128 research outputs found

    Health Support Provided by Yogo Teachers for Adolescent Female Students with a Thin Body Type

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    Purpose: To clarify the realities and challenges involved in health support provided by yogo teachers to adolescent girls who have a thin body type. Methods: A semi-structured interview survey was conducted with yogo teachers at a Japanese high school with experience of providing health support to thin adolescent female students and the results of the survey were subjected to qualitative analysis. Results: With regard to health support provided by yogo teachers, the results of analysis found that the actual situation consisted of the five categories of 【sharing information throughout the school organization to investigate methods of support】,【 realizing studentsʼ situations through the provision of individual support】, 【referring students and parents to specialist agencies】,【investigating collaborations with parents with students ʼ consent】, and 【carrying out prevention and awareness-raising activities about thin physiques】.  However, the analysis also found that the practical challenges for providing such health support consisted of the six categories of 【working with parents to liaise with medical institutions】,【continuous support in collaboration with specialist agencies】,【 educational health support that enables all students to manage their own health】,【 yogo teachersʼ professional knowledge and assessment of eating disorders】,【 support methods that students can engage with on their own initiative, according to their situation】, and 【creating a counseling- friendly environment to facilitate early detection】.Discussion: While yogo teachers had an overall grasp of studentsʼ situations through their organizational engagements in cooperation with faculty and school physicians, as well as individual support activities, it was clear that they faced difficulties and challenges in relation to working together with parents and specialist agencies. In the future, improving collaboration with parents will require that they, too, be encouraged to recognize that being excessively thin represents a health problem for adolescent female students. In addition, it will also be necessary to work towards building daily collaboration systems, such as by having yogo teachers keep track of potential partner medical institutions as a matter of routine. It was further suggested that yogo teachers will need to provide educational and preventive health support oriented toward helping female students acquire the ability to manage their own health

    Mental and physical effects of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake on School Children, and Health Support initiatives by YogoTeachers: Findings from a survey of high school yogo teachers 5 years after the disaster

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    Objective: To clarify the current mental and physical state of students 5 years after experiencing the Great East Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear accident, and to shed light on the practical initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting students’ health. Method: In May 2016, we conducted a mail-based questionnaire of yogo teachers at 15 prefectural high schools in Soma District and Futaba District (collectively, “Soso”) in Fukushima Prefecture, one of the areas most heavily affected by the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. The questionnaire focused on (1) health and school life of students; and (2) current initiatives and issues faced by yogo teachers in supporting student health. Results: We received responses from 8 of the 15 high school yogo teachers surveyed (response rate: 53.3%).Six yogo teachers (75%) responded that the “students are calm.” However, 6 yogo teachers (75%) recognized a tendency among students towards weight gain and obesity, as well as reduced physical stamina and sporting ability, while 4 yogo teachers (50%) indicated that some students were anxious about their future and career path, and were receiving personal support from the school counselor. The yogo teachers provided support to students while attempting to ascertain their mental and physical well-being through greater health monitoring and questionnaires, and while coordinating with the school physician and counselor. Conclusion: Five years after the earthquake, high school students in the Soso district are now leading a more relaxed school life, but still feel anxious about their future health and career path due to lingering concerns about radiation, highlighting the need for long-term support by yogo teachers

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    Last year, the author and others studied music instruction in preschool education training. In that paper, we learn what was required to become successful preschool teacher and the relationship between kindergarten children and preschool education major students. Based on the results of that study, the author has come to realize the importance of music instruction and music performance in childhood development in the preschool curriculum

    Être en reste face aux résidus nucléaires

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    Parce qu’ils sont invisibles, les résidus nucléaires introduisent une fracture entre savoir et sensation, sensé et sensible, expérimentation et expérience. Par conséquent, ils sont susceptibles d’accentuer la dissonance cognitive inhérente au « Grand Partage » (qui sépare nature/culture, corps/pensée, matières/symboles) et d’accélérer la neutralisation propre au « Petit Mélange » (qui va dans le sens d’une banalisation, d’une normalisation et d’une naturalisation progressives des événements). Tenir compte de cette double menace nous engage à être vigilant quant au maintien du « sens du concret » dans notre traitement des aléas nucléaires. Cela passe, pensons-nous, par une attention redoublée au vocabulaire que nous employons pour les décrire, ainsi qu’aux moyens que nous mobilisons pour les prendre en charge.Nous défendons l’argument que ces résidus ne constituent pas des déchets (ce qui tend à quitter le champ d’action des activités humaines) mais des restes (ce qui tend à quitter le champ d’action du monde vivant dans son ensemble). Tel que nous l’entendrons, un reste traduira une déprise radicale (écologique, technique et symbolique) que nous tenterons de prévenir en étudiant les ressorts de la fabrique du neutre. Quelques terminologies en usage dans les récits des catastrophes de Tchernobyl et de Fukushima – sarcophage, arche, sacrifice, souillure – nous aideront, in fine, à ébaucher des pistes en vue de maintenir l’embrayage du sensible et du sensé, du connoté et du neutre. Pour développer cet argumentaire, nous nous appuyons également sur ce que nous appelons une « culture du subir », dont la présentation fait l’objet des deux premiers points de cet article.Since it is invisible, nuclear residue creates a rift between knowledge and sensation, intellect and feeling, experiment and experience. As a result, it accentuates the cognitive dissonance inherent in the « Great Divide » (between nature and culture, body and thought, matter and symbol) and accelerates the neutralization particular to the « Small Mix » (which leads to the events’ progressive banalization, normalization and naturalization). To counter this double threat, we must remain vigilant to maintain a « sense of the concrete » in our treatment of nuclear hazards. We believe such vigilance leads us to pay greater attention to the vocabulary we use to describe such hazards, as well as to the means we mobilize to deal with them.We defend the argument that this residue is not waste (which tends to leave the field of human activity), but instead remnants (which tend to leave the field of the world’s activity as a whole). As we define them, remnants convey a radical detachment that we will endeavor to prevent by studying the mechanism by which the neutral is manufactured. Some of the terminology used in retelling the catastrophes of Chernobyl and Fukushima—sarcophagus, ark, sacrifice, stain—will allow us, in the end, to explore avenues toward maintaining the connection between feeling and intellect, between the noticed and the unnoticed. To develop this position, we will also rely on the notion of what we call a « culture of enduring », the presentation of which will occupy this article’s first two points

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    Last Year, the authors investigated music instruction in kindergarten. In this paper, we want to consider the result of musical activities in nursery. Furthermore, we will consider how musical activities might differ in a kindergarten and a nursery. It turns out that music is used for creating an atmosphere, and in kindergarten, musical education is conducted as a part of children\u27s educational instruction

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    Through music instruction, we have studied the relationship between practicing and the production of music to discover future trends in practice methods and music guidance. We compare practice--the meaning of practicing, students\u27 self-evaluation regarding practicing and music teaching in kindergartenand music the instruction of musical performance in college, and examine various methods that could be appealing in preschool training. As a result, through music practicing, preschool education majors learn what it\u27s like to be a preschool student, what is required to become a successful preschool teacher, the relationship between teacher and preschool students, and the surprises and positive attainments preschool education majors can attain through practicing music

    Electronic Structure of Two-Dimensional Hydrocarbon Networks of sp2 and sp3 C Atoms

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    Based on density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation, we have investigated the geometric and electronic structures of two-dimensional hexagonal covalent networks consisting of oligoacenes and fourfold coordinated hydrocarbon atoms, which are alternately arranged in a hexagonal manner. All networks were semiconductors with a finite energy gap at the Γ point, which monotonically decreased with the increase of the oligoacene length. As a result of a Kagome network of oligoacene connected through sp3 C atoms, the networks possess peculiar electron states in their valence and conduction bands, which consist of a flat dispersion band and a Dirac cone. The total energy of the networks depends on the oligoacene length and has a minimum for the network comprising naphthalene

    Comprehensive phenotypic and genomic characterization of venous malformations

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    Hirose K., Hori Y., Ozeki M., et al. Comprehensive phenotypic and genomic characterization of venous malformations. Human Pathology 145, 48 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humpath.2024.02.004.Venous malformations (VMs) are the most common vascular malformations. TEK and PIK3CA are the causal genes of VMs, and may be involved in the PI3K/AKT pathway. However, the downstream mechanisms underlying the TEK or PIK3CA mutations in VMs are not completely understood. This study aimed to identify a possible association between genetic mutations and clinicopathological features. A retrospective clinical, pathological, and genetic study of 114 patients with VMs was performed. TEK, PIK3CA, and combined TEK/PIK3CA mutations were identified in 49 (43%), 13 (11.4%), and 2 (1.75%) patients, respectively. TEK-mutant VMs more commonly occurred in younger patients than TEK and PIK3CA mutation-negative VMs (other-mutant VMs), and showed more frequent skin involvement and no lymphocytic aggregates. No significant differences were observed in sex, location of occurrence, malformed vessel size, vessel density, or thickness of the vascular smooth muscle among the VM genotypes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the expression levels of phosphorylated AKT (p-AKT) were higher in the TEK-mutant VMs than those in PIK3CA-mutant and other-mutant VMs. The expression levels of p-mTOR and its downstream effectors were higher in all the VM genotypes than those in normal vessels. Spatial transcriptomics revealed that the genes involved in “blood vessel development”, “positive regulation of cell migration”, and “extracellular matrix organization” were up-regulated in a TEK-mutant VM. Significant genotype-phenotype correlations in clinical and pathological features were observed among the VM genotypes, indicating gene-specific effects. Detailed analysis of gene-specific effects in VMs may offer insights into the underlying molecular pathways and implications for targeted therapies