638 research outputs found
Navigating The Complexity Overcoming Mobility Obstacles in Massive MIMO Systems with MIMO Antennas.
This research investigates the synergy between Massive Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) systems and mobility challenges, with a focus on the pivotal role played by Multiple Antenna Systems (MIMO antennas). Employing a sophisticated experimental setup featuring a 3.5 GHz Massive MIMO base station equipped with 64 MIMO antennas, mobile terminals on motorized platforms, and advanced RF measurement tools, the study explores adaptive beamforming, spatial multiplexing, and diversity techniques. Results from 100 experiments, each lasting 10 minutes, reveal that adaptive beamforming dynamically improves user tracking in response to mobility-induced channel variations. Spatial multiplexing and diversity techniques enhance throughput and reliability, especially in high user mobility scenarios. The quantitative findings align with existing literature, providing practical insights for the deployment of MIMO antennas. The study addresses limitations and proposes avenues for future research, enhancing our understanding of MIMO antenna applications and contributing to the evolution of wireless communication technologies in dynamic environments
A Combined Approach For Private Indexing Mechanism
Private indexing is a set of approaches for analyzing research data that are similar or resemble similar ones. This is used in the database to keep track of the keys and their values. The main subject of this research is private indexing in record linkage to secure the data. Because unique personal identification numbers or social security numbers are not accessible in most countries or databases, data linkage is limited to attributes such as date of birth and names to distinguish between the number of records and the real-life entities they represent. For security reasons, the encryption of these identifiers is required. Privacy-preserving record linkage, frequently used to link private data within several databases from different companies, prevents sensitive information from being exposed to other companies. This research used a combined method to evaluate the data, using classic and new indexing methods. A combined approach is more secure than typical standard indexing in terms of privacy. Multibit tree indexing, which groups comparable data in many ways, creates a scalable tree-like structure that is both space and time flexible, as it avoids the need for redundant block structures. Because the record pair numbers to compare are the Cartesian product of both the file record numbers, the work required grows with the number of records to compare in the files. The evaluation findings of this research showed that combined method is scalable in terms of the number of databases to be linked, the database size, and the time required
Quality improvement in anaesthesiology
In recent times, numerous efforts have been made in the field of medicine to improve the methodology of measuring and reporting the quality of care delivered to patients. Most of these efforts have been executed in the western population, because of an efficient system of Incident Reporting. Quality Measurement in healthcare typically means quantifying processes of care that have a direct relationship to positive health outcomes. Quality in anaesthesia is usually measured by perioperative mortality, morbidity and Incidents. Quality measurement is not only important for the clientele but also for the employer, to make choices and healthcare provider to introspect his performance. It is an effective method of giving feedback to anaesthesiologists, doctors and paramedical staff to address quality issues and bring about improvement. Without Quality Measurement, improvement in quality, if at all, would be expected to be very slow and clientele would be blindfolded in taking important decisions pertaining to health care. The concepts of quality assurance and quality control are rapidly gaining popularity in surgical sciences as the society is heading towards social, technical and clinical advancements globally. In times to come, quality of anaesthesia services will be closely monitored by quality indicators and will become a benchmark for assessment of the healthcare provider and the hospital. At present, the need of the hour is to devise ways and means to measure the quality of care being provided by the healthcare provider and adopt these evolutionary practices aimed at improving anaesthesia delivery services in a medical setup
Pemetaan tembang dolanan sebagai karya sastra lisan siswa sekolah dasar di Karesidenan Madiun
Tembang dolanan termasuk dalam sastra lisan Jawa yang masuk dalam katagori nyanyian rakyat. Dalam lirik tembang dolanan, selain mengandung tema permainan yang sesuai dengan perkembangan jiwa anak juga mengandung ajaran dan nilai luhur. Tembang dolanan juga bersifat unik, didaktis, dan sosial. Unik di sini artinya bahwa tembang dolanan berbeda dengan bentuk lagu/tembang Jawa yang lain. Pun dengan tembang dolanan yang dikenal di Karesidenan Madiun, berbeda dengan tembang dolanan di kawasan timur dari provinsi Jawa Timur walaupun sama-sama terletak di provinsi yang sama. Perbedaan inilah yang akan dipetakan, khususnya tembang dolanan yang ada di Karesidenan Madiun yang berdekatan dengan Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta yang notabene menjadi pusat perkembangan sastra Jawa
This study attempted to describe the forms of Javanese language development through campursari songs based on Ferguson’s language planning theory. This study used a descriptive qualitative design where the data were collected with the documentation method, that was to collect words, phrases, clauses, and sentences from campursari song lyrics containing elements of development. Data analysis was performed using sharing method with substitution techniques. The results of the analysis showed that the Javanese language development was divided into two forms. The first form was graphization through the establishment of pronunciation and spelling by intensifying Latin words to write either vocal or consonant Javanese words in texts. The second form was modernization through lexicon extension where the Javanese language underwent a shift in the use of old terms and language extensification that was marked by the emergence of novel words or terms. The Javanese language development forms were affected by some factors, including the development of the Javanese society social life as well as the Indonesian language intervention and integration. This has become part of shared agreement to maintain the Javanese language existence both in the present and for the future.
Implementation of the Student Facilitator and Explaining Model in Learning Skills of Reading Skills in SD
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the implementation of the Student Facilitator Model and Explaining learning model through the media of illustrated story books in improving initial reading skills for first grade students of SDN 01 Taman Kota Madiun 2018/2019 Academic Year. This research includes descriptive qualitative research. By using the phenomenology approach. Data collection techniques are based on data sources, namely RPP, syllabus, observation, interviews. Closed questionnaire. Documentation. The data analysis technique used is the data analysis model of Miles and Huberman. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that in the Implementation of the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model using media illustrated storybooks in Indonesian language lessons are innovative. Based on the results of interviews, documentation, observation and giving questionnaires. Student responses are categorized as good, students' enthusiasm in learning Indonesian language lessons is increasing. Students become fond of learning and student collaboration is also formed in group activities so as to be able to foster a positive attitude towards students in their social interactions
AEGIS: Validating Execution Behavior of Controller Applications in Software-Defined Networks
The software-defined network (SDN) controller provides an application programming interface (API) for network applications and controller modules. Malicious applications and network attackers can misuse these APIs to cause outbreaks on the controller. The controller is the heart of the SDN and should be secured from such API misuse scenarios and network attacks. Most of the prior research in security for SDN controllers focuses on a defense mechanism for a particular attack scenario that requires changes in the controller code. This research proposes dynamic access control and a policy engine-based approach for protecting the SDN controller from network attacks and application bugs, thus defending against the misuse of the controller APIs. The proposed AEGIS protects controller APIs and defines a set of access, semantic, syntactic and communication policy rules and a permission set for accessing controller APIs. It utilizes the traditional API hooking technique to control API usage. We generated various attack scenarios that included application bugs and network attacks on the Floodlight SDN controller and showed that applying AEGIS secured the Floodlight controller APIs and hence protected them from network attacks and application bugs. Finally, we discuss performance comparison tests of the new AEGIS controller implementation for memory usage, API execution time and boot-up time and conclude that AEGIS effectively protects the SDN controller for trustworthy operations
Upaya untuk mengatasi masalah rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia sudah banyak dilakukan, dan upaya pokoknya adalah pada pembaruan kurikulum. Sebagai usaha terencana, pembaruan kurikulum tentulah didasari oleh alasan yang jelas dan substantif serta mengarah pada terwujudnya sosok kurikulum yang lebih baik. Hal itu juga diharapkan ada pada kuriku- lum terbaru dengan beranekaragam nama, yakni Kurikulum Nasional, kurikulum berbasis daerah masing-masing, dan kurikulum sekolah. Diversifikasi kurikulum ini sejalan dengan pasal 36 dan
37 UU 20/2013 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional. Dengan proses desentralisasi pendidikan yang melibatkan peran serta masyarakat mengisyaratkan pengakuan terhadap manusia Indonesia dan masyarakat setempat. Dengan sendirinya paradigma baru pun mulai mengacu pada pendidi- kan kebhinekaan yaitu mengakui adanya kebudayaan beragam dalam suatu masyarakat yang tetap dalam kesatuan ”Bhineka Tunggal Ika”.
Kata kunci: kurikulum, pendidikan nasional, pendidikan kebhinekaan, multibudaya
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