article allows reflection on psychological as well as general cultural issues.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest próba scharakteryzowania polskojęzycznego czasopisma „Dobre Rady” w konfrontacji z jego rosyjskojęzyczną wersją „Добрые Советы”. Artykuł jest przykładem wszechstronnie ukierunkowanego dyskursywnego porównania zawartości i analizy treści pod względem tematycznym, semantycznym, kulturowym, społecznym, gatunkowym, strukturalnym i językowym, powiązanych ze sobą i tworzących jedną całość, wpływając zarazem na percepcję określonej grupy czytelników.Analizowane czasopisma to miesięczniki o charakterze poradnikowym – pomagają swoim czytelniczkom dbać o dzieci, zdrowie, urodę, dom, a także informują, jak rozwiązywać problemy prawno-finansowe, dostarczają inspiracji kulinarnych, zapewniają rozrywkę oraz dobry nastrój.W świetle omawianych numerów wyłania się wzór osobowy kobiety, której głównym zadaniem jest połączenie roli pracownicy, żony, matki i gospodyni. Na prezentowany model kobiety składa się zarówno stereotypowa kobieta empatyczna, dla której najważniejszymi wartościami są małżeństwo i dom, jak i kobieta buntowniczka – profesjonalistka, dla której realizacja własnych ambicji i kult ciała stoją na pierwszym miejscu.Przedstawione w pracy dane oraz ilustracje podkreślają cel ukazania materiału wielostronnie i w możliwie najpełniejszy sposób. Artykuł odzwierciedla zarówno teoretyczne, jak i praktyczne zainteresowania i może być pomocny nie tylko dla tych, którzy czytają takie czasopisma (nowoczesna kobieta; gospodyni, obarczona problemami rodziny, mężem, dziećmi), ale także szerzej – biorąc pod uwagę kobiety, które nie pasują do zarysowanego obrazu. Ważnym aspektem jest także porównawcze ukierunkowanie tematu pracy, co daje powód do refleksji nad zagadnieniami ogólnokulturowymi i mentalnymi

    Vacuolar organization in the nodule parenchyma is important for the functioning of pea root nodules

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    Different models have been proposed to explain the operation of oxygen diffusion barrier in root nodules of leguminous plants. This barrier participates in protection of oxygen-sensitive nitrogenase, the key enzyme in nitrogen fixation, from inactivation. Details concerning structural and biochemical properties of the barrier are still lacking. Here, the properties of pea root nodule cortical cells were examined under normal conditions and after shoot removal. Microscopic observations, including neutral red staining and epifluorescence investigations, showed that the inner and outer nodule parenchyma cells exhibit different patterns of the central vacuole development. In opposition to the inner part, the outer parenchyma cells exhibited vacuolar shrinkage and formed cell wall infoldings. Shoot removal induced vacuolar shrinkage and formation of infoldings in the inner parenchyma and uninfected cells of the symbiotic tissue, as well. It is postulated that cells which possess shrinking vacuoles are sensitive to the external osmotic pressure. The cells can give an additional resistance to oxygen diffusion by release of water to the intercellular spaces


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    This article attempts to characterize the Polish-language magazine "Dobre rady" in comparison with its Russian-language version "Добрые cоветы". This article applies a comprehensively targeted discursive comparison of content to analyze thematic, semantic, cultural, social, structural, and linguistic data. The magazines are related to each other and form a whole, and both affect the perception of a specific group of readers. The analyzed magazines are monthlies of a handbook character, which help readers to take care of children, their health and beauty, and the home. They also provide information on how to resolve legal and financial issues, publish recipes, and entertain their readers. The analysis reveals that in these magazines, a personal pattern emerges of a woman whose main task is to combine the roles of worker, wife, mother, and housekeeper. The presented model comprises two types of women—the stereotypical, empathetic woman whose most important values are marriage and the home, and the rebel woman—a professional, for whom the realization of her own ambitions and the cult of the body are in the first place. The article reflects both theoretical and practical interests, and may be useful not only to those who read the magazines (modern women, housewives burdened with family problems, etc.) but also more broadly—taking into account women who do not fit the outlined image. The comparative nature of the article allows reflection on psychological as well as general cultural issues

    Therapeutic decisions in a cohort of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis : a multicenter, prospective survey from Poland

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    BACKGROUND: Pirfenidone and nintedanib are considered as the standard of care in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), but there is no consensus as to which of these two agents should be regarded as first-line treatment. OBJECTIVE: To provide real-world data on therapeutic decisions of pulmonary specialists, particularly the choice of the antifibrotic drug in patients with IPF. METHODS: This was a multicenter, prospective survey collecting clinical data of patients with IPF considered as candidates for antifibrotic treatment between September 2019 and December 2020. Clinical characteristics and information on the therapeutic approach were retrieved. Statistical evaluation included multiple logistic regression analysis with stepwise model selection. RESULTS: Data on 188 patients [74.5% male, median age 73 (interquartile range, 68–78) years] considered for antifibrotic therapy were collected. Treatment was initiated in 138 patients, while 50 patients did not receive an antifibrotic, mainly due to the lack of consent for treatment and IPF severity. Seventy-two patients received pirfenidone and 66 received nintedanib. Dosing protocol (p < 0.01) and patient preference (p = 0.049) were more frequently associated with the choice of nintedanib, while comorbidity profile (p = 0.0003) and concomitant medication use (p = 0.03) were more frequently associated with the choice of pirfenidone. Age (p = 0.002), lung transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TL(CO)) (p = 0.001), and gastrointestinal bleeding (p = 0.03) were significantly associated with the qualification for the antifibrotic treatment. CONCLUSION: This real-world prospective study showed that dose protocol and patient preference were more frequently associated with the choice of nintedanib, while the comorbidity profile and concomitant medication use were more frequently associated with the choice of pirfenidone. Age, TL(CO), and history of gastrointestinal bleeding were significant factors influencing the decision to initiate antifibrotic therapy

    Inhibition of CHIT1 as a novel therapeutic approach in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

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    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a progressive and eventually fatal lung disease with a complex etiology. Approved drugs, nintedanib and pirfenidone, modify disease progression, but IPF remains incurable and there is an urgent need for new therapies. We identified chitotriosidase (CHIT1) as new driver of fibrosis in IPF and a novel therapeutic target. We demonstrate that CHIT1 activity and expression are significantly increased in serum (3-fold) and induced sputum (4-fold) from IPF patients. In the lungs CHIT1 is expressed in a distinct subpopulation of profibrotic, disease-specific macrophages, which are only present in patients with ILDs and CHIT1 is one of the defining markers of this fibrosis-associated gene cluster. To define CHIT1 role in fibrosis, we used the therapeutic protocol of the bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis mouse model. We demonstrate that in the context of chitinase induction and the macrophage-specific expression of CHIT1, this model recapitulates lung fibrosis in ILDs. Genetic inactivation of Chit1 attenuated bleomycin-induced fibrosis (decreasing the Ashcroft scoring by 28%) and decreased expression of profibrotic factors in lung tissues. Pharmacological inhibition of chitinases by OATD-01 reduced fibrosis and soluble collagen concentration. OATD-01 exhibited anti-fibrotic activity comparable to pirfenidone resulting in the reduction of the Ashcroft score by 32% and 31%, respectively. These studies provide a preclinical proof-of-concept for the antifibrotic effects of OATD-01 and establish CHIT1 as a potential new therapeutic target for IPF