59 research outputs found

    Legal Protection For Labor Contract In PT. Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara

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    The problems of this study are: the outsourcing arrangement based on the law applicable and legal protection for contract workers at PT. Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara. Researchers used the method is legal normative juridical approach and specification in this study were included descriptive analysis. Even though sources and types of data in this study are primary data obtained from field studies by interviewing officials and workers in PT. Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara. And secondary data obtained from the study of literature relating to the theory of legal protection and enforcement.Based on the results of research that restrictions or even a rejection of the application of the statutory provisions regarding outsourced workers cannot be done despite how strong workers and unions of the federation units to fight. It is caused by the development of outsourcing itself stating that the areas of specialization, especially in terms of product development expertise of goods and services is growing development. Therefore impact the outsourced workers to work opportunities more widely. Legal protection for contract workers at PT. Nawakara Perkasa Nusantara basically in implementation has not gone as stipulated in the law. The lack of protection regarding the duration of the employment agreement as to which of Article 59 paragraph (2) and (4) which states that PKWT cannot be made to work that is fixed and the period of more than three (3) years, with each year once carried out a contract extension. Interpretation in paragraph (7) stated that the violation of Article 59 paragraph (2) and (4) This will result in the void PKWT turned into PKWTT. In practice, this agreement occurred during the three (3) years with a contract extension once a year. Supposedly workers / laborers in this company have been a permanent employee, when seen from the labor law.Keywords : Protection Law; Labor Contract

    Evolutionary origins of ultrasonic hearing and laryngeal echolocation in bats inferred from morphological analyses of the inner ear

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    PMCID: PMC3598973This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    Hubungan Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruang Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Perawat Di Rumah Sakit Swasta Di Demak

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    Kepuasan kerja adalah sikap emosional yang menyenangkan dan mencintai pekerjaannya. Kepuasan kerja perawat merupakan sasaran penting dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia. Kepuasan kerja karyawan banyak dipengaruhi sikap pimpinan dalam kepemimpinannya. Hasil survey awal tahun 2010 terdapat 6 tenaga keperawatan keluar dari Rumah Sakit Swasta di di Demak dan BOR turun 25 % dari tahunsebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruang dengan kepuasan kerja perawat di Rumah Sakit Swasta di di Demak. Metode penelitian adalah jenis penelitian ini adalah analitik korelasional dengan desain cross sectional, teknik sampling yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 43 responden. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square dengan taraf signifikan 5%. Hasil penelitian adalah menunjukkan ada hubungan yang signifikan gaya kepemimpinan kepala ruang dengan kepuasan kerja perawat dengan p – value 0,005. Kesimpulan adalah penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi kepala ruang dalam menampilkan gaya kepemimpinannya sehingga terwujud kepuasankerja para anggotanya

    Kekerabatan Maxomys Surifer (Miller 1900) Asal Sumatra, Jawa Dan Kalimantan Berdasarkan Variasi Morfologinya Relationship Between Maxomys Surifer (Miller 1900) From Sumatra, Jawa and Kalimantan Maxomys Surifer on the Based of Morphological Variation

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    Examination of morphological variation on Maxomys surifer from Sumatra, Jawa and Kalimantan were conducted using 60 adult specimens.Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses of 20 skull and four external characters showed that Maxomys surifer was not sexually dimorphic (P >0.05). The discriminant analysis based on skull characters indicated that Sumatran population had two distinct group; north (Ketambe and Tapanuli) and South to Central Sumatra, the north of Sumatra form was closer to Kalimantan and Jawa

    Metode Deterministik Penentuan Zona Prospek Hidrokarbon Dan Perhitungan Ketebalan Reservoar Berdasarkan Analisis Petrofisika Dengan Perlakuan Parameter Sumuran Dan Parameter Struktural Di Lapangan β€œHipo” Formasi Baturaja

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    Pada eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi diperlukan suatu metode logging atau metode pemboran yang memiliki beberapa sensor untuk mendeteksi jenis batuan di bawah permukaan kerak bumi untuk mengetahui nilai dari parameter fisika batuan (petrofisika). Namun dalam praktisnya seperti yang ditulis di beberapa buku E Poter (1980) dan Crain (2000), parameter struktural sering digunakan karena cepat dan mudah. Nilai-nilai petrofisika tersebut akan diperhitungkan dengan metode deterministik untuk mendapatkan perhitungan ketebalan reservoar, dimana diberikan perlakuan secara parameter struktural (pendekatan geologi) dan secara parameter sumuran (pendekatan nilai per sumur). Baik parameter sturktural dan parameter sumuran secara deterministik dapat memperhitungkan nilai volume serpih, porositas, saturasi air dan permeabilitas. Khusus untuk perhitungan saturasi air dan permeabilitas digunakan dua metode perhitungan yang berbeda yaitu saturasi air metode Archie dan Dual Water sedangkan permeabilitas metode Coates Free Fluid Index dan Wylie Rose. Hal ini untuk membandingkan metode perhitungan yang manakah untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih optimis dalam memperhitungkan ketebalan reservoar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh bahwa, parameter sumuran dengan perhitungan saturasi air metode Dual Water dan Permeabilitas metode Wylie Rose memiliki hasil yang paling optimis dalam memperhitungkan nilai ketebala reservoar. Untuk sumur HIPO-7 memiliki ketebalan reservoar yang paling besar sedangkan sumur HIPO-5 memiliki kualitas reservoar yang paling

    Apresiasi Terhadap Musik Tradisional Jonggan Dengan Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual

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    This study was motivated by dislike of students towards traditional music Jonggan existing environment around them. The reason is because traditional music Jonggan old, boring, and only suitable for the elderly alone. Music on Kanayatn Dayak is an important part of the ceremony Balenggang (shamanism), Rice Make (up dango), and welcome the visiting dignitary. This research was conducted in an effort to preserve traditional music Jonggan Kanayatn Dayak community in the district of Pontianak. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR) by using descriptive research methods and qualitative approaches. The concept of research done by developing a model of contextual learning material adapted to a musical instrument practice Jonggan until this past research presentation stage of the process as much as 2 cycles. In cycle I, and II have different contextual learning development. The results of preliminary observations students' appreciation of 9.37%, while after the second cycle, the appreciation of students in meeting the results of 90.00%. So the appreciation of students towards learning traditional music Jonggan after using contextual learning approach increased 80.96%. Increased appreciation is demonstrated by the results of the data reflects the improvement in students' appreciation of the traditional music Jonggan


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    The morphological variation in the ebony and silver leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus auratus and T. cristatus) from Southeast Asia; Thailand, Malaya, Bintan, Sumatra, Serasan-Natuna, Kalimantan and Java were studied using multivariate analysis approaches. The results showed that clinal variation in skull; dental and dentary morphology was found in Java. The skull; dental and dentary characters showed an increase from West to East with Central Java as an intermediate fonn. Consequently, in Java there should be only one subspecies, T. a. auratus. Meanwhile, there are fourmorpholgical groups of Trachipithecus cristatus, those are of Thailand, Malaya-Sumatra-Kalimantan, Bintan and Natuna. The Malayan population, presumably is the same as Bintan population while Sumatra-Kalimantan forms an intermediate

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Dan Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Oleh Kelelawar Sub Ordo Megachiroptera Di Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Meja Manokwari, Papua Barat

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    Bats utilizing resources together will differ morphologically, ecologically, and behaviorally. This study aimed to measurespecies diversity and to investigate resource use by Megachiropteran bats. Data were analyzed using Principal ComponentAnalysis (PCA), Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), Correspondence Analysis (CA), euclidean distance, chisquare, Anova, and niche overlap index. The result showed seven bat species were captured in three habitat types. Plant asfood identified from pollen comprised 55 species from 29 families and 11 types of corolla. Dobsonia magna and Rousettusamplexicaudatus preferred mixed fruit plantation, whilst other bat species tended to choose primary forest. Dobsonia minortended to have high niche overlap against Macroglossus minimus and Nyctemene aello. According to similarity of foodresource niche, Dobsonia magna, Dobsonia minor, and Macroglossus minimus tended to closely associate, in contrast,Rousettus amplexicaudatus, Nyctemene albiventer, Nyctemene aello, and Syconicteris australis were groupedcorrespondingly. Niche overlap index of food resource among bat species were overall less than 50%. This indicated thatthere was no interspecies competition to food resource. Coronoid process height (CPH), maximum zygomatic breadth(MZB), and condyle to canine bite point (CC) were craniodental morphology variables which did not describe certaincorolla types
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