579 research outputs found

    Love is the bridge between you and everything: relationships of identity, experience, and benevolence to travelers’ loyalty and willingness to purchase

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    This study aims to understand (i)the main influencing constructs affecting travelers’ love in a sharing-economy context, (ii)the key influence of sharing-economy identity on travelers’ experience and benevolence which can impact on their likability and satisfaction, (iii)what and how travelers’ experience and benevolence can influence travelers’ love towards sharing-economy, (iv)what makes sharing-economy customers’ platforms love a sharing-economy?, (v)the key consequences of travelers’ love, and (vi)when and why such relations are likely to occur. This study employs an explanatory-study at the initial stage, as informed by the literature and research model. The developed model was tested via a positivist survey which was carried out with 417 travelers/tourists/users of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing-economy in the UK. Structural equation modelling was used to understand the research influences and relationships. We suggest implications for tourism and travelers’ management

    Algaja õppejõu professionaalsuse kujunemise

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Esimesed tööaastad omavad olulist tähendust õppejõu professionaalsusele, siis pannakse alus õppejõu identiteedi kujunemisele, võetakse omaks või vastandutakse kõrgkoolis valitsevate väärtuste ja traditsioonidega. Doktoritöö eesmärk oli kirjeldada ja analüüsida algajate õppejõudude kohanemist õppejõutööga, nende õpetamisarusaamu ja õpetamisarusaamade avaldumist õpetamispraktikas ning selgitada, kuidas õppejõud õpivad õpetamisoskusi ja mida tähendab õppejõuks olemine. Uurimuse tulemused näitasid, et algajat õppejõudu kui rühma ei või käsitleda lihtsustatult, nad võivad erineda nii oma identiteedi määratlemise, teadustöösse ja õpetamisse suhestumise ning õpetamisarusaamade poolest, samuti võib olla erinev valmisolek enda arendamiseks. Algajate õppejõudude õpetamisarusaamad on veel välja kujunemata, mistõttu praktikas alles katsetatakse oma tõekspidamistega kooskõlas olevaid strateegiaid. Õpetamispraktikas juhindutakse peamiselt oma isiklikest õpikogemustest üliõpilasena vastavalt sellele, kas kogemused on kooskõlas isiklike arusaamadega õppimisest ja õpetamisest või mitte. Õpetamisoskuste õppimisel väärtustati mitteformaalseid õppimisvõimalusi. Formaalsetest õppimisvõimalustest kasutati kõige enam õpetamisoskuste koolitusi. Samas osutasid uurimistulemused, et kui koolitusel õpitu rakendamist ei toeta kogukond ja valdkondlik õpetamistraditsioon, on oht pöörduda tagasi traditsioonilise ja turvalisema õpetamise juurde. Algajate õppejõudude õpetamispraktika võib edaspidi arenenda erinevates suundades: õppejõud võib muutuda õpetamiskesksemaks ise¬enda väsimise, üliõpilaste vastuseisu või kogukonna ja valdkondlike traditsioonide survel. Samas võib algaja õppejõud muutuda õppimiskesksemaks, kui tal õnnestub omandada vajalikud oskused ja leida toetav keskkond. Uurimuse tulemused näitasid et algajad õppejõud alles õpivad aru saama, mida tähendab õppejõuks olemine. Enimik välja toodud probleemidest olid seotud samaaegselt erinevates rollides olemisega (üliõpilane ja õppejõud): kolleegid ei võta tõsiselt, väike vanusevahe üliõpilastega teeb keeruliseks piiride paika panemise ja üliõpilastega suhtlemise. Probleemide lahenemist suhetes kolleegidega loodeti doktorikraadi kaitsmisest, üliõpilastega seotud probleemides aga kogemuste kasvamisest. Uurimuse tulemused osutasid, et enamik uurimuses osalenuid soovib hästi õpetada ning jätkata akadeemilist karjääri kõrgkoolides. Samas oli ka õppejõude, kes olid oma tuleviku suhtes ebakindlad. Kahtluste põhjustena toodi välja vähest tagasisidet tööle, juhtkonna ja kolleegide vähest huvi algaja õppejõu tulevikuväljavaadete suhtes, väljakutseid praktikuna väljaspool kõrgkooli ja motivatsioonipuudust pikemaks ajaks end õppejõutööga siduda. Algajate õppejõudude erinevuste mõistmine võimaldab kõrgkoolidel luua tugisüsteeme, mis arvestavad õppejõudude erinevate vajaduste ja õppimisviisidega õpetamisoskuste õppimisel.The first years of practice are of significant importance from the viewpoint of the formation of a university teacher’s professionalism since the foundation of the formation of a university teacher’s identity is laid, the academic community is joined, its prevalent values and traditions are either embraced or contradicted with. The aim of the doctoral thesis was to describe and analyze novice university teachers’ adaption to their work, their teaching conceptions and how the teaching conceptions manifest in their teaching practice. The aim was also to explain how university teachers learn their teaching skills and what is the essence of being a university teacher. The results of the study demonstrated that novice university teachers as a group cannot be approached in a simplified manner as they may differ in the identity formulation, in the attitude towards research and teaching and in their teaching conceptions. Their willingness to develop themselves may also vary. The teaching conceptions of novice university teachers have not formed yet, thus, university teachers are still in the process of seeking for strategies conforming to their understandings. Their teaching practice often refers back to their personal experience as students. In terms of acquiring teaching skills, informal learning sources were valued. The formal way of learning that was used most frequently was attending pedagogical courses. At the same time the results indicated the tendency of university teachers to return to traditional and safer teaching methods if implementing the acquired knowledge is not supported by the community and traditions of the domain. The further development of novice university teachers may take various directions: novice university teachers may become more teaching-centered due to tiredness, opposition from students or the pressure of the disciplinary traditions or the community traditions. Nevertheless, they may become more learning-centered provided they succeed in acquiring the necessary skills and finding a supportive environment The results revealed that novice university teachers were only in the stage of learning to understand the meaning associated with being a university teacher. Most of the issues mentioned were connected with being in a double role (a student and a university teacher): they are not taken seriously by their colleagues, small age difference with the students makes it difficult set limits and interact with them. Problems with colleagues were hoped to be resolved through the defense of their doctoral thesis whereas issues with students were hoped to overcome though gaining additional experiences. The study’s results indicated that most novice university teachers wish to teach well and to continue their academic career in higher education institutions. At the time, there were also university teachers who were insecure about their future. The reasons for the possible insecurities were insufficient feedback to their work, lack of interest from the faculty and colleagues towards novice university teacher’s career prospects, opportunities as a practitioner outside university and lack of motivation for long term dedication to teaching. Comprehending the differences among novice university teachers enables universities to develop support systems to foster the professional development and learning of university teachers. As university teachers differ, the support provided should also be diverse

    Analysis of the Pathomechanism of Migraines with a Focus on Current Treatment Plans and the Role of the Neuropeptide CGRP

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    Migraines are a type of headache that specifically act on only one side of the head, although about 30% of patients with migraine may experience a bilateral headache. Migraine is a brain disorders that typically involve issues of the typical sensory processing that takes place in the brainstem. Possible causation has been linked to issues in blood vessels, blood flow, and oxygen levels in the brain. Migraine can be described in three phases, and common throughout the three phases is the importance of the neuropeptide CGRP and its role in migraine pathogenesis. CGRP increases in plasma have been linked to migraine headaches, and specific treatment plans have been tailored to account for this. CGRP is a vasodilator that causes dilation of cranial blood vessels and can lead to possible neurogenic inflammation in the periphery of its release while activating the pain pathway in the brainstem. The primary treatment for migraines is currently drugs from the triptan family and NSAIDs, as well as prophylactic drugs including antiepileptic drugs, beta-blockers, and Ca2+ channel blockers. The experiment conducted for this project aimed to determine the effects of a specific CGRP polyclonal antibody and CGRP receptor antagonist when it is with capsaicin, which stimulates sensory nerves. In an ex-vivo experiment using cell culture medium, the dura mater of mice is given either rabbit polyclonal antibody or a CGRP receptor antagonist or both, and then is challenged with capsaicin. CGRP positive (expressing) fibers and nerve terminals are examined under a fluorescent microscope in the dura mater of the mice

    Analysis of the Pathomechanism and Treatment of Migraines Related to the Role of the Neuropeptide CGRP

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    Migraines are a type of headache that specifically act on only one side of the head, although about 30% of patients with migraines may experience a bilateral headache. Migraines are brain disorders that typically involve issues of sensory processing taking place in the brainstem. Possible causation has been linked to blood vessels, blood flow, and oxygen levels in the brain. Migraines can be described in three phases, all of which have a common neuropeptide known as the calcitonin gene related peptide (CGRP). CGRP increases in plasma have been linked to migraine headaches, and specific treatment plans have been tailored to account for this. CGRP is a vasodilator that causes dilation of cranial blood vessels and can lead to possible neurogenic inflammation in the periphery of its release while activating the pain pathway in the brainstem. The primary treatment for migraines is currently drugs from the triptan family and NSAIDs, as well as prophylactic drugs including antiepileptic drugs, beta-blockers, and Ca2+ channel blockers. This literature review will expand on this information regarding migraines, specifically discussing the pathophysiology, treatment, and CGRP relation to migraines through a summary of the compilation of various studies conducted. Through this literature review, it will then become apparent as to what research should be conducted to further the field of study on migraines based on what related topics have not been currently explored in depth in other studies

    Antecedents and consequences of co-creation value with a resolution of complex P2P relationships

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    Purpose This research addresses three questions: (i) What are the main factors influencing co-creation behaviour among peers in a peer-to-peer (P2P) platform? (ii) What are the key consequences of such behaviour? (iii) What are the main factors that positively influence a sense of commitment among peers in a P2P platform? Design This study used a positivist paradigm (quantitative method) to scrutinise the causal associations among the scale validation and causal configurations of influential factors by employing fsQCA (fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis). Findings The findings reveal the significance of co-creation behaviour in enhancing the sense of commitment in a P2P platform. Important implications for hospitality managers and researchers are highlighted. Practical Implication The findings of this research provide interesting insights for peer providers in a peer platform on how to enhance co-creation. They also offer guidelines on how to build a positive sense of commitment in the peer platform. Originality This research offers a unique theoretical contribution by investigating the antecedents and consequences of co-creation behaviour at the peer level. Drawing on complexity theory, the research also proposes two tenets supporting the managerial contribution by identifying and clarifying how co-creation behaviour and related constructs can lead to a sense of commitment between peers in a P2P platform

    A land for all season: the effect of travelers' orientation on awareness, satisfaction, place image, and travelers' loyalty

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    Learning outcomes At the end of this chapter, readers should be able to: 1. What is traveler orientation? 2. The importance of travelers’ orientation. 3. The role of travelers’ orientation on the awareness, place image, satisfaction, travelers’ loyalty. 4. The moderating role of digital marketing in the travelers’ orientation in the relationship of awareness, place image, satisfaction, and loyalty. 5. What is the moderating role of gender in the relationship of awareness, place image, satisfaction, and travelers’ loyalty

    The gloom of COVID-19 shock in hospitality industry: a study of consumer risk perception and adaptive belief in dark cloud of pandemic

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    As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads globally, the hospitality industry as the heart of implementing social distancing, a measure demonstrated to be effective in flattening the epidemic curve. Informed by the perceived risk theory, this research examines how the customer’s perception of the shock of coronavirus pandemic impacts on their belief and how their beliefs could influence their anticipated emotion (negative and positive) which could affect their future desire towards visiting restaurants. Structural equation modelling was used to understand the research constructs’ associations. This study provides three key implications (i) by categorizing incorporation of the restaurant business’s future desire for the hospitality sector and from the generalize key recommendations for future research. (ii) The hospitality industry requires to build on trust with their customers by supporting and resourcing consumer’s self-protection behaviour and adoptive belief. (iii) The economic influence and the continuous uncertainty and transformation of the restaurant businesses need the application of advanced localisation strategies, practices and performance

    THE OTHERS: the role of individual personality, cultural acculturation, and perceived value on towards firm’s social media and acculturation orientation

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    This paper systematically examines (i) how individual personality can influence on cultural acculturation which can impact on the higher level of perceived value in LGBTs, and (ii) how the higher level of perceived value towards social media can result in being more satisfied, (iii) consequently having a better working life at workplace and performance proficiency. The generated framework was validated through a survey from multinational corporations in multi-industries such as higher education (with more than two campuses around the world), global fashion, global retailing, tourism, hospitality, food, and electronics and information technology. Key results, implications for managers and researchers are highlighted

    Heritage destination love

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    Purpose – Although love has received considerable attention in marketing literature, there is limited past research on love in a tourism context. This research attempts to overcome past research negligence by proposing the concept of heritage destination love. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative approach was undertaken, face-to-face in-depth interviews with 35 respondents respondents in London to discuss about the concept of heritage destination love antecedents and its consequences, tourists’ behavior and tourists’ feeling, passion and love about the destinations as playing a magnificent role in tourism development. Findings – The outcome reveals that heritage destination love has three elements - passion, emotional attachment, and identification. Originality/value – Despite its limitations, the current research offers a theoretical insights of the psychological theory of the love triangle in relation to heritage destination love