101 research outputs found

    Different route of hydroxide incorporation and thermal stability of new type of water clathrate : X-ray single crystal and Raman investigation

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    Chlormayenite Ca12Al14O32[♦4Cl2] (♦-vacancy) is partially hydrated micro porouss mineral with hydroxide groups situated at various crystallographic sites. There are few mechanisms describing its hydration. The first one assumes Cl- substitution by OH- at the center of the structural cages (W-site). The second one determines the converting a T1O4 tetrahedron to a T1O3(OH)3 octahedron due to the replacement of oxygen at the O2 site by three OH-groups according to the scheme: (O2O2- + W Cl-) → 3 × O2aOH. The third mechanism, not considered so far in the case of zeolite-like minerals, includes the hydroxide incorporation in form of hydrogarnet defect due to the arrangement of tetrahedral (OH)4 in vacant cages. This yields a strong hydrated phase containing even up to 35% of water more than in any currently known mineral applicable to Portland cement. Moreover, water molecules present in different structural cages are stable up to 355 K while dehydroxylation linked to the gradual loss of only 8% of OH- groups according to 3 O2aOH- → O2O2- + W OH- + gH2O occurs at temperature range from 355 K to 598 K

    Probing the structure-function relationship of hemoglobin in living human red blood cells

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    Hemoglobin (Hb) is a key component of respiratory system and as such plays important role in human physiology. The studies of Hb's structure and functions are usually performed on cell-free protein; however, it has been shown that there are functionally relevant differences between isolated Hb and Hb present inside red blood cells (RBCs). It is clear that new experimental approaches are needed to understand the origin of these differences and to gain insight into the structure-function relationship of Hb within intact living cells. In this work we present a novel application of Resonance Raman spectroscopy to study heme active site of different forms of human Hb within living RBCs using laser excitation lines in resonance with their Soret absorption bands. These studies revealed that there are no significant changes in the disposition of the Fe-O-O fragment or the Fe-NHis linkage for Hb molecules enclosed in RBCs and these in free isolated states. However, some changes in the orientation of the heme vinyl groups were observed which might account for the differences in the protein activity and ligand affinity. This work highlights importance of protein-based studies and presents a new opportunity to translate these results to physiological cell systems

    Tracking extracellular matrix remodeling in lungs induced by breast cancer metastasis : Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic studies

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    This work focused on a detailed assessment of lung tissue affected by metastasis of breast cancer. We used large-area chemical scanning implemented in Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic imaging supported with classical histological and morphological characterization. For the first time, we differentiated and defined biochemical changes due to metastasis observed in the lung parenchyma, atelectasis, fibrous, and muscle cells, as well as bronchi ciliate cells, in a qualitative and semi-quantitative manner based on spectral features. The results suggested that systematic extracellular matrix remodeling with the progress of the metastasis process evoked a decrease in the fraction of the total protein in atelectasis, fibrous, and muscle cells, as well as an increase of fibrillar proteins in the parenchyma. We also detected alterations in the secondary conformations of proteins in parenchyma and atelectasis and changes in the level of hydroxyproline residues and carbohydrate moieties in the parenchyma. The results indicate the usability of FTIR spectroscopy as a tool for the detection of extracellular matrix remodeling, thereby enabling the prediction of pre-metastatic niche formation

    Temporal sequence of the human RBCs' vesiculation observed in nano-scale with application of AFM and complementary techniques

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    Based on the multimodal characterization of human red blood cells (RBCs), the link between the storage-related sequence of the nanoscale changes in RBC membranes in the relation to their biochemical profile as well as mechanical and functional properties was presented. On the background of the accumulation of RBCs waste products, programmed cell death and impaired rheological properties, progressive alterations in the RBC membranes including changes in their height and diameter as well as the in situ characterization of RBC-derived microparticles (RMPs) on the RBCs surface were presented. The advantage of atomic force microscopy (AFM) in RMPs visualization, even at the very early stage of vesiculation, was shown based on the results revealed by other reference techniques. The nanoscale characterization of RMPs was correlated with a decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides levels in the RBC membranes, proving the link between the lipids leakage from RBCs and the process of vesiculation

    An insight into the stages of ion leakage during red blood cell storage

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    Packed red blood cells (pRBCs), the most commonly transfused blood product, are exposed to environmental disruptions during storage in blood banks. In this study, temporal sequence of changes in the ion exchange in pRBCs was analyzed. Standard techniques commonly used in electrolyte measurements were implemented. The relationship between ion exchange and red blood cells (RBCs) morphology was assessed with use of atomic force microscopy with reference to morphological parameters. Variations observed in the Na+, K+, Cl−, H+, HCO3−, and lactate ions concentration show a complete picture of singly-charged ion changes in pRBCs during storage. Correlation between the rate of ion changes and blood group type, regarding the limitations of our research, suggested, that group 0 is the most sensitive to the time-dependent ionic changes. Additionally, the impact of irreversible changes in ion exchange on the RBCs membrane was observed in nanoscale. Results demonstrate that the level of ion leakage that leads to destructive alterations in biochemical and morphological properties of pRBCs depend on the storage timepoint

    Sex-specific differences of adenosine triphosphate levels in red blood cells isolated from ApoE/LDLR double-deficient mice

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    In this study for the first time, we investigated the correlation between sex-specific differences in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels in red blood cells (RBCs) and their mechanical, biochemical, and morphological alterations during the progression of atherosclerosis in ApoE/LDLR double-deficient (ApoE/LDLR−/−ApoE/LDLR^{-/-}) mice. Our results indicate that both sex and age affect alterations in RBCs of both ApoE/LDLR−/−ApoE/LDLR^{-/-} and C57BL/6J mice. When compared with male RBCs, female RBCs were characterized by lower basal ATP and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), higher hemoglobin concentration (HGB), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), deformability, and phosphatidylserine (PS) exposure levels, regardless of age in both, ApoE/LDLR−/−ApoE/LDLR^{-/-} and C57BL/6J mice. ApoE/LDLR−/−ApoE/LDLR^{-/-} mice compared with age-matched controls showed lower basal ATP levels regardless of age and sex. Intracellular ATP level of RBCs was decreased solely in senescent female C57BL/6J mice, while it was elevated in males. Basal extracellular ATP levels were 400 times lower than corresponding intracellular level. In conclusion, basal ATP levels, RBC morphology, deformability, PS exposure levels alterations are sex-dependent in mice. Changes in basal ATP levels were correlated with PS exposure and trends of changes in MCV. Trends of changes of the most RBC parameters were similar in both sexes of ApoE/LDLR−/−ApoE/LDLR^{-/-} mice compared with age-matched controls, however, their kinetics and levels vary greatly between different stages of disease progression

    Label-free testing strategy to evaluate packed red blood cell quality before transfusion to leukemia patients

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    Abstract Patients worldwide require therapeutic transfusions of packed red blood cells (pRBCs), which is applied to the high-risk patients who need periodic transfusions due to leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and other blood diseases or disorders. Contrary to the general hospital population where the transfusions are carried out mainly for healthy trauma patients, in case of high-risk patients the proper quality of pRBCs is crucial. This leads to an increased demand for efficient technology providing information on the pRBCs alterations deteriorating their quality. Here we present the design of an innovative, label-free, noninvasive, rapid Raman spectroscopy-based method for pRBCs quality evaluation, starting with the description of sample measurement and data analysis, through correlation of spectroscopic results with reference techniques' outcomes, and finishing with methodology verification and its application in clinical conditions. We have shown that Raman spectra collected from the pRBCs supernatant mixture with a proper chemometric analysis conducted for a minimum one ratio of integral intensities of the chosen Raman marker bands within the spectrum allow evaluation of the pRBC quality in a rapid, noninvasive, and free-label manner, without unsealing the pRBCs bag. Subsequently, spectroscopic data were compared with predefined reference values, either from pRBCs expiration or those defining the pRBCs quality, allowing to assess their utility for transfusion to patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
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