16 research outputs found

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    Not AvailablePlant biomass is the basis for the calculation of net primary production. Estimation of fresh biomass in high throughput way is critical for plant phenotyping. Conventional phenotyping approaches for measuring the fresh biomass is time consuming, laborious and destructive in nature. Image analysis based plant phenotyping is very popular nowadays. Most of the approaches used projected shoot area from visual images (VIS) to estimate the fresh biomass. As water content has a significant effect on fresh biomass and water absorbs radiation at near infra-red (NIR) region (900nm to 1700nm), we have hypothesized that the combined use of VIS and NIR imaging can predict the fresh biomass more accurately that the VIS image alone. In this study, VIS and NIR images were collected using LemaTec facility installed at Nanaji Deshmukh Plant Phenomics Center, ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-12. In this study, VIS and NIR imaging were captured for rice leaves with different moisture content as a test case. MATLAB software (version 2015b) was used for image analysis. The two image derived parameter viz. Green Leaf Proportion (GPR) from VIS image and mean gray value/intensity (MGV_NIR) from NIR image were used to develop the statistical model to estimate the fresh biomass in the form of Leaf Fresh Weight (LFW). The proposed approach significantly enhanced the fresh biomass estimation.Not Availabl

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    Determinação da digestibilidade de nutrientes através da técnica do "saco de nylon" mais pepsina

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    Procurou-se verificar se a digestão de alimento em saco de "nylon", acrescida por tratamento com pepsina, seria equivalente à digestão obtida pelo método direto clássico, o de coleta total de fezes, já determinado anteriormente com ovinos. Seguiu-se um delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso, com 6 repetições e 4 tratamentos, ou seja, tratamento A: ração contendo 100% de feno de capim de Rhodes; B: 85% de feno de Rhodes mais 15% de farelo de côco; C: 70% de feno de Rhodes mais 30% de farelo de côco; e D: 100% de farelo de côco. O animal fistulado utilizado para teste foi um bovino adulto, macho, de raça holandesa; o tempo de permanência do saco de "nylon" no rume foi de 72 horas; e a dieta consistiu em feno de Rhodes à vontade mais 2kg de farelo de coco por dia. Os resultados foram analisados através de análise da variância e curvas de regressão, e a comparação entre métodos de digestibilidade pelo teste de Tukey. Houve influência da associação de alimentos sobre a digestibilidade da fibra bruta (FB) e dos extrativos não nitrogenados (ENN), mas não sobre as demais frações - matéria seca (MS), extrato etéreo (EE) e proteína bruta (PB). A digestibilidade da fibra diminuiu com a inclusão e o acúmulo do nível de farelo na dieta. Não houve equivalência consistente entre os métodos testados de digestiblidade, variando ou não conforme o nutriente e o tratamento considerado. De modo geral, a inclusão de aproximadamente 15% de farelo de côco (tratamento B) favoreceu o melhor aproveitamento da dieta."Nylon bag" technique, followed by 48 hours of chloridric pepsin digestion, was tried for determination of the digestibility of proximate nutrients of Rhodes grass hay (Chloris gayana, Kunth, cv. callide) and coconut caque meal, and compared with results from "in vivo" method. In a randomized blocks design, 100% of Rhodes grass, and mixtures of 85% and 70% of the grass hay with 15%, and 30% of coconut cake, and 100% coconut cake, made up four treatments (A, B, C and D, respectively). The coefficients of digestibility for Dry Matter and for proximate nutrients in treatments A, B and C, determined through nylon bags in bovine rumen, were compared to the coefficients determined by total faces collection, in sheep. It was observed and concluded that: a) Position of samples along the supoort-bars inside rumen, as well as dfferent periods of animal usage, had no influence on the results; b) The calculated proportions of coconut in the mixture to obtain best digestibility were 17.48% for Dry Matter, 21.10% for Ether Extract, 29.01% for Crude Protein, and 16.49% for Non Nitrogenous Extrat. Crude Fiber digestibility decreased linearly as the coconut proportion in the mixture increased; c) "Nylon bag" and "in vivo" methods gave similar coefficients of digestibility for Crude Fiber for all treatments; for other nutrients, however, there were differences depending on treatments; d) TDN values for coconut cake meal, determined through "nylon bags" were 68.76% taking the average coefficients of digestibility from treatments B and C, and 68.08% from treatment D; "in vivo", the average from B and gave 71.06% of TDN; such a small difference in NDT suggests to have had no interference of foods on digestibility; e) NDT calculate for Rhodes grass hay was 58.38% "in nylon bags", and 44.81% "in vivo", when treatment A was the only one considered; thus, it could be concluded that nylon bag plus pepsin method did not work for Rhodes hay