43 research outputs found

    In Silico Characterization of Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus (ToLCJV) DNA-A Proteins

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    We retrieved six protein sequences of Tomato leaf curl Joydebpur virus (ToLCJV) DNA-A [FJ345402] from GenBank-NCBI (ACJ03821, ACJ03822, ACJ03823, ACJ03824, ACJ03825 and ACJ03826) which were used for computational modeling structure prediction. Ramachandran plot of ACJ03826-AC4 had maximum 73.3% and ACJ03822-AV1 had 71% residues in core region therefore these models cannot be placed in a good quality category. ACJ03824-AC2 had only 18.6% residues in core and 13.6% residues in disallowed regions and therefore it was the least stable protein. Verify-3D graph profile scores for selected ToLCJV proteins were greater than zero. Therefore all the verify-3D graph corresponds to an acceptable environment for the model. Findings of the present study provide a base for docking and In-Silico anti-Begomoviral compound designing

    Nanophytovirology: An Emerging Field for Disease Management

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    Nanotechnology positions as a new armament in our collection against the increasing challenges in disease management and plant/human health. The application of nanotechnology in plant/human disease administration, diagnosis, and genetic transformations is still in its early stages. Apart from the scope of this chapter, there is also a mounting collection of new tools and techniques where nanoparticles are employed as delivery vehicles for genetic material in plants. Due to their nanoscale dimensions, nanoparticles may knockout virus particles and thus may open a novel arena of virus control in plants/humans. Our aim is to enlighten and enthuse researchers about the swiftly expanding prospects of nanotechnology in plant pathology i.e., “nanophytovirology.

    A Review on Evaluation of BER in CDMA using SGA Technique

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    In today’s era wireless communication systems are one of the most essential part of this digitized world and evolution of CDMA system has made it more convenient and secure to communicate the information within the system. From past one decade CDMA system has met the rapidly developing need of a communication system by improving in terms of several problems like multipath fading, interference, cross-talk etc. This paper summarizes all the clusters of specific analysis techniques with different constraints and conditions to evaluate the performance of CDMA system. The major emphasis of this paper lies on the reasons behind the problems and their remedy technologies to find out the most efficient technique for a noise and distortion free communication system suitable for today’s environment


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    This research is entitled the implementation of the ethics of buying and selling transactions in Islam at traditional markets in Watampone, with indicators of Islamic ethics, namely not reducing the scale or measurement, not containing elements of fraud, no coercion,khiyar, do not take perjury and prohibition on hoarding. This study aims to answer the problem of how the knowledge of sellers and buyers about the ethics of buying and selling transactions in traditional markets in Watampone and how to apply the ethics of buying and selling transactions in Islam in traditional markets in Watampone. This research is a qualitative field study using a sociological normative economic and theological approach.  The results showed; First, both sellers and buyers are mostly aware of the ethics of buying and selling transactions in traditional markets, especially in the Watampone area. Second, Islamic ethics in buying and selling transactions at traditional markets in the Watampone area have not been fully implemented, because there is still fraud or fraud in transactions. Research implication: Local government and related parties are expected to play an active role in providing counseling and supervision to sellers in traditional markets about the importance of ethics in transactions, so that the seller's knowledge of Islamic ethics in buying and selling transactions can be improved. In addition, as Muslims, after knowing about ethics in transactions, it is better if sellers and buyers can apply ethics in buying and selling transactions in accordance with Islamic law, especially in traditional markets, so that transactions are carried out not only for profit, but still get blessings. Keyword: Local Market; Ethic, Transaction; Fiqh Muamala

    Molecular Docking Studies of Coronavirus Proteins with Medicinal Plant Based Phytochemicals

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    In this study, we presented an in silico molecular docking between the SARS-CoV-2 four proteins [(a) SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein N-terminal RNA binding domain (6M3M), (b) Nsp9 RNA binding protein of SARS CoV-2 (6W4B), (c) The crystal structure of COVID-19 main protease in apo form (6M03), and (d) Structure of the 2019-nCoV HR2 Domain (6LVN)] available in the PDB (Protein Data Bank), and the medicinal plant-based phytochemicals (retrieved from PubChem database) as ligand molecules i.e. Piperine (Black Pepper), Eugenol (Clove), Alliin (Garlic), Gingerol (Ginger) and Curcumin (Turmeric). All these ligand molecules showed good docking with their respective receptor molecules and their scores range from -8.195 to -5.263. DockThor Portal (a receptor ligand-docking server) which was recently developed and published this year were used in the current study. The obtained results might help in the wet lab conditions to develop better antiviral compounds against SARS-CoV-2

    Pengukuran Kinerja Balanced Scorecard Pola Maqâshid Syari’ah pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Kota Makassar

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja perspektif keuangan pada tingkat kemampuan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendek (rasio kas) perusahaan mengalami illiquid dimana PDAM Kota Makassar mengalami financial distress jangka pendek. Perspektif operasional pada tingkat kepuasan pelanggan, pelanggan merasakan kurang puas terhadap pelayanan PDAM Kota Makassar, karena indikator kontinuitas air dan pertumbuhan pelanggan menunjukkan hasil yang tidak baik. Untuk perspektif proses bisnis internal dengan indikator air tak berekening, juga dikarenakan human error terkait pencatatan rekening air, juga menunukkan hasil yang tidak baik. Sedangkan perspektif SDM pada indikator rasio diklat dan beban diklat karyawan menunjukkan derajat yang tidak baik namun indikator jumlah karyawan, IT sistem dan kompetensi karyawan menunjukkan derajat kinerja sangat baik. Kemudian pada aspek CSR dan al-Daruriyah masing-masing menunjukkan derajat kinerja sangat baik. Secara akumulasi, kinerja PDAM Kota Makassar berkategori sehat namun dari sisi kacamata maqâshid syarî’ah belum mencapai tingkat maslahah yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini juga membandingkan nilai kinerja PDAM Kota Makassar melalui pengukuran kinerja berbasis BCS pola Maqâshid Syarî’ah dengan pengukuran kinerja menurut pedoman penilaian kinerja Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum oleh BPPSPAM (Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor: 16 tahun 2005 tentang Peng-embangan Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum) yang menunjukkan penilaian kinerja berbasis BCS pola Maqâshid Syarî’ah mampu menginterpretasikan pencapaian kinerja perusahaan yang lebih baik yang dibuktikan dengan nilai kinerja lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan penilaian kinerja menurut pedoman penilaian kinerja Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum oleh BPPSPAM

    Analysis of Physicochemical Properties, Available Nutrients of Soil and their Correlation with Incidence of Telya Disease of Pomegranate at Northern Nasik, Maharashtra

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    Maharashtra government reported 10,000 crore production loss of Pomegranate every year, due to the incidence of Telya disease. The present study was aimed to analyse the physical, chemical properties, and available micro-macronutrients in the soil of pomegranate orchards infected with Telya disease. Estimation of incidence and severity of disease was done on fifty selected orchards from different villages that were MangiTungi, Daswel, Dasane, Mulher, and Sompur. Results revealed that minimum incidence (58.66%) and severity (59.89%) were recorded in Sompur village whereas maximum incidence (74.40%) and severity (68.70%) were recorded in Daswel and MangiTungi village respectively. The pH (7.5-7.9) and free lime concentration 7.4-9.4%) were exceptionally very high for all test and control samples. Deficiency of essential macronutrients N (<150-250 Kg/ha) and K (<125-200 Kg/ha) was recorded in all test samples along with additional deficiency of Zn micronutrient (<1.0-2.0 ppm). In the case of mock orchards, all the parameters were in accordance with reference values.Statistical analysis of data declared that there was a significant difference among parameters of tested groups (P>0.05) while for control fields there were no significant differences (P<0.05). Further, a positive correlation between macro-micronutrients (Na, Ca, N, P, K, Mn) and incidence of disease was recorded which concludes that an imbalance in nutrients promotes growth of pathogens and increases susceptibility of plants to pathogenic attack. Further, balancing nutrients through fertilisers or foliar spray could be an effective strategy for an integrated pest management system

    The Rational Sign and Its Inference in The Interpretations of Al-Saadi and Al-Sabouni

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    لقد أخرج الفكر الإسلامي لنا العديد من المدارس الفكرية والعلمية التي حوت بداخلها العديد من الشخصيات في شتى المجالات العلمية. ويعد السعدي والصابوني من أهم هذه الشخصيات في مجال التفسير، ويعد تفسيرهما موسوعة علمية جديرة بالدراسة والبحث لما فيهما من درر وفوائد علمية. يعمد هذا البحث الكشف عن الدلالة العقلية والاستدلال بها في تفسيري السعدي والصابوني بهدف إبراز مكانة العقل عندهما, وإبراز دور تفسيرهما في توضيح معاني القرآنية، ومدى ارتباط هذا الفن بالعلوم الأخرى ، وذلك من خلال عرض نماذج تقوم  بتحليل السياقات التي تناولا فيها هذا المفهوم مع عقد المقارنة بينهما. وقد سار البحث على المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لإبراز الجوانب المعتمدة في الاستدلال بالعقل عند الشيخين المذكورين ، ومن أهم نتائج هذا البحث أن تفسير السعدي مبني على التفسير بالرأي المحمود، بخلاف الصابوني فإنه يعتمد على النصوص الشرعية خصوصا في شرح الآيات،كما يمتاز تفسير السعدي على الصابوني من حيث التركيز على فك المعاني بطريقة سهلة يفهمها كل من عرف العربية أي أنه يعتني بالمعنى أولا، بخلاف الصابوني حيث اعتمد على الظواهر اللغوية والبلاغية، وهذا زاد لتفسير الصابوني روعة على تفسير السعدي.Islamic thought has produced many intellectual and scientific schools that contain many personalities in various fields. Al-Saadi and Al-Sabouni are among the most important of these personalities in Tafsir, and their Tafsir is considered a scientific encyclopedia worthy of study and research because of its scientific benefits. By presenting models that analyze the contexts in which they dealt with this concept with a comparison between both, this study seeks to demonstrate and determine its conceptual value in the interpretations of Al-Saadi and Al-Sabouni to highlight the status of the thoughts in them, the role of their understanding in clarifying the meanings of the Qur'anic, and the extent to which this art is connected to other fields of study. The research adopted a descriptive-analytical approach to highlight the aspects adopted in inference by reason with the two sheikhs mentioned. The study employed a descriptive-analytical approach to highlight the reasoning-based assumptions about the two sheikhs. The results show that Al-Saadi's interpretation is based on the honourable view, in contrast to Al-Sabouni's interpretation, which is distinguishable from Al-Sabouni's reliance on legal sources, particularly when clarifying the verses. Whereas Al-Sabouni relied on linguistic and rhetorical phenomena, which increased the splendour of Al-Sabouni's interpretation over Al-Saadi's interpretation, Al-Saadi emphasizes displaying the meanings in a simple way that everyone who knows Arabic understands; that is, he takes care of the meaning first


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    Penelitian  ini membahas mengenai Analisis Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Keuangan pada PT. Intan Pamana Sukses di Makassar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem informasi akuntansi keuangan pada PT. Intan Pamana Sukses di Makassar. Akuntansi sebagai bagian dari informasi merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari suatu gugusan tugas manajemen dalam mencapai tujuannya. Di sini akuntansi merupakan alat pembantu untuk memperlancar tugas-tugas manajemen terutama dalam fungsi perencanaan dan pengawasan. Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian adalah Sistem informasi akuntansi keuangan pada PT. Intan Pamana Sukses di Makassar yaitu menggunakan sistem inforamsi yang sudah berkembang seperti yang telah digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan lainya yang pada umumnya, misalnya sistem online yang sudah terhubung dengan satu sama lain, dima semua bagian salin berhubungan atau saling memberikan informasi yang sesuai dengan fungsinya masing-masing yang terpusat langsung kebagian AccountingKata Kunci : Analisis Sistem Keuangan, akuntansi Keuangan ABSTRACT This study discusses the Financial Information System Analysis at PT. Intan Pamana Sukses in Makassar. This study discusses to find out the financial accounting information system at PT. Intan Pamana Sukses in Makassar. Accounting as part of information is an inseparable part of the management task force in accordance with the meeting. Here accounting is a tool to facilitate management tasks, especially in the planning and supervision arrangements.The results obtained in this study are financial accounting information systems at PT. Intan Pamana Sukses in Makassar, which uses information systems that have been developed as has been used by other companies in general, for example online systems that are connected to one another, where all the copy parts are related or give information to each other according to their respective functions. centralized directly to Accounting. Keywords: Analysis Financial System, Financial accounting