34 research outputs found

    Vegetation data

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    The results of the vegetation surveys of the 11 lakes. Abundance assignment in the >2m survey is follows: Dominant taxa are recorded as 4, common taxa as 3, scattered taxa as 2 and rare taxa as 1

    Metabarcoding results

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    The OBITools output, expanded with the lake name, core number, depth information and and a shorter taxa code used for linking the results to the vegetation data

    Sample code information

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    File that links the sample codes used in the study to the lake name, core and depth information

    Match between records of taxa in the sedimentary eDNA in relation to vegetation surveys.

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    <p>a) Number of records in the sedimentary eDNA in relation to vegetation survey distance. b) Percentage records in eDNA in relation to abundance in vegetation surveys. c) Variation in percentage data among families with >11 eDNA records. d) Variation in percentage of taxa detected among lakes. Percentages in b), c) and d) refers to percentage of taxa recorded in the vegetation that potentially could be identified with the DNA barcode used. Note that DNA of more taxa were likely recorded but filtered out (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0195403#pone.0195403.s002" target="_blank">S1</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0195403#pone.0195403.s005" target="_blank">S4</a> Tables)–these numbers are only shown in Fig b).</p

    Study lakes in northern Norway.

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    <p>a) A-tjern, b) Brennskogtjørna, c) Einletvatnet, d) Finnvatnet, e) Gauptjern, f) Jula Jävrí, g) Lakselvhøgda, h) Lauvås, i) Øvre Æråsvatnet, j) Paulan Jávri, k) Rottjern, l) Tina Jørgensen sampling surface sediments with Kajak corer. Photo: I.G. Alsos.</p

    Post OBITools analysis script

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    The R script contains the various commands that were used for filtering the metabarcoding data and matching it to the vegetation