180 research outputs found
Helicopter internal noise reduction research and development application to the SA 360 and SA 365 Dauphin
Noise sources inside helicopter cabins are considered with emphasis on the mechanisms of vibration generation inside the main gear box and mechanisms of transmission between source and cabin. The dynamic behavior of the main gear box components is examined in relation to the transfer of vibration energy to the structure. It is indicated that although improvements can be made in noise reduction at the source, a soundproofing treatment isolating the passenger from the noise source is necessary. Soundproofing treatments installed and optimized include: (1) an acoustic screen using the weight effect to isolate the passenger from the noise source; (2) a damping treatment to limit the conversion of the vibratory energy into acoustic energy; and (3) an absorbing treatment achieved either through HELMHOLTZ resonators or through a glass wool blanket to limit the propagation of acoustic waves and the wave reflection effects in the cabin. The application of treatments at the source and the optimization of the sound barriers improved the noise level by about 30 db
XMOISE: A Logical Spreadsheet to Elicit Didactic Knowledge
International audienceKnowledge elicitation is a critical problem in computerized learning environments that make use of a knowledge base. Fortunately, contrary to usual expertise elicitation situations, didactic scientific knowledge is quite often well formalized, and authors are used to deal with the logical organization of the domain they teach. We want to propose here an original tool, a logical spreadsheet which, if included in an authoring package, will help authors organize concepts and at the same time make both conception and maintenance of didactic knowledge bases much easier
Microfluidics-based observations to monitor dynamic processes occurring in food emulsions and foams
Food design is often done based on a trial-and-error basis, using structure properties as an indicator of product quality. Although this has led to many good products in the market, this âcook and lookâ approach could benefit from insights into dynamic processes as they occur during food formation, storage, and digestion. Currently microfluidic devices are being developed to allow these types of observations, and here we show the latest examples in the field of emulsions and foams, including effects that occur during digestion. We expect that these techniques will supply a stepping stone to thorough understanding at various length and timescales that are all instrumental in designing high-quality food products, and ultimately creating foods with health benefits.</p
Pengaruh Berbagai Fase Siklus Menstruasi terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Ukrida Angkatan 2016
Siklus mensturasi merupakan siklus yang normal terjadi pada perempuan dengan karakteristik keluarnya darah dari vagina. Fase menstruasi dapat dibagi menjadi fase yang terjadi di ovarium yaitu fase folikular, fase ovulasi, dan fase luteal, serta fase yang terjadi di endometrium yaitu fase proliferasi, sekretori, dan menstruasi. Beberapa penelitian menemukan perbedaan fungsi tubuh perempuan di masing-masing fase mensturasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh siklus menstruasi dengan memori jangka pendek, menggunakan subjek penelitian mahasiswi Fakultas kedokteran Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana (Ukrida) angkatan 2016 sebanyak 66 orang. Pengukuran memori jangka pendek dilakukan dengan metode pemeriksaan digit span. Pemeriksaan digit span dilakukan tiga kali yaitu pada fase menstruasi, fase proliferasi dan fase sekretori. Didapatkan hasil forward digit span: fase menstruasi, fase proliferasi, fase sekretori = 5,77; 6,26; 6,44. Fase menstruasi dibandingkan dengan fase proliferasi (p<0,05; p=0,002), fase mensturasi dibandingkan dengan fase sekretori (p<0,05, p=0,001), fase proliferasi dibandingkan dengan fase sekretori (p>0,05; p=0,255). Hasil backward digit span: fase menstruasi, fase proliferasi, fase sekretori = 5,08; 5,58; 5,39. Fase mensturasi dibandingkan dengan fase proliferasi (p<0,05; p=0,001), fase menstruasi dibandingkan dengan fase sekretori (p<0,05; p=0,012), fase proliferasi dibandingkan dengan fase sekretori (p>0,05; p=0,210). Kesimpulan: memori jangka pendek paling buruk pada fase menstruasi dan semakin meningkat pada fase proliferasi dan fase sekretori.Kata Kunci: siklus menstruasi, memori jangka pendek, tes digit spa
Encapsulation of betalain into wâ/oâ/w double emulsion and release during in vitro intestinal lipid digestion
A water-in-oil-in-water (w/o/w) double emulsion was prepared with water extract of red beet as the inner water phase, rapeseed oil as the oil phase and polysaccharides solution as the outer water phase. Polyglycerol polyricinoleate and polar lipid fraction from oat were used as emulsifiers for primary water-in-oil (w/o) emulsion and secondary w/o/w emulsion, respectively. Their mean droplet sizes were approximately 0.34 Όm and 5.5 Όm, respectively. The double emulsion showed a high encapsulation efficiency of 89.1% and had a pink coloration due to encapsulated betalain. The double emulsion was subjected to in vitro intestinal lipid digestion and the evolution of structures and release of betalain were monitored. During the first 2 h of digestion, coalescence of the inner water phase droplets was observed, and the sizes of the double emulsion droplets increased quickly because of aggregation. This period also corresponded to release of betalain, reaching about 35%. After 3 h of digestion, no more release was measured, corresponding to no further increase in droplet sizes. In contrast, the encapsulation efficiency and droplet sizes were not affected after 3 h in the same digestion conditions but without the bile salts and lipase, showing they were responsible for the release.</p
Structurer l'aliment pour mieux piloter sa déconstruction dans le tube digestif et optimiser la biodisponibilité des nutriments.
Dans un contexte rĂ©glementaire contraint et une demande sociale et sociĂ©tale en pleine Ă©volution, une refonte complĂšte de lâouvrage « Aliments fonctionnels » voit le jour. GrĂące Ă la contribution de plus dâune cinquantaine dâexperts aux compĂ©tences complĂ©mentaires, « Aliments fonctionnels » sâenrichit dâapproches nouvelles en lien avec la durabilitĂ© des systĂšmes alimentaires.Ainsi cet ouvrage fournit de multiples pistes de rĂ©flexion et de nombreux axes de recherche pour lâinnovation alimentaire.Aux chapitres des prĂ©cĂ©dentes Ă©ditions entiĂšrement rĂ©actualisĂ©s, sâajoutent des volets illustrant les comportements, les inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales, la comprĂ©hension des messages, lâacceptabilitĂ© des innovations et les enjeux de la durabilitĂ©.Ce livre prĂ©sente donc des questions nouvelles en lien avec la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire du consommateur et les perspectives dâĂ©volution de la dĂ©mographie mondiale.« Aliments fonctionnels » sâadresse aux ingĂ©nieurs en R&D agroalimentaire, aux professionnels de la nutrition et de lâalimentation, de la santĂ©, aux spĂ©cialistes du marketing, de lâinnovation et de la communication et Ă tous les acteurs de la sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire.Les derniĂšres dĂ©cennies ont vu une augmentation spectaculaire, Ă lâĂ©chelle internationale,des pathologies liĂ©es Ă lâaliment et Ă lâalimentation. Le surpoids et ses consĂ©quences tellesque les maladies cardiovasculaires ou le diabĂšte de type 2 touchent environ 1,5 milliard dâadultes dans le monde et la plupart des prĂ©visions prĂ©voient que ce chiffre atteindra 3 milliards dâindividus Ă lâhorizon 2030. On estime Ă prĂšs de 3 millions le nombre de personnes dĂ©cĂ©dant chaque annĂ©e du fait de leur surpoids ou de leur obĂ©sitĂ©. En France, 6,5 millions de personnes sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme obĂšses. La proportion des personnes obĂšses est ainsi passĂ©e de 8,5 % Ă 14,5 % entre 1997 et 2009. Lâaugmentation de la prĂ©valence est observĂ©e dans toutes les tranches dâĂąge de la population, y compris chez les sĂ©niors, avec une exacerbation chez les femmes (15,1 %) par rapport aux hommes (13,9 %). Lâaugmentation de lâobĂ©sitĂ© est majoritairement liĂ©e Ă (1) une plus grande consommationdâaliments trĂšs caloriques riches en graisses et (2) un manque croissant dâactivitĂ© physique en raison de la nature de plus en plus sĂ©dentaire de nombreuses formes de travail, de lâĂ©volution des modes de transport et de lâurbanisation. MalgrĂ© de multiples campagnes de sensibilisation, force est de constater quâil est difficile de contraindre les personnes en surpoids Ă accroĂźtre leur activitĂ© physique. Une des solutions possibles serait donc de proposer au consommateur une offre alimentaire moins calorique, tout en prĂ©sentant lesmĂȘmes propriĂ©tĂ©s de rassasiement et de satiĂ©tĂ©
An elasto-visco-plastic model for immortal foams or emulsions
A variety of complex fluids consist in soft, round objects (foams, emulsions,
assemblies of copolymer micelles or of multilamellar vesicles -- also known as
onions). Their dense packing induces a slight deviation from their prefered
circular or spherical shape. As a frustrated assembly of interacting bodies,
such a material evolves from one conformation to another through a succession
of discrete, topological events driven by finite external forces. As a result,
the material exhibits a finite yield threshold. The individual objects usually
evolve spontaneously (colloidal diffusion, object coalescence, molecular
diffusion), and the material properties under low or vanishing stress may alter
with time, a phenomenon known as aging. We neglect such effects to address the
simpler behaviour of (uncommon) immortal fluids: we construct a minimal, fully
tensorial, rheological model, equivalent to the (scalar) Bingham model.
Importantly, the model consistently describes the ability of such soft
materials to deform substantially in the elastic regime (be it compressible or
not) before they undergo (incompressible) plastic creep -- or viscous flow
under even higher stresses.Comment: 69 pages, 29 figure
Electrical conductivity of dispersions: from dry foams to dilute suspensions
We present new data for the electrical conductivity of foams in which the
liquid fraction ranges from two to eighty percent. We compare with a
comprehensive collection of prior data, and we model all results with simple
empirical formul\ae. We achieve a unified description that applies equally to
dry foams and emulsions, where the droplets are highly compressed, as well as
to dilute suspensions of spherical particles, where the particle separation is
large. In the former limit, Lemlich's result is recovered; in the latter limit,
Maxwell's result is recovered
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Guidance on safety evaluation of sources of nutrients and bioavailability of nutrient from the sources
Whenever new substances are proposed for use as sources of nutrients in food supplements, foods for the general population or foods for specific groups, EFSA is requested by the European Commission to perform an assessment of their safety and of the bioavailability of the nutrient from the proposed source. This guidance describes the scientific data required to allow an evaluation of the safety of the source within the established framework for risk assessment of food additives and novel food ingredients and the bioavailability of the nutrient from this source. This document is arranged in five main sections: one on technical data aimed at characterising the proposed source and at identifying potential hazards resulting from its manufacture and stability in food; one on existing authorisations and evaluation, providing an overview of previous assessments on the proposed source and their conclusions; one on proposed uses and exposure assessment section, allowing an estimate of the dietary exposure to the source and the nutrient based on the proposed uses and use levels; one on toxicological data, describing approaches which can be used to identify (in conjunction with data on manufacture and composition) and to characterise hazards of the source and any relevant breakdown products; the final section on bioavailability focuses on determining the extent to which the nutrient from the proposed source is available for use by the body in comparison with one or more forms of the same nutrient that are already permitted for use on the positive lists. This guidance document should replace the previous guidance issued by the Scientific Committee for Food and published in 2001
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