788 research outputs found

    Memorial Service for James S. Mofsky

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    Retirement Communities: The Nature and Enforceability of Residential Segregation by Age

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    Although age segregation in retirement communities can be established in a variety of ways, the Article focuses primarily on age-restrictive zoning ordinances, the method most directly involving governmental action. The Article first considers those persons adversely affected by age-restrictive retirement communities and suggests that potential plaintiffs may be divided into three classes-neighboring property owners whose land values are affected by the establishment of a retirement community, those excluded from such a community solely by virtue of ·their age, and those excluded or potentially excluded because of the age of persons with whom they choose to live. Next, the constitutional arguments available to each class of plaintiffs are explored. As a product of that analysis, the Article contends that age-restrictive zoning ordinances warrant strict judicial scrutiny, not because of their economic impact or because they establish age segregation per se, but rather because they intrude on the elderly individual\u27s fundamental right to freedom of choice regarding family living arrangements. In line with that conclusion, the Article then suggests that the justifications that a community might offer in support of age-restrictive zoning do not withstand such scrutiny. Next, the Article considers possible arguments that the establishment of age segregation in retirement communities by means of restrictive covenants involves state action and thus is subject to constitutional attack under the fourteenth amendment. Concluding that these arguments are highly unlikely to prevail, the Article suggests that the use of restrictive covenants by retirement communities is immune from constitutional attack

    NUTR 221N.01C: Basic Human Nutrition

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    NUTR 221N.50C: Basic Human Nutrition

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    Music Informance as Embodied Service Learning

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    Many universities and PK-12 schools have embraced the challenge of developing new models for collaborative partnerships in the preparation and professional development of teachers (Shelley & Washburn 2000)

    Curriculum Becoming in the Assemblage of Lower Secondary Education in Ireland

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    The Junior Cycle Framework acts as a catalyst for major curriculum reform in lower secondary education in Ireland. This thesis is concerned with mapping the becoming of this new curriculum. It proffers the emerging changes through a focus on the following areas of interest: a. The assemblage of lower secondary education in Ireland. b. The purpose of education as desired by the assemblage. c. The ideology, framework and pedagogy of the Junior Cycle curriculum This study uses the concept of emergence from Complexity Theory which offers the ideas of how an educational system as an open, adaptive system, self-organises and changes. It blends these ideas with concepts from the work of Deleuze and Guattari in “A Thousand Plateaus” (2003), to offer the conceptual toolbox to help map the complexity of lower secondary education in Ireland. To gather a holistic and multi-perspectival understanding of the reform, the research engaged in: a. Twenty-one semi-structured interviews with policy stakeholders. b. Ten semi-structured interviews with four principals and six teachers. c. Six focus group interviews with 10 students in each of the 3 selected schools. The analytic process used was rhizo-analysis. The findings demonstrate that curriculum in lower secondary education is becoming as a multiplicity and rhizome. This is mapped through the following lines of flight: a. The assemblage is self-organising by arranging and fitting together a more ecological structure. b. The assemblage desires liberation and is becoming as a multiplicity, expanding, the ideas of knowledge, the human subject and values in a process of strong emergence and becoming. The teaching and learning encounter is the process through/within which the human being finds their home within the world c. Curriculum is viewed as a rhizome, incorporating an ideology, framework and pedagogy. The two roles that encourage becoming are those of curriculum creator and curriculum maker

    NUTR 221N.02C: Basic Human Nutrition

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    NUTR 221N.50C: Basic Human Nutrition

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