37 research outputs found


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    Severe multisystem craniocerebral injury (smcci) is characterized by long-term disability and high lethal rates. Objective: analysis of smcci, features of its clinical course and lethality, including the main causes and terms of death. Materials and methods. An analysis of 170 case histories of the deceased with smcci was carried out: 130 men (76.5%) and 40 women (23.5%). The average age is 43.3±17.5 years. Victims were divided into groups, depending on the combination of head trauma with injuries to other anatomical areas of the body. The analysis of lethality, including the main causes and terms of lethal outcomes, was conducted. Depending on the main causes of death, all the deceased were divided into five groups: massive blood loss and shock, edema and dislocation of the brain, infectious pulmonary complications, purulent intoxication and others. Depending on the terms of death, the victims were divided into four subgroups: i — up to 24 hours, ii — from 1 to 3 days, iii — from 3 to 10 days, and iv — more than 10 days. The severity of the damage was assessed according to the injury severity score (iss), the level of consciousness was assessed according to the glasgow coma scale (gcs). The frequency of development of infectious complications and its relation to the terms of death was analyzed as well. Results. In the distribution of the victims, depending on the main causes of death, it was found that: in 41.2% (70) cases, the main cause of death was edema and dislocation of the brain; 25.3% (43) — massive blood loss and shock; 15.9% (27) had purulent intoxication, 12.9% (22) had infectious pulmonary complications and 4.7% (8) died due to other causes. The number of patients who died on the first day was 62 (36.5%), while 35 victims (56.5%) died within the first 3 hours after admission. On the third day, 24 patients (14.1%) died, 37 patients (21.8%) died 3-10 days after admission, and 47 patients (27.6%) died later than 10 days after admission. There was a significant correlation between the severity of the trauma and the terms of death: spearman’s rank correlation coefficient = -0.637 (-0.718; -0.538), p<0.0001. A significant connection between the iss and the timing of death was indicated by the chi-square=99.495, degrees of freedom=9, p<0.0001 for the contingency table 4x4. A significant correlation between the development of the ipc and the terms of death was indicated by the analysis of the contingency table (2x4): chi-square=143.136 with degrees of freedom=3 and p<0.0001. Conclusion. In the general structure of smcci, victims with a combination of head and musculoskeletal injuries prevailed, the combination with a chest trauma was second, the combination with a trauma to the abdomen was third and the combination with a spinal injury was fourth. The main causes of death were edema and dislocation of the brain, massive hemorrhage and shock, infectious pulmonary complications, septic complications and others. The statistically significant relation was found between the trauma severity, the development of infectious complications, “main causes” on the one hand, and the terms of death on the other.Резюме. Тяжелая сочетанная черепно-мозговая травма (ТСЧМТ) характеризуется длительной утратой трудоспособности и высокой летальностью.Цель. Анализ ТСЧМТ, особенностей ее клинического течения и летальности, включая основные причины и сроки смертельных исходов.Материал и методы. Проведен анализ 170 историй болезни умерших с ТСЧМТ: 130 мужчин (76,5%) и 40 женщин (23,5%). Средний возраст пострадавших составил 43,3±17,5 года. Пострадавшие распределены по группам в зависимости от сочетания травмы головы с повреждениями других анатомических областей тела. Проведен анализ летальности, включая основные причины и сроки смертельных исходов. В зависимости от основных причин смерти все умершие были распределены на пять групп: массивная кровопотеря и шок, отек и дислокация головного мозга, инфекционные легочные осложнения (ИЛО), гнойная интоксикация и прочие. В зависимости от сроков смерти пострадавшие распределены на четыре подгруппы: I — до 24 ч, II — от 1 до 3 сут, III — от 3 до 10 сут и IV — свыше 10 сут. Оценка тяжести повреждений проводилась по Injury Severity Score (ISS), уровня сознания — по шкале комы Глазго. Анализировалась частота развития инфекционных осложнений и их связь со сроками смерти.Результаты. При распределении пострадавших в зависимости от основных причин смерти было выявлено, что у 41,2% (70 пациентов) основной причиной смерти явились отек и дислокация головного мозга, у 25,3% (43) — массивная кровопотеря и шок, у 15,9% (27) — гнойная интоксикация, у 12,9% (22) — ИЛО и у 4,7% пострадавших (8) смерть наступила от прочих причин. Число умерших в первые сутки составило 62 человека (36,5%), при этом 35 (56,5%) из них погибли в первые 3 ч от момента поступления. В 1-е–3-и сут погибли 24 пациента (14,1%), в срок от 3 до 10 сут — 37 (21,8%) и в срок свыше 10 сут — 47 пациентов (27,6%). Отмечается статистически значимая корреляция между тяжестью травмы и сроками смерти: коэффициент ранговой корреляции Спирмена составил -0,637 (-0,718; -0,538), р<0,0001. О статистически значимой связи между тяжестью повреждений по ISS и сроками смерти свидетельствует также тест Хи-квадрат, равный 99,495, количество степеней свободы 9, р<0,0001 для таблицы сопряженности 4х4. О статистически значимой зависимости между развитием ИЛО и сроками смерти свидетельствует анализ таблицы сопряженности 2х4: Хи-квадрат составил 143,136 при количестве степеней свободы 3 и р<0,0001.Заключение. Основными причинами смерти при ТСЧМТ явились: отек и дислокация головного мозга; массивная кровопотеря и шок; гнойно-септические осложнения; ИЛО и прочие. Выявлена статистически значимая связь между тяжестью травмы, развитием инфекционных осложнений, основными причинами смерти, с одной стороны, и сроками смертельных исходов с другой

    Local particle densities and global multiplicities in central heavy ion interactions at 3.7, 14.6, 60 and 200A GeV

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    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Determination of the number of slow [pi]- and [mu]-mesons in cosmic rays at various altitudes /

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    Prepared for the National Science Foundation Russian Science Translation-Dictionary Project, Columbia University.Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 92, 263-64 (1953)--title page."January 1954."Includes bibliographic references (page 2)Mode of access: Internet


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    Severe multisystem craniocerebral injury (smcci) is characterized by long-term disability and high lethal rates. Objective: analysis of smcci, features of its clinical course and lethality, including the main causes and terms of death. Materials and methods. An analysis of 170 case histories of the deceased with smcci was carried out: 130 men (76.5%) and 40 women (23.5%). The average age is 43.3±17.5 years. Victims were divided into groups, depending on the combination of head trauma with injuries to other anatomical areas of the body. The analysis of lethality, including the main causes and terms of lethal outcomes, was conducted. Depending on the main causes of death, all the deceased were divided into five groups: massive blood loss and shock, edema and dislocation of the brain, infectious pulmonary complications, purulent intoxication and others. Depending on the terms of death, the victims were divided into four subgroups: i — up to 24 hours, ii — from 1 to 3 days, iii — from 3 to 10 days, and iv — more than 10 days. The severity of the damage was assessed according to the injury severity score (iss), the level of consciousness was assessed according to the glasgow coma scale (gcs). The frequency of development of infectious complications and its relation to the terms of death was analyzed as well. Results. In the distribution of the victims, depending on the main causes of death, it was found that: in 41.2% (70) cases, the main cause of death was edema and dislocation of the brain; 25.3% (43) — massive blood loss and shock; 15.9% (27) had purulent intoxication, 12.9% (22) had infectious pulmonary complications and 4.7% (8) died due to other causes. The number of patients who died on the first day was 62 (36.5%), while 35 victims (56.5%) died within the first 3 hours after admission. On the third day, 24 patients (14.1%) died, 37 patients (21.8%) died 3-10 days after admission, and 47 patients (27.6%) died later than 10 days after admission. There was a significant correlation between the severity of the trauma and the terms of death: spearman’s rank correlation coefficient = -0.637 (-0.718; -0.538), p<0.0001. A significant connection between the iss and the timing of death was indicated by the chi-square=99.495, degrees of freedom=9, p<0.0001 for the contingency table 4x4. A significant correlation between the development of the ipc and the terms of death was indicated by the analysis of the contingency table (2x4): chi-square=143.136 with degrees of freedom=3 and p<0.0001. Conclusion. In the general structure of smcci, victims with a combination of head and musculoskeletal injuries prevailed, the combination with a chest trauma was second, the combination with a trauma to the abdomen was third and the combination with a spinal injury was fourth. The main causes of death were edema and dislocation of the brain, massive hemorrhage and shock, infectious pulmonary complications, septic complications and others. The statistically significant relation was found between the trauma severity, the development of infectious complications, “main causes” on the one hand, and the terms of death on the other