3 research outputs found

    Microstructural evolution of welded creep aged 12% cr martensitic stainless steel

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    Tempered martensite ferritic (TMF) steels with 9-12% Cr additions are used extensively for high-pressure steam pipes in coal-fired power plants. They operate at temperatures above 500ÂșC and are consequently susceptible to creep damage. Due to economic reasons, welding must be performed on service exposed materials when a component needs to be replaced. Fusion welding results in the formation of different microstructural regions within the weldment. The primary failure mechanism of TMF steel welded components is Type IV cracking that results from accelerated void formation in the fine-grained heat affected zone (FGHAZ) during creep. Short-term creep-tests performed across weldments made on new and service exposed steels have shown that the weldment consistently fails in the FGHAZ of the service exposed material. This observation has not yet been fully explained since not much is known about the microstructural evolution of creep aged material during welding. Thus, further investigation on the microstructure of welded creep aged material is warranted. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the microstructural evolution when welding upon creep aged 9-12% Cr martensitic steels using advanced electron microscopy techniques. X20CrMoV12-1 (12% Cr) in the virgin and long-term service-exposed state were investigated. GleebleTM weld simulation of the FGHAZ was performed on the materials. Detailed microstructural investigations were conducted on the parent and simulated FGHAZ materials to analyse the voids, dislocation density, micro-grains, and precipitates (M23C6, MX, Laves, Z-phase) in the materials. Light Microscopy (LM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was used to examine the voids. Twin-jet electropolished specimens were prepared for precipitate, micro-grain and substructure analyses using Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction (TKD) combined with Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (EDS), Concentric Backscatter (CBS) imaging, Energy-Filtered Transmission Electron Microscopy (EFTEM), and Annular Dark-Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (ADF-STEM) combined with EDS. The precipitates were extracted from the iron matrix using Bulk Replication and further investigated using EFTEM and STEM-EDS

    Quantitative microstructural evaluation of 12 Cr creep aged steels after welding

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    This dissertation focuses on the quantitative microstructural evaluation of new and creep aged X20 (12 Cr) stainless steel after welding. X20 stainless steel has been widely used in the high temperature and pressure pipework of coal-fired power plants. Consequently, this material has to withstand extreme conditions of high temperature and stress during service exposure. Under these conditions, creep deteriorates the strength of the material. The material’s resistance to creep damage due to its microstructure can be quantitatively described by the back-stress. There are four microstructural contributions to the back-stress: Precipitate Hardening, Sub-Boundary Hardening, Solid-Solution Hardening and Dislocation Hardening. Fusion welding is performed on creep aged materials when a component needs to be replaced. This high temperature process results in the formation of different microstructural regions within the weldment. These creep damaged components have a weldability limit as set by the life management strategy of the power plant company. Measuring techniques capable of quantifying the microstructural contributions (precipitates, subgrains and dislocations) were developed and evaluated in this study. These techniques were then used to characterise the different microstructural regions within a new and creep aged X20 steel weldment. Differences in the microstructure of the new and creep aged X20 steel was illustrated by the results of this study. The measured size and number densities of the precipitates in the creep aged X20 material showed that there is a decrease in PH during creep exposure. There was a decrease in SBH and DH stress for the creep aged X20 material due to coarsening of the subgrains and annealing of dislocations during creep exposure. The quantitative techniques demonstrated in this study opens up the possibility to perform life assessment on weldments with inhomogeneous microstructures by following a microstructural based approach