30,300 research outputs found

    For Jack, Bibliophile and Librarian

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    Repetitions and reflections in Chronicle of a Death Foretold

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    Gabriel Garcia Marquez' Chronicle of ~ Death Foretold is a spiralling search for satisfying explanations of why events occur as they do. The first sentences prefigure the book's concern with the nature of memory and our perception of reality as describable in words. The narrator's declared intention of reassembling "the broken mirror of memory" allows the scrutiny of many kinds of reflections: dream images, recollections and retrospective insights, repetitions and contradictions. Memory is both individual and collective; separate voices are joined in a town history. The story of a small town murder becomes a chronicle of a universal need to understand the purpose of life. The fallibility of memory and of words is expanded into the impossibility of recovering the past objectively. We are able to perceive repeated patterns of behavior but the meaning of history eludes us. Interwoven throughout the cycling narrative fabric of repetitions, mockeries and fragmented insights are affirmations of the creativity and strength of human imagination, and Chronicle is ultimately a celebration of the power of words, despite the inadequacy of language to mirror objective reality

    A theory of the capacity utilization/inflation relationship

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    Inflation (Finance)

    The increasing-returns-to-scale/sticky- price approach to monetary analysis

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    Economies of scale ; Monetary theory

    Lipid-based nutrient supplements: how can they combat child malnutrition?

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    Kathryn Dewey and Mary Arimond discuss new research in PLOS Medicine that assesses the effect of blanket provision of ready-to-use supplementary food to children at high risk of malnutrition in Chad, and highlight some of the challenges of investigating the efficacy of supplementary foods for malnourished children

    Is "high" capacity utilization inflationary?

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    Inflation (Finance)

    Mammalian Septins Nomenclature

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    There are 10 known mammalian septin genes, some of which produce multiple splice variants. The current nomenclature for the genes and gene products is very confusing, with several different names having been given to the same gene product and distinct names given to splice variants of the same gene. Moreover, some names are based on those of yeast or Drosophila septins that are not the closest homologues. Therefore, we suggest that the mammalian septin field adopt a common nomenclature system, based on that adopted by the Mouse Genomic Nomenclature Committee and accepted by the Human Genome Organization Gene Nomenclature Committee. The human and mouse septin genes will be named SEPT1–SEPT10 and Sept1–Sept10, respectively. Splice variants will be designated by an underscore followed by a lowercase “v” and a number, e.g., SEPT4_v1

    Incorporation of nitrogen from crop residues into light fraction organic matter in soils with contrasting management histories

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    The proportion of N from crop residues entering the light-fraction organic matter (LFOM) pool was investigated in soils with contrasting soil organic matter and microbial characteristics arising from different management histories. A laboratory experiment was conducted in which 15N-labelled sugar beet, Brussels sprout or ryegrass shoots, which possessed a range of C/N contents, and hence different biochemical qualities, were incorporated into a sandy–loam soil collected from within a field (FC) or from the field margin (FM). Amounts of C and N incorporated into LFOM were determined after 112 days. The FC and FM soils had organic C contents of 0.9% and 2.5%, respectively. Addition of crop residues increased total LFOM N content and reduced its C/N in FC soil but had no effect on total LFOM N or its C/N in FM soil. Ryegrass incorporation into FC was the only treatment in which there was a net increase in LFOM C. Isotopic analysis indicated that more crop-residue-derived N became incorporated into the LFOM N pool in FM relative to FC soil, with per cent crop residue N incorporated ranging from 25.9% to 35.3% in FC and between 38.9 and 68.5 in FM. Incorporation of crop residues had a positive priming effect on pre-existing LFOM N in FM but not FC soil. We conclude that the characteristics of plant material, together with differences in soil organic matter and microbiology resulting from contrasting management, determined the amount of crop residue C and N incorporated into both HFOM and LFOM