78 research outputs found

    Implementing quantum gates through scattering between a static and a flying qubit

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    We investigate whether a two-qubit quantum gate can be implemented in a scattering process involving a flying and a static qubit. To this end, we focus on a paradigmatic setup made out of a mobile particle and a quantum impurity, whose respective spin degrees of freedom couple to each other during a one-dimensional scattering process. Once a condition for the occurrence of quantum gates is derived in terms of spin-dependent transmission coefficients, we show that this can be actually fulfilled through the insertion of an additional narrow potential barrier. An interesting observation is that under resonance conditions the above enables a gate only for isotropic Heisenberg (exchange) interactions and fails for an XY interaction. We show the existence of parameter regimes for which gates able to establish a maximum amount of entanglement can be implemented. The gates are found to be robust to variations of the optimal parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Morphological Transformation and Force Generation of Active Cytoskeletal Networks

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    Cells assemble numerous types of actomyosin bundles that generate contractile forces for biological processes, such as cytokinesis and cell migration. One example of contractile bundles is a transverse arc that forms via actomyosin-driven condensation of actin filaments in the lamellipodia of migrating cells and exerts significant forces on the surrounding environments. Structural reorganization of a network into a bundle facilitated by actomyosin contractility is a physiologically relevant and biophysically interesting process. Nevertheless, it remains elusive how actin filaments are reoriented, buckled, and bundled as well as undergo tension buildup during the structural reorganization. In this study, using an agent-based computational model, we demonstrated how the interplay between the density of myosin motors and cross-linking proteins and the rigidity, initial orientation, and turnover of actin filaments regulates the morphological transformation of a cross-linked actomyosin network into a bundle and the buildup of tension occurring during the transformation

    Quantum Computing via The Bethe Ansatz

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    We recognize quantum circuit model of computation as factorisable scattering model and propose that a quantum computer is associated with a quantum many-body system solved by the Bethe ansatz. As an typical example to support our perspectives on quantum computation, we study quantum computing in one-dimensional nonrelativistic system with delta-function interaction, where the two-body scattering matrix satisfies the factorisation equation (the quantum Yang--Baxter equation) and acts as a parametric two-body quantum gate. We conclude by comparing quantum computing via the factorisable scattering with topological quantum computing.Comment: 6 pages. Comments welcom

    Una intervención en escritura académica durante la cursada virtual de Histología y Embriología, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias-Universidad de Buenos Aires.

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    En la asignatura Histología y Embriología de la carrera de Veterinaria de la Universidad de Buenos Aires se solicita a los alumnos cursantes resolver una serie de actividades escritas. Durante la cursada virtual del primer cuatrimestre de 2021 se implementaron cinco actividades de integración. El objetivo fue propiciar la integración de los contenidos de la materia y su adecuada expresión escrita. Las consignas propuestas solicitaban la producción de textos individuales y originales, con una elaboración adicional a la expuesta en las fuentes bibliográficas. Los docentes correctores realizaban una devolución formal de cada entrega, aplicando una rúbrica diseñada por los autores. Esta rúbrica permitía calificar en base a siete criterios: formato textual, registro, uso del lenguaje técnico de la materia, pertinencia y cobertura de los contenidos solicitados, relación y dominio de conceptos, aspectos formales y fuentes de investigación teórica. Cada criterio reunía varios parámetros analizables. La devolución constaba de comentarios puntuales sobre el texto y breves párrafos explicativos. Se analizaron los escritos de un grupo de estudiantes (n=23), entre un “momento inicial” de la intervención y un “momento final”. Mediante un instrumento adicional se evaluó la evolución para cada criterio (y parámetro) de la rúbrica.Se observó una evolución favorable en más del 40% de los estudiantes para los criterios: formato textual, registro (persona verbal), lenguaje (expresión), aspectos formales (sintaxis, puntuación) y bibliografía (calidad, formato). Entre el 30 y el 40% demostró evolución favorable en: registro (formal y tiempo verbal), lenguaje (precisión) y aspectos formales (conectores). Menos del 30% demostró evolución favorable en:pertinencia y cobertura, relación y dominio de conceptos y lenguaje técnico de la materia (léxico). Se concluye que la intervención tuvo un efecto favorable en la calidad de la escritura académica de los estudiantes

    Failure to decrease HbA1c levels following TB treatment is associated with elevated Th1/Th17 CD4+ responses

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    Introduction: The rising global burden of metabolic disease impacts the control of endemic tuberculosis (TB) in many regions, as persons with diabetes mellitus (DM) are up to three times more likely to develop active TB than those without DM. Active TB can also promote glucose intolerance during both acute infection and over a longer term, potentially driven by aspects of the immune response. Identifying patients likely to have persistent hyperglycemia following TB treatment would enable closer monitoring and care, and an improved understanding of underlying immunometabolic dysregulation. // Methods: We measured the relationship of plasma cytokine levels, T cell phenotypes and functional responses with the change in hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) before and after treatment of pulmonary TB in a prospective observational cohort in Durban, South Africa. Participants were stratified based on stable/increased HbA1c (n = 16) versus decreased HbA1c (n = 46) levels from treatment initiation to 12 month follow-up. // Results: CD62 P-selectin was up- (1.5-fold) and IL-10 downregulated (0.85-fold) in plasma among individuals whose HbA1c remained stable/increased during TB treatment. This was accompanied by increased pro-inflammatory TB-specific IL-17 production (Th17). In addition, Th1 responses were upregulated in this group, including TNF-α production and CX3CR1 expression, with decreased IL-4 and IL-13 production. Finally, the TNF-α+ IFNγ+ CD8+ T cells were associated with stable/increased HbA1c. These changes were all significantly different in the stable/increased HbA1c relative to the decreased HbA1c group. // Discussion: Overall, these data suggest that patients with stable/increased HbA1c had an increased pro-inflammatory state. Persistent inflammation and elevated T cell activity in individuals with unresolved dysglycemia following TB treatment may indicate failure to fully resolve infection or may promote persistent dysglycemia in these individuals, and further studies are needed to explore potential mechanisms

    Isothermal microcalorimetry minimal inhibitory concentration testing in extensively drug resistant Gram-negative bacilli: a multicentre study

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    Objectives: To evaluate the performance of an isothermal microcalorimetry (IMC) method for determining the MICs among extensively drug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli. Methods: A collection of 320 clinical isolates (n = 80 of each) of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter baumannii from Sweden, Spain, Italy and the Netherlands were tested. The MICs were determined using the IMC device calScreener (Symcel, Stockholm, Sweden) and ISO-broth microdilution as the reference method. Essential agreement, categorical agreement, very major errors (VME), major errors (ME) and minor (mE) errors for each antibiotic were determined. Results: Data from 316 isolates were evaluated. Four errors (two ME, one VME, one mE) among 80 K. pneumoniae, six errors (four ME, one VME, one mE) among 79 E. coli, 15 errors (seven VME, three ME, five mE) among 77 P. aeruginosa and 18 errors (12 VME, two ME, four mE) among 80 A. baumannii were observed. Average essential agreement and categorical agreement of the IMC method were 96.6% (95% confidence interval, 94.2–99) and 97.1% (95% confidence interval, 95.4–98.5) respectively when the MICs were determined at the end of 18 hours. Categorical agreement of the IMC method for prediction of MIC by the end of 8 hours for colistin, meropenem, amikacin, ciprofloxacin and piperacillin/tazobactam were 95%, 91.4%, 94%, 95.2% and 93.7% respectively. Conclusions: The IMC method could accurately determine the MICs among extensively drug-resistant clinical isolates of E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii isolates

    Design and implementation of a global site assessment survey among HIV clinics participating in the International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) research consortium

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    Introduction Timely descriptions of HIV service characteristics and their evolution over time across diverse settings are important for monitoring the scale-up of evidence-based program strategies, understanding the implementation landscape, and examining service delivery factors that influence HIV care outcomes. Methods The International epidemiology Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium undertakes periodic cross-sectional surveys on service availability and care at participating HIV treatment sites to characterize trends and inform the scientific agenda for HIV care and implementation science communities. IeDEA’s 2020 general site assessment survey was developed through a consultative, 18-month process that engaged diverse researchers in identifying content from previous surveys that should be retained for longitudinal analyses and in developing expanded and new content to address gaps in the literature. An iterative review process was undertaken to standardize the format of new survey questions and align them with best practices in survey design and measurement and lessons learned through prior IeDEA site assessment surveys. Results The survey questionnaire developed through this process included eight content domains covered in prior surveys (patient population, staffing and community linkages, HIV testing and diagnosis, new patient care, treatment monitoring and retention, routine HIV care and screening, pharmacy, record-keeping and patient tracing), along with expanded content related to antiretroviral therapy (differentiated service delivery and roll-out of dolutegravir-based regimens); mental health and substance use disorders; care for pregnant/postpartum women and HIV-exposed infants; tuberculosis preventive therapy; and pediatric/adolescent tuberculosis care; and new content related to Kaposi’s sarcoma diagnostics, the impact of COVID-19 on service delivery, and structural barriers to HIV care. The survey was distributed to 238 HIV treatment sites in late 2020, with a 95% response rate. Conclusion IeDEA’s approach for site survey development has broad relevance for HIV research networks and other priority health conditions

    Rapid determination of anti-tuberculosis drug resistance from whole-genome sequences

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug resistance (DR) challenges effective tuberculosis disease control. Current molecular tests examine limited numbers of mutations, and although whole genome sequencing approaches could fully characterise DR, data complexity has restricted their clinical application. A library (1,325 mutations) predictive of DR for 15 anti-tuberculosis drugs was compiled and validated for 11 of them using genomic-phenotypic data from 792 strains. A rapid online ‘TB-Profiler’ tool was developed to report DR and strain-type profiles directly from raw sequences. Using our DR mutation library, in silico diagnostic accuracy was superior to some commercial diagnostics and alternative databases. The library will facilitate sequence-based drug-susceptibility testing

    Optimal design of measurements on queueing systems

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    We examine the optimal design of measurements on queues with particular reference to the M/M/1 queue. Using the statistical theory of design of experiments, we calculate numerically the Fisher information matrix for an estimator of the arrival rate and the service rate to find optimal times to measure the queue when the number of measurements are limited for both interfering and non-interfering measurements. We prove that in the non-interfering case, the optimal design is equally spaced. For the interfering case, optimal designs are not necessarily equally spaced. We compute optimal designs for a variety of queuing situations and give results obtained under the DD-- and DsD_s-optimality criteria