27 research outputs found

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Observation of present state of agricultural land-use by analysing LANDSAT data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Species and ages of grasses in pastures were identified, and soils were classified into several types using LANDSAT data. This data could be used in a wide area of cultivation, reclamation, or management planning on agricultural land

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan: Investigation of variations in the prominent oceanic current, Kuroshio

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    The author has identified the following significant results. In the print of MSS band 4 of Shiono Misaki and Ise taken by LANDSAT on 11 September 1975, different water masses can be recognized distinctly. At 35 miles off Shiono Misaki, a vortex pattern is found which has an ellipsoidal shape with a diameter of 30 miles and appears to rotate counterclockwise. In Ise, water masses were found spreading widely along the coast from the mouth of Ise Bay. The temperature of sea surface obtained from sea truth shows almost a uniform pattern. The distribution of surface salinity and transparency shows a distinct pattern

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Classification of shorelines

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    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Utilization of LANDSAT-2 data for fisheries

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    The author has identified the following significant results. MSS data provided extensive and simultaneous information about marine environmental conditions, such as the shift of the Kuroshio, fall and rise of coastal water mass, distribution of water masses, locations of vortex and current rips, exchanges of water between embayment and open ocean effluent rivers, fertility of plankton, red tide, pollution, etc

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Investigation of variations in the prominent oceanic current, Kuroshio

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Rias shorelines are interpreted from the fine depiction of their complex features in the image of band 7. Sand beaches are discriminated from their linear nature, and the similarity of sand beaches among the all band is very good

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Investigation of variations in the prominent oceanic current, Kuroshio

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was confirmed that band 4 and 5 had some information as to the sea surface, such as spreading of coastal waters or eddy-like motion of surface water. It was concluded that the front line along the coast from Kumano-nada to Shiono-misaki in the monochromatic prints and in the pseudocolor images was a boundary between coastal waters and offshore water. Most of Ise Bay was covered by polluted water, having salinity values less than 30%, high water color scale of 6 to 8, and transparency less than 5 m

    Investigation of environmental change pattern in Japan. Classification of shorelines

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    The author has identified the following significant results. The sand beach was separated from sea water in each of four bands, if the beach had a width of 100 m or more. Density ranges of the sea for CCT counts were determined as 0-3 for band 7, 0-16 for band 6, 0-25 for band 5, and 0-27 for band 4

    An analysis on vegetation cover by using LANDSAT MSS data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report