10 research outputs found


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    Nowadays simulation technologies are being actively implemented in the educational process of Ukrainian higher educational establishments both for students’ education and for the assessment of their professional skills. In addition, simulation-based training can be a way of protecting healthcare professionals and patients from unnecessary risks and medical errors due to their lack of physician experience. But unfortunately, compared to other countries, ours is taking the first steps in this area, especially in the teaching of fundamental disciplines. This process requires new approaches to the teaching process for teachers and students. The purpose of our study was to substantiate methodological approaches to the effectiveness increase of pharmacology studies by third-year medical students via the introduction of simulating teaching methods. In preparation for the study content analysis using modern medical and scientific-pedagogical Internet sources, biblio-semantic, as well as analysis of final products of activity were used. So, the Department of Pharmacology of M. Pyrohov Vinnytsia National Medical University developed a simulation situation on the topic “Anaphylactic shock. Pharmacological therapy” which is used in the educational process. The teachers and students noted out a high level of effectiveness of simultaneous mastering of theoretical material and practical skills in simulator-dummies. An important point in this methodological approach is to form the basis for clinical thinking development. Educational simulation can be considered as an important component of preparation for an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE). Thus, using imitation technologies allows acquiring professional practical skills at a higher level than just theoretical, and helps to bring training in theoretical departments to practical medicine, allows transferring the acquired competencies to real clinical activity.На сьогодні в українських вищих медичних навчальних закладах симуляційні технології активно впроваджуються в освітній процес як для навчання студентів, так і для оцінки їх професійних навичок. Крім цього, навчання на основі моделювання може стати способом захисту медичних працівників та пацієнтів від непотрібних ризиків і лікарських помилок через брак практичного досвіду лікаря. Та, на жаль, порівняно з іншими країнами, наша робить перші кроки у цій сфері, особливо це стосується викладання фундаментальних дисциплін. Цей процес вимагає пошуку нових підходів до навчального процесу у викладачів і студентів. Мета нашого дослідження – обґрунтувати методичні підходи підвищення ефективності вивчення фармакології студентами ІІІ курсу медичного факультету через впровадження симуляційних методів навчання. При підготовці до дослідження було використано контент-аналіз із використанням сучасних медичних та науково-педагогічних Internet-джерел, бібліосемантичний, а також аналіз кінцевих продуктів діяльності. На кафедрі фармакології Вінницького національного медичного університету ім. М. І. Пирогова була розроблена імітаційна ситуація за темою «Анафілактичний шок. Фармакологічна терапія», яка використовується в навчальному процесі. Викладачі та студенти відмічали високий рівень ефективності одночасного засвоєння теоретичного матеріалу та набуття практичних навичок на симуляторах-манекенах. Важливим моментом такого методологічного підходу є формування бази для розвитку клінічного мислення. Освітню симуляцію можна вважати важливою складовою підготовки до об’єктивного структурованого клінічного іспиту (ОСКІ). Таким чином, використання імітаційних технологій дозволяє оволодіти професійними практичними навичками на більш високому рівні, ніж лише теоретичний, та сприяє наблизити навчання на теоретичних кафедрах до практичної медицини, дозволяє перенести набуті компетенції в реальну клінічну діяльність

    Stochastic Recurrences and their Applications to the Analysis of Partition-Valued Processes

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    The thesis consists of two parts. In the first part (Chapter 1) a new technique is developed for the asymptotic analysis of the moments of linear random recurrences, and some general results are presented for the absorption times of non-increasing Markov chains. In the second part (Chapters 2 and 3) we establish new results for two models where linear distributional recurrences occur: these are the stick-breaking partitions (Chapter 2) and exchangeable coalescents (Chapter 3)

    The Bernoulli sieve: an overview

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    The Bernoulli sieve is a version of the classical balls-in-boxes occupancy scheme, in which random frequencies of infinitely many boxes are produced by a multiplicative random walk, also known as the residual allocation model or stick-breaking. We give an overview of the limit theorems concerning the number of boxes occupied by some balls out of the first n balls thrown, and present some new results concerning the number of empty boxes within the occupancy range

    Exponential-uniform identities related to records

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    We consider a rectangular grid induced by the south-west records from the planar Poisson point process in R+2R^2_+. A random symmetry property of the matrix whose entries are the areas of tiles of the grid implies cute multivariate distributional identities for certain rational functions of independent exponential and uniform random variables

    On Λ-coalescents with dust component

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    We consider the Λ-coalescent processes with a positive frequency of singleton clusters. The class in focus covers, for instance, the beta(a, b)-coalescents with a > 1. We show that some large-sample properties of these processes can be derived by coupling the coalescent with an increasing Lévy process (subordinator), and by exploiting parallels with the theory of regenerative composition structures. In particular, we discuss the limit distributions of the absorption time and the number of collisions

    Limit theorems for the number of occupied boxes in the Bernoulli sieve

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    The Bernoulli sieve is a version of the classical `balls-in-boxes' occupancy scheme, in which random frequencies of in¯nitely many boxes are produced by a multiplicative renewal process, also known as the residual allocation model or stick-breaking. We focus on the number Kn of boxes occupied by at least one of n balls, as n ! 1. A variety of limiting distributions for Kn is derived from the properties of associated perturbed random walks. Re¯ning the approach based on the standard renewal theory we remove a moment constraint to cover the cases left open in previous studies

    Moment convergence in renewal theory

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    Let ¿1, ¿2, . . . be independent copies of a positive random variable ¿, and let Sk := ¿ 1 + . . . + ¿ k, k ¿ N0. Define N(t) := #{k ¿ N0 : Sk= t}. (N(t))t=0 is a renewal counting process. It is known that if ¿ is in the domain of attraction of a stable law of index a ¿ (1, 2], then N(t), suitably shifted and scaled, converges in distribution as t ¿ 8 to a random variable with a stable law. We show that in this situation, also the first absolute moments converge to the first absolute moment of the limiting random variable. Further, the corresponding result for subordinators is established

    Steppe islands in a sea of fields : where island biogeography meets the reality of a severely transformed landscape

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    Questions: Steppes are among the most transformed and fragmented biomes in the world, but studies on the impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on these zonal grasslands are scarce. In many regions, steppe has survived only on small habitat islands, particularly on kurgans (ancient burial mounds) surrounded by intensive croplands. We asked how the size of kurgans, their isolation and other landscape and local factors influence their species richness. Location: Southern Ukraine. Methods: We recorded all species of vascular plants and assessed local (area, steepness, disturbance level), landscape (distance to the nearest habitat patch, habitat amount in the surroundings, surrounding type, distance to settlements) and climatic (precipitation) conditions of 112 kurgans. We analysed species–area relationships (SARs) for total richness, habitat specialists and generalists. Then, we assessed importance of environmental factors in explaining the residuals of the SAR models. Results: Patch area explained more than 50% of variance in total and specialist species richness. The slopes of the power function SAR (z-values) were higher for specialists than for generalists. Connectivity measures (the distance to the nearest large habitat enclave and share of habitat in the surroundings) were more important for richness of specialists than for that of generalists, which were more controlled by the kurgan's surroundings. Conclusions: We found that for specialist species the steppe “islands” follow the theory of island biogeography closely, but less so for generalist species. Combined with the revealed importance of connectivity for specialist species richness, we conclude that the conservation value of the kurgans in the long term likely can only be achieved with larger steppe areas in the surroundings