144 research outputs found

    Płaszczyzny budowania zaufania do funduszy emerytalnych działających w Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest analiza zaufania do otwartych funduszy emerytalnych (OFE) jako podmiotów funkcjonujących w polskim systemie emerytalnym. Zadaniem OFE jest gromadzenie funduszy zaoszczędzonych przez Polaków i zarządzanie nimi w celu zabezpieczenia kapitałów po przejściu na emeryturę. Polacy często lekceważą potrzebę oszczędzania środków na starość, mimo że polski system emerytalny zakłada indywidualne przedsięwzięcia emerytalne. W artykule wskazano czynniki i płaszczyzny budowania zaufania do OFE jako instytucji funkcjonujących w II filarze systemu emerytalnego. Zaufanie do systemu emerytalnego może być budowane przez zaufanie do poszczególnych instytucji funkcjonujących w danym systemie. Wydzielenie czynników zaufania do OFE może wskazać metody budowania zaufania do całego systemu emerytalnego.The purpose of this article is to analyze the trust in Open Pension Funds (OPF) as entities operating in the Polish pension system. The task of OPFs is to collect and manage the funds accumulated by Poles in order to secure their capital after retirement. Poles often ignore the need to save money for old age, despite the fact that the Polish pension system provides for individual pension schemes. This article indicates the factors for building the trust in OPFs as institutions operating within the second pillar of the pension system. The trust in the pension system can be built through the trust in the individual institutions operating in the given system. Separating trust factors related to OPFs can indicate the methods of building the trust in the entire pension system

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of social economy entities during the coronavirus pandemic in Poland

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    There are discussions in the literature on the evaluation of the activities of social economy entities. Various methods and planes for analyzing this problem are considered. It seems necessary to present methods of assessing the effectiveness of social economy entities in comparison with the conditions of a pandemic in Poland. Such a set gives the possibility of a broader look at the problem of functioning of social economy entities. The study used critical literature analysis, review of legal acts, and analysis of publicly available statistical data and government programs supporting non-profit activities during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Analysis of the efficiency of preventive programmes

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    Preventive actions are subject to continuous evaluation by different groups of their recipients. The question of which kind of tools can be used to assess prevention is more and more common. The aim of the article was not to discuss the validity of programs, but to raise the issue of assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of implemented prevention. The analysis of prophylaxis can be carried out from various planes. Based on the literaturę review, the effectiveness of prophylaxis in the field of management and economics was conceptualized. The article presents a proposal for the evaluation of prevention programs, including its levels

    Trust as an element of strategic management in public organizations

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    Modern organizations operate according to the principle of trust, which is important both within the organization and in relations with the environment. The operation of public entities is strictly determined by the procedures, but those imposed by authorities are not able to guarantee trust in institutions operating in the public sphere. Trust is the determinant which enables entities to deal with complexity and variability of contemporary social and economic realities. It indicates that trust is a strategy to cope with uncertainty and inability to control the future of the public. The aim of the article is to point out the importance of confidence in strategic management of public organizations. Trust can be regarded as a tool introducing strategic management or as a result of the introduced management strategy. This article will attempt to assess this issue by analysis of the literature and theoretical discussion. Theoretical analysis has been complemented by an overview of public institutions' strategies that build trust in different areas

    Determinants which shape confidence in third sector organisations

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    Background. Analysis of the organization of the third sector requires the introduction of new concepts in order to describe and explain the principles of their functioning. NGOs are forced to pay more and more attention to relations with cooperating entities, the so-called stakeholders. Building trust seems to be the way of facilitating cooperation, achieving set goals and developing the organization. An important feature of the third sector organizations is that they arise as a result of the grass-root civic initiative, i.e. people who want to achieve a specific goal. Building optimal, complex interactions with the stakeholders seems to be crucial where achieving the goals of the third sector entities is concerned. This goal can be effectively achieved when cooperation is built on the trust basis. Trust seems to be not only a determinant of shaping the activities of NGOs, but also the effect of their functioning. The article puts forward a thesis that trust is an important factor determining the success of non-profit organizations. Research aims. The aim of the article is to indicate places - relationships and determinants of trust formation, as well systematics of types of trust to non-governmental organizations. The article presents the concept of trust in NGOs taking into account the factors shaping this trust. Methodology. For the analysis of trust in NGOs, the analysis of the literature on the third sector, management and trust was carried out. The review made it possible to refer knowledge to determine the factors that shape trust in NGOs. The literaturę analysis has been supplemented with a review of research on operating conditions and assessment of the activities of third sector entities in Poland. Key findings. The review of literature made it possible to systematise the concept of trust in the organization of the third sector. The analysis of the concept of trust in NGOs indicated the areas of confidence building and the need for further systematic analysis of trust in entities operating in the third sector

    The meaning of trust in educational leadership : determinants of building trust in educational leadership

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the factors building trust in school environment, with particular focus on leadership. School may be consi dered a public trust organization. It seems important then to discuss the meaning of trust from the point of view of the concept of educational leadership. The paper presents an analysis of trust in the context of educational leadership. It gives the definitions of trust and describes the meaning of t rust in school environment and the model of forming trust to an educational leader. A detailed analysis of trust to a leader was conducted on the basis of the literature overview

    Levels of the analysis of trust in public organisations

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    Major choice determinants : comparative analysis of the public management major at the Institute of Public Affairs of the Jagiellonian University

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    The main aim of this article is to present factors behind achoice of the academic major – management with the field of study – management in the public and non-governmental sector at the Institute of Public Affairs of the Jagiellonian University (IPA JU). The article presents motives which may be a basis of a decision on undertaking higher education at any major and at the major – management with the field of study – manage-ment in the public and non-governmental sector. An attempt was made to compare motives behind a choice of various majors. The following questions were asked: What motives are the students beginning higher education guided with? Do the students starting their education at the IPA JU have the same motives as students starting education at other majors? The article was written based on the literature review, widely available research and analyses of research carried out among students who began studies at the IPA JU in 2008–2016

    Zaufanie i nieufność jako różne koncepcje : ramy pojęciowe dla sektora publicznego

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    W światowych rankingach uogólnionego zaufania Polska zajmuje niską pozycję. Polacy raczej są nieufni. W analizach dotyczących zaufania podejmuje się próby wyizolowania (rozróżnienia) nieufności. Nieufność coraz częściej jest definiowana jako odrębny termin, nie tylko jako przeciwieństwo zaufania. Niezbędna wydaje się analiza nieufności, szczególnie w odniesieniu do sektora publicznego. Organizacje publiczne zwracają uwagę na budowanie zaufania. Celem artykułu i badań jest opis ram teoretycznych do analizy nieufności w sektorze publicznym. Artykuł jest oparty na przeglądzie literatury oraz ogólnodostępnych danych.In the global rankings of generalized trust, Poland occupies a low position. Polish people are rather distrustful. Analyses of trust endeavour to isolate (distinguish) distrust. Distrust is more and more often defined as a separate definition, not only as the opposite to trust. Analysis of distrust seems indispensable, in particular with reference to the public sector. Public sector organizations point out at building trust. The article is an attempt to systematize the concept of distrust through analysis of trust and separation of basic differences in both concepts (trust and distrust) was made. A great significance of distrust towards entities (organizations) of the public sector may be observed. The objective of the article and research was to prepare a theoretical basis for the studies on distrust in the Polish public sector. The paper includes theoretical frameworks, which may be used for a detailed research on the role and significance of distrust in the public sector. The paper is based on the literature review and generally available data

    Trust and distrust as distinct concepts. A framework for the public sector

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    W światowych rankingach uogólnionego zaufania Polska zajmuje niską pozycję. Polacy raczej są nieufni. W analizach dotyczących zaufania podejmuje się próby wyizolowania (rozróżnienia) nieufności. Nieufność coraz częściej jest definiowana jako odrębny termin, nie tylko jako przeciwieństwo zaufania. Niezbędna wydaje się analiza nieufności, szczególnie w odniesieniu do sektora publicznego. Organizacje publiczne zwracają uwagę na budowanie zaufania. Celem artykułu i badań jest opis ram teoretycznych do analizy nieufności w sektorze publicznym. Artykuł jest oparty na przeglądzie literatury oraz ogólnodostępnych danych.In the global rankings of generalized trust, Poland occupies a low position. Polish people are rather distrustful. Analyses of trust endeavour to isolate (distinguish) distrust. Distrust is more and more often defined as a separate definition, not only as the opposite to trust. Analysis of distrust seems indispensable, in particular with reference to the public sector. Public sector organizations point out at building trust. The article is an attempt to systematize the concept of distrust through analysis of trust and separation of basic differences in both concepts (trust and distrust) was made. A great significance of distrust towards entities (organizations) of the public sector may be observed. The objective of the article and research was to prepare a theoretical basis for the studies on distrust in the Polish public sector. The paper includes theoretical frameworks, which may be used for a detailed research on the role and significance of distrust in the public sector. The paper is based on the literature review and generally available data