53 research outputs found

    Er:YAG laser, piezosurgery, and surgical drill for bone decortication during orthodontic mini-implant insertion: primary stability analysis-an animal study

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    It is important to identify factors that affect primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants because it determines the success of treatment. We assessed mini-implant primary stability (initial mechanical engagement with the bone) placed in pig jaws. We also assessed mini-implant insertion failure rate (mini-implant fracture, mini-implants to root contact). A total of 80 taper-shaped mini-implants (Absoanchor® Model SH1312-6; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea) 6 mm long with a diameter of 1.1 mm were used. Bone decortication was made before mini-implant insertion by means of three different methods: Group G1: Er:YAG laser (LiteTouch®, Light Instruments, Yokneam, Israel) at energy of 300 mJ, frequency 25 Hz, fluence 38.2 J/cm2, cooling 14 ml/min, tip 1.0 × 17 mm, distance 1 mm, time of irradiation 6 s; Group G2: drill (Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Hansemannstr, Germany); Group G3: piezosurgery (Piezotom Solo, Acteon, NJ, USA). In G4 group (control), mini-implants were driven by a self-drilling method. The primary stability of mini-implants was assessed by measuring damping characteristics between the implant and the tapping head of Periotest device (Gulden-Medizinteknik, Eschenweg, Modautal, Germany). The results in range between − 8 to + 9 allowed immediate loading. Significantly lower Periotest value was found in the control group (mean 0.59 ± 1.57, 95% CI 0.7, 2.4) as compared with Er:YAG laser (mean 4.44 ± 1.64, 95% CI 3.6, 5.3), piezosurgery (mean 17.92 ± 2.73, 95% CI 16.5, 19.3), and a drill (mean 5.91 ± 1.52, 95% CI 5.2, 6.6) (p < 0.05). The highest failure rate (33.3%) during mini-implant insertion was noted for self-drilling method (G4) as compared with G1, G2, and G3 groups (p < 0.05). The small diameter decortication by Er:YAG laser appeared to provide better primary stability as compared to drill and piezosurgery. Decortication of the cortical bone before mini-implant insertion resulted in reduced risk of implant fracture or injury of adjacent teeth. The high initial stability with a smaller diameter of the mini-implant resulted in increased risk of fracture, especially for a self-drilling metho

    Er:YAG laser, piezosurgery, and surgical drill for bone decortication during orthodontic mini-implant insertion: primary stability analysis-an animal study

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    It is important to identify factors that affect primary stability of orthodontic mini-implants because it determines the success of treatment. We assessed mini-implant primary stability (initial mechanical engagement with the bone) placed in pig jaws. We also assessed mini-implant insertion failure rate (mini-implant fracture, mini-implants to root contact). A total of 80 taper-shaped mini-implants (Absoanchor® Model SH1312-6; Dentos Inc., Daegu, Korea) 6 mm long with a diameter of 1.1 mm were used. Bone decortication was made before mini-implant insertion by means of three different methods: Group G1: Er:YAG laser (LiteTouch®, Light Instruments, Yokneam, Israel) at energy of 300 mJ, frequency 25 Hz, fluence 38.2 J/cm2, cooling 14 ml/min, tip 1.0 × 17 mm, distance 1 mm, time of irradiation 6 s; Group G2: drill (Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Hansemannstr, Germany); Group G3: piezosurgery (Piezotom Solo, Acteon, NJ, USA). In G4 group (control), mini-implants were driven by a self-drilling method. The primary stability of mini-implants was assessed by measuring damping characteristics between the implant and the tapping head of Periotest device (Gulden-Medizinteknik, Eschenweg, Modautal, Germany). The results in range between − 8 to + 9 allowed immediate loading. Significantly lower Periotest value was found in the control group (mean 0.59 ± 1.57, 95% CI 0.7, 2.4) as compared with Er:YAG laser (mean 4.44 ± 1.64, 95% CI 3.6, 5.3), piezosurgery (mean 17.92 ± 2.73, 95% CI 16.5, 19.3), and a drill (mean 5.91 ± 1.52, 95% CI 5.2, 6.6) (p < 0.05). The highest failure rate (33.3%) during mini-implant insertion was noted for self-drilling method (G4) as compared with G1, G2, and G3 groups (p < 0.05). The small diameter decortication by Er:YAG laser appeared to provide better primary stability as compared to drill and piezosurgery. Decortication of the cortical bone before mini-implant insertion resulted in reduced risk of implant fracture or injury of adjacent teeth. The high initial stability with a smaller diameter of the mini-implant resulted in increased risk of fracture, especially for a self-drilling metho

    A simple and established method of tissue culture of human gingival fibroblasts for gingival augmentation.

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    Recent advances in tissue engineering technology suggest its application in different medical fields, including periodontology. There are some reports of new non-enzymatic methods of isolating human gingival fibroblast for short-time cultivation in vitro to be used in autologous gingival augmentation. The aim of this study was to obtain a simple and established method of culturing human gingival fibroblasts. The authors developed a recurrent method that can be successfully used in autologous gingival augmentation

    Could the super-pulsed CO2 laser be used for oral excisional biopsies?

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    Background. The main purpose of a biopsy is microscopic examination and diagnosis. Keeping the margins of specimens safe and readable is always fundamental to detecting marginal infiltrations or malignant transformation. Numerous options and tools have been introduced for biopsy procedures. Lasers are one of these options that provide many enhancements to clinical and surgical biopsy procedures in comparison to scalpels. Objectives. The aim of the present study is to quantify the thermal artefacts in histological specimens obtained using a CO2 laser from different oral mucosal lesions and to evaluate if the resulting thermal effect hinders the histological examination. This aim is accomplished through quantitatively and qualitatively assessing the thermal effect in both the epithelium and connective tissue. Material and methods. A super-pulsed CO2 laser (10,600 nm) was used to obtain 10 excision biopsy samples. The parameters were a power of 4.2 W in focused mode and a frequency of 80 Hz in super-pulse mode. The histological analysis was performed with an optical microscope. Computerized imaging software was utilized to quantitatively evaluate the thermal effect in both the epithelium and connective tissue expressed in microns. Results. The thermal effect of the CO2 laser was limited to the surgical resection margins in all the specimens and did not hinder the histological analysis. Thermal artefacts were observed in 3 specimens. The range of thermal effects in the epithelial tissue was between 184 μm and 2,292 μm, while in the connective tissue it was between 133 μm and 2,958 μm. Conclusions. The resulting thermal effects of using a CO2 laser did not hamper the histological evaluation. Utilizing a laser in biopsy procedures should be tailored. Not only should laser parameters and safety margins be taken into consideration but also the working time, clinical accessibility, and the nature and water content of the tissue

    Chirurgia stomatologiczna

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    Investigation of Different Types of Micro- and Nanostructured Materials for Bone Grafting Application

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    The insufficient volume of dental ridges is one of the most severe problems regarding an oral cavity. An inadequate amount can cause problems during various types of dental treatment. Its complexity originates from the etiopathogenesis of this problem. In this study, the representatives of auto-, allo-, and xenografts are compared. The physic-chemical differences between each of them were evaluated using XRD (X-ray Powder Diffraction), a SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), FT-IR (Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy), and TGA (thermogravimetric analysis). Based on the SEM images, it was observed that the origin of the material has an influence on collagen fiber compact level and porosity. Following a comparison of FT-IR spectra and XRD, the crystal and chemical structures were described. Based on TGA, different water concentrations of the investigated materials, their high thermal stability, and concentration of inorganic phase, hydroxyapatite was determined. The presented study is important because it delivers information about chemical structure and its impact on bone regeneration. This knowledge should be taken into consideration by dental clinicians, because different types of bone grafts can accommodate the achievement of various goals

    Possible Treatment of Severe Bone Dehiscences Based on 3D Bone Reconstruction—A Description of Treatment Methodology

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    Gingival recessions constitute serious limitations for effective interdisciplinary periodontal, orthodontic, and implant therapy. A proper bone morphology of the alveolar bone and soft tissues that cover it are interdependent. The regeneration procedures known to date are based on the use of autogenous bone, or its allogeneic, xenogeneic, or alloplastic substitutes. These substitutes are characterized by different osteogenesis potentials. No effective procedure for three-dimensional bone reconstruction for cases in which there is dentition with recessions has been described to date, especially in its vertical dimension. This article presents the patented method of the three-dimensional bone reconstruction of the anterior mandible with preserved dentition when using an allogeneic bone block, and also includes a case report with a 2-year follow-up as an example. Based on clinical observations, it was stated that the intended therapeutic effect was achieved. There was no recession, shallowing of the vestibule, signs of inflammation, or pathological mobility of the teeth in the area undergoing reconstruction. The radiographic images revealed the formation of a new layer of cortical bone on the vestibular side and a certain volume of cancellous bone. No radiological demarcation zone of brightening, which indicates an incomplete adaptation, integration, and reconstruction of the bone block, was found