8 research outputs found

    Diversification of Cerastium sylvaticum and C. subtriflorum on the margin of Southeastern Alps

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    Jugovzhodne Alpe in sosednja območja na jugu veljajo za pomemben refugij rastlinskih vrst v času pleistocenskih poledenitev in imajo posledično veliko endemnih taksonov. Eden od njih je soška smiljka (Cerastium subtriflorum), ki se na tem območju pojavlja simpatrično z morfološko podobno, a bolj razširjeno gozdno smiljko (C. sylvaticum). Uporabili smo polimorfizme dolžin pomnoženih fragmentov DNA (AFLP), pa tudi DNA zaporedja jedrne ITS in plastidne ndhJ-trnT regije, s katerimi smo raziskali filogenetske odnose med obema vrstama, ter njune odnose z drugimi sorodnimi taksoni znotraj smiljk. Naši podatki kažejo, da sta obe vrsti genetsko dobro diferencirana sestrska taksona, vendar njun odnos do drugih predstavnikov rodu ostaja nejasen. Obe vrsti tvorita neodvisno evolucijsko linijo znotraj rodu Cerastium v Evropi. Cerastium sylvaticum ima nizko genetsko variabilnost med populacijami na preiskovanem območju, kar kaže, da je bil v tem delu Evrope zgolj en ledenodobni refugij te vrste. Precej izrazitejša genetska variabilnost znotraj C. subtriflorum je verjetno posledica več pleistocenskih refugijev ali nedavne vikariance med tremi disjunktnimi območji razširjenosti. Neskladje v filogenetskem položaju ene populacije C. subtriflorum med ITS in plastidnimi drevesi kaže na križanje med taksonoma. Pretočna citometrija in multivariatne morfometrične analize kažejo, da se vrsti C. subtriflorum in C. sylvaticum razlikujeta tako v velikosti genoma kot tudi po več morfoloških lastnostih. Večina rezultatov študije je objavljena v članku Skubic in sod. (2018doi: 10.1007/s00606-018-1535-y).The southeastern Alps and the southerly adjacent areas are considered an important refugium for plant species during the Pleistocene glaciationsconsequently they harbour many endemic taxa. One of them is Cerastium subtriflorum, which in this area occurs sympatrically with morphologically similar, but more widespread C. sylvaticum. Here, we used Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLP) as well as ITS and ndhJ-trnT region of plastid DNA sequences to explore phylogenetic relationships between the two species as well as their relationships to other Cerastium taxa previously deemed closely related. Our data show that both species are genetically well differentiated sister taxa, but their relationship to other taxa remains unclearboth species rather form an independent evolutionary lineage within European Cerastium. Cerastium sylvaticum exhibits low genetic differentiation among populations in the investigated area, suggesting a single Pleistocene refugium in that part of Europe. The much more pronounced genetic differentiation within C. subtriflorum is likely a result of multiple Pleistocene refugia or more recent vicariance among the three disjunct partial distribution areas. Phylogenetic sequence data suggest hybridisation between the two taxa, resulting in a discordant phylogenetic position between ITS and plastid trees of one population of C. subtriflorum. Flow cytometric and multivariate morphometric analyses show that C. subtriflorum and C. sylvaticum differ in their genome size as well as in multiple morphological traits. Most of the results of this study were published in the paper Skubic et al. (2018doi: 10.1007/s00606-018-1535-y)

    Gymnosperms in biology and science instruction in elementary school

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava golosemenke pri pouku biologije in naravoslovja v osnovni šoli. Golosemenke razdelimo v več skupin. Njihova delitev je v različnih literaturnih virih različna. V nalogi smo sledili delitvi golosemenk na 4 skupine. Skupini Cycadophyta in Gnetophyta smo le na kratko opisali. Osredotočili smo se skupino Coniferophyta (iglavci ali storžnjaki). V to skupino sodijo naše avtohtone vrste golosemenk. Podrobno smo opisali šest vrst iglavcev, ki uspevajo pri nas. Od ostalih vrst smo podrobno opisali tudi dvokrpi ginko, ki sodi v skupino Ginkgophyta. Za teh sedem vrst smo izdelali tudi informativne liste, ki bodo v pomoč učiteljem in učencem pri izvajanju pouka. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kje in kako glede na učne načrte vključiti golosemenke v pouk biologije in naravoslovja. Izdelali smo tudi nekaj predlogov za praktično uporabo golosemenk pri pouku. Najprej smo pregledali učne načrte za predmete z biološko vsebino v osnovni šoli. V preglednico smo izpisali operativne učne cilje, v katere lahko vključimo vsebine o golosemenkah. Zraven smo dopisali tudi primere dejavnosti pri pouku. Za tri dejavnosti smo izdelali podrobna navodila, skupaj z rezultati in razpravo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način učitelji obravnavajo golosemenke pri pouku biologije in naravoslovja in ali učitelji pri pouku uporabljajo golosemenke kot učno sredstvo za doseganje ciljev. Izvedli smo spletno anketo med učitelji biologije, naravoslovja in izbirnih predmetov v osnovnih šolah. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da največ učiteljev vsebine o golosemenkah obravnava pri predmetu Naravoslovje v 6. razredu. Največ učiteljev si pri razlagi pomaga z nabranim materialom, ki ga pokažejo v učilnicah, in tudi s slikovnim določevalnim ključem, učence peljejo na teren, pomagajo pa si tudi s slikami v učbeniku in na spletu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da večina učiteljev obravnava vsebine o golosemenkah samo za primerjavo s kritosemenkami. Golosemenke omenijo tudi ob drugih vsebinah. Posameznemu načinu obravnave učitelji običajno namenijo 1–3 ure. Učitelji v veliki meri izvajajo praktične dejavnosti, pri katerih uporabljajo golosemenke kot material za doseganje učnih ciljev. Najpogostejše dejavnosti so: določanje golosemenk z določevalnimi ključi, opazovanje, opisovanje, primerjanje in terensko delo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da učni načrti za naravoslovne predmete v OŠ vključujejo malo vsebin o golosemenkah. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so golosemenke primerno učno sredstvo za doseganje ciljev učnega načrta. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da dobri dve tretjini učiteljev obravnava golosemenke kot samostojno vsebino. Ugotovili smo tudi, da velika večina učiteljev izvaja praktične dejavnosti, pri katerih uporabljajo golosemenke kot material za doseganje učnih ciljev.The master thesis addresses the gymnosperms in biology and science class in elementary school. The gymnosperms are divided into several groups. Their division is different in different literatures. We followed the classification into 4 taxonomical groups. We have only briefly descibed the groups Cycadophyta and Gnetophyta. We focused on the Coniferophyta group (conifers). This group includes our native species of gymnosperms. We have described in detail the six species of conifers that thrive in our country. Of the other species, we also described in detail the Ginkgo biloba belonging to the Ginkgophyta group. For these seven species, we have also produced fact sheets to help teachers and schoolchildren carry out lessons. The purpose of the master thesis was to find out where and how to integrate gymnosperms in biology and science classes according to curriculum. We also wanted to make some suggestions for the practical use of gymnosperms in classes. First we reviewed the curriculum for elementary school biological subjects. We have outlined operational learning objectives in the table, in which we can include content about the gymnosperms. We also provided examples of activities for lessons. For three activities, we produced practical examples, together with the results and discussion. In our survey, we wanted to found out to what extent and in what way teachers teach about gymnosperms in biology and science classes and whether teachers use gymnosperms as a materials for achieving their learning objectives. We conducted an online survey among teachers of biology, science and optional subject in primary school. In the survey we found out that most teachers deal with gymnosperms content in the 6th grade science course. Most teachers use the material collected in the pield which they show in classrooms, as well as with a pictorial identification key, to take schoolchildren to the field, and to help them with pictures in the textbook and online. We have also found that most teachers only treat gymnosperms for comparison with angiosperms. Gymnosperms are also mentioned along with themes. Teachers usually devote 1–3 hours to each mode of treatment. To a large extent teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective. The most common activities are: identification of gymnosperms with identification keys, observation, description, comparison and fieldwork. The survey we found out that the curriculum for science subject in primary school include a little content about gymnosperms. We also found out that gymnosperms are material for achieving their learning objectives. With survey questionnaire, we found out that more than two third of teachers treat gymnosperms as independent content. We also found out that the vast majority of teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective

    Modes of reproduction of invasive alien plants in Slovenia

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava 31 najbolj invazivnih tujerodnih rastlinskih vrst v Sloveniji. V Sloveniji so invazivne tujerodne rastline postale velik problem, saj se nenadzorovano širijo in razmnožujejo. Da bi lahko uspešno omejili njihovo rast in širjenje, potrebujemo določene podatke o razmnoževanju in razširjanju teh vrst. V diplomski nalogi sem s pomočjo literature poiskala podatke o posameznih rastlinskih vrstah in ugotavljala, kateri podatki so najbolj in kateri najmanj popolni. Iskala sem podatke o življenjski obliki, o tem kje v Sloveniji je določena vrsta razširjena in kako so rastline prišle k nam. Za vsako vrsto sem poiskala tudi podatke o vegetativnem in spolnem razmnoževanju. Podatke sem vnesla v tri preglednice in jih analizirala. Najbolj popolni so podatki o življenjski obliki, o razširjenosti v Sloveniji in o tem kako so rastline prišle k nam. Znani so tudi podatki o tem, na kakšen način se določena vrsta razmnožuje. Pri vegetativnem razmnoževanju so podatki o tem, s pomočjo katerega dela se rastlina vegetativno razmnožuje, dobro znani, podatkov o vektorju širjenja pa je manj. Najbolj nepopolni so podatki o regeneraciji delov rastline, s pomočjo katerih se rastlina vegetativno razmnožuje. Pri spolnem razmnoževanju so propagule in vektorji znani. Dobro znani so tudi podatki o količini semen na rastlino. O kalivosti in o razdalji širjenja pa bi bilo treba opraviti še kakšno raziskavo, da dobili več podatkov.The graduation thesis addresses the 31 most invasive alien species in Slovenia. In Slovenia, invasive alien plants have become a major problem, since they are uncontrollably spreading and reproducing. In order to successfully limit their growth and spread, we need certain data on the reproduction and dissemination of these species.In my graduation thesis I gathered information about selected plant species from the relevant literature, and determined which data are most and which is the least complete. I was looking for information about the life form, distribution in Slovenia, and how the plants came to our territory. For each species I also gathered data on vegetative and sexual reproduction. I entered the data into three tables and analyzed them. The results show, that the data on the life form, the distribution in Slovenia and how the plants came to our territory are the most complete. There are also sufficient data about how the species is vegetatively propagated: regarding the mechanism of vegetative reproduction and the propagation vector. There is enough data about the sexual reproduction, especially on distribution of propagules, their vectors and about the estimated seed number per plant. The most incomplete are data on spreading distance of propagules, germination rates and the survival of seedlings in nature

    Gymnosperms in biology and science instruction in elementary school

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    Magistrsko delo obravnava golosemenke pri pouku biologije in naravoslovja v osnovni šoli. Golosemenke razdelimo v več skupin. Njihova delitev je v različnih literaturnih virih različna. V nalogi smo sledili delitvi golosemenk na 4 skupine. Skupini Cycadophyta in Gnetophyta smo le na kratko opisali. Osredotočili smo se skupino Coniferophyta (iglavci ali storžnjaki). V to skupino sodijo naše avtohtone vrste golosemenk. Podrobno smo opisali šest vrst iglavcev, ki uspevajo pri nas. Od ostalih vrst smo podrobno opisali tudi dvokrpi ginko, ki sodi v skupino Ginkgophyta. Za teh sedem vrst smo izdelali tudi informativne liste, ki bodo v pomoč učiteljem in učencem pri izvajanju pouka. Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kje in kako glede na učne načrte vključiti golosemenke v pouk biologije in naravoslovja. Izdelali smo tudi nekaj predlogov za praktično uporabo golosemenk pri pouku. Najprej smo pregledali učne načrte za predmete z biološko vsebino v osnovni šoli. V preglednico smo izpisali operativne učne cilje, v katere lahko vključimo vsebine o golosemenkah. Zraven smo dopisali tudi primere dejavnosti pri pouku. Za tri dejavnosti smo izdelali podrobna navodila, skupaj z rezultati in razpravo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način učitelji obravnavajo golosemenke pri pouku biologije in naravoslovja in ali učitelji pri pouku uporabljajo golosemenke kot učno sredstvo za doseganje ciljev. Izvedli smo spletno anketo med učitelji biologije, naravoslovja in izbirnih predmetov v osnovnih šolah. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da največ učiteljev vsebine o golosemenkah obravnava pri predmetu Naravoslovje v 6. razredu. Največ učiteljev si pri razlagi pomaga z nabranim materialom, ki ga pokažejo v učilnicah, in tudi s slikovnim določevalnim ključem, učence peljejo na teren, pomagajo pa si tudi s slikami v učbeniku in na spletu. Ugotovili smo tudi, da večina učiteljev obravnava vsebine o golosemenkah samo za primerjavo s kritosemenkami. Golosemenke omenijo tudi ob drugih vsebinah. Posameznemu načinu obravnave učitelji običajno namenijo 1–3 ure. Učitelji v veliki meri izvajajo praktične dejavnosti, pri katerih uporabljajo golosemenke kot material za doseganje učnih ciljev. Najpogostejše dejavnosti so: določanje golosemenk z določevalnimi ključi, opazovanje, opisovanje, primerjanje in terensko delo. Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da učni načrti za naravoslovne predmete v OŠ vključujejo malo vsebin o golosemenkah. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so golosemenke primerno učno sredstvo za doseganje ciljev učnega načrta. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da dobri dve tretjini učiteljev obravnava golosemenke kot samostojno vsebino. Ugotovili smo tudi, da velika večina učiteljev izvaja praktične dejavnosti, pri katerih uporabljajo golosemenke kot material za doseganje učnih ciljev.The master thesis addresses the gymnosperms in biology and science class in elementary school. The gymnosperms are divided into several groups. Their division is different in different literatures. We followed the classification into 4 taxonomical groups. We have only briefly descibed the groups Cycadophyta and Gnetophyta. We focused on the Coniferophyta group (conifers). This group includes our native species of gymnosperms. We have described in detail the six species of conifers that thrive in our country. Of the other species, we also described in detail the Ginkgo biloba belonging to the Ginkgophyta group. For these seven species, we have also produced fact sheets to help teachers and schoolchildren carry out lessons. The purpose of the master thesis was to find out where and how to integrate gymnosperms in biology and science classes according to curriculum. We also wanted to make some suggestions for the practical use of gymnosperms in classes. First we reviewed the curriculum for elementary school biological subjects. We have outlined operational learning objectives in the table, in which we can include content about the gymnosperms. We also provided examples of activities for lessons. For three activities, we produced practical examples, together with the results and discussion. In our survey, we wanted to found out to what extent and in what way teachers teach about gymnosperms in biology and science classes and whether teachers use gymnosperms as a materials for achieving their learning objectives. We conducted an online survey among teachers of biology, science and optional subject in primary school. In the survey we found out that most teachers deal with gymnosperms content in the 6th grade science course. Most teachers use the material collected in the pield which they show in classrooms, as well as with a pictorial identification key, to take schoolchildren to the field, and to help them with pictures in the textbook and online. We have also found that most teachers only treat gymnosperms for comparison with angiosperms. Gymnosperms are also mentioned along with themes. Teachers usually devote 1–3 hours to each mode of treatment. To a large extent teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective. The most common activities are: identification of gymnosperms with identification keys, observation, description, comparison and fieldwork. The survey we found out that the curriculum for science subject in primary school include a little content about gymnosperms. We also found out that gymnosperms are material for achieving their learning objectives. With survey questionnaire, we found out that more than two third of teachers treat gymnosperms as independent content. We also found out that the vast majority of teachers carry out practical activities in which they use the gymnosperms as a material to achieve learning objective

    Meeting in Liguria

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    The Mediterranean Basin is renowned for its extremely rich biota and is considered as one of the 25 Global Biodiversity Hotspots, but its diversity is not homogeneously distributed. Outstanding in the number of (endemic) species are the Ligurian Alps (Italy). At the foot of the Ligurian Alps, little above the Mediterranean Sea, a disjunct occurrence of Italian endemic Euphorbia barrelieri was reported. Using an array of integrative methods ranging from cytogenetic (chromosome number and relative genome size estimation), over phylogenetic approaches (plastid, ITS and RAD sequencing) to multivariate morphometrics we disentangled the origin of these populations that were shown to be tetraploid. We performed phylogenetic analyses of the nuclear ITS and plastid regions of a broad taxonomic sampling of Euphorbia sect. Pithyusa to identify possible species involved in the origin of the tetraploid populations and then applied various analyses of RADseq data to identify the putative parental species. Our results have shown that the Ligurian populations of E. barrelieri are of allotetraploid origin that involved E. barrelieri and western Mediterranean E. nicaeensis as parental species. We thus describe a new species, E. ligustica, and hypothesise that its adaptation to similar environments in which E. barrelieri occurs, triggered development of similar morphology, whereas its genetic composition appears to be closer to that of E. nicaeensis. Our study emphasises the importance of polyploidisation for plant diversification, highlights the value of the Ligurian Alps as a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism and underlines the importance of integrative taxonomic approaches in uncovering cryptic diversity

    Korelace mezi sportovní činností a užíváním návykových látek u 14letých žáků a žákyň základních škol ve Slovinsku Correlation between sport activity and drug-taking among 14 year-old primary school male and female pupils in Slovenia

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    Cílem tohoto průzkumu bylo zjistit, zda u 14letých žáků existuje korelace mezi sportovní aktivitou a užíváním návykových látek. Tento průzkum je založen na dotazníku s 38 proměnnými, přičemž pravděpodobnostní vztahy mezi proměnnými byly testovány pomocí chí-kvadrát testu. Analýza ukázala, že ve svém volném čase se sportu věnuje 80 % chlapců a 85 % dívek. Sportu se věnují většinou dvakrát až třikrát týdně. Většina chlapců se věnuje sportu závodně (39 %), zatímco dívky se věnují především rekreačním pohybovým aktivitám (48 %). Pokud jde o kouření, ke kuřákům patří 4 % procenta chlapců a 12 % dívek. Většina chlapců začala kouřit ve věku 13 let, dívky ve věku 12 let. 90 % chlapců a 94 % dívek již nějaký alkoholický nápoj vyzkoušelo – jde tedy o většinu žáků ve věku od 10 do 13 let. Pokud jde o užívání drog, vyzkoušelo je 18 % chlapců a 26 % dívek. Nejčastějšími typy drog jsou inhalace, pilulky a marihuana. Většina žáků prohlásila, že kouření, pití alkoholu a užívání nelegálních návykových látek vyzkoušela ze zvědavosti. Rodiče většinou podporují děti v provozování sportu. Většina žáků se domnívá, že sport a kouření spolu nejde dohromady. Domnívají se, že sportovní aktivity jsou činnosti, které by od užívání návykových látek mohly odrazovat. Zjistili jsme, že mezi sportovními aktivitami a užíváním legálních i nelegálních návykových látek není statisticky významná korelace. Statisticky významná korelace však byla zjištěna u pití alkoholu v případě chlapců (pivo a víno) a inhalace látek v případě dívek. Rozdíly by zřejmě mohly být výraznější v pozdějším věku – při přechodu mezi základní a střední školou. Mladé lidi by bylo možno od užívání legálních i nelegálních návykových látek odradit nabídkou většího množství aktivit, které by jim umožňovaly trávit volný čas přiměřenějším a kvalitnějším způsobem. The aim of this research was to establish whether there is a correlation between sport activity and drug-taking among 14 year old pupils. This research is based on a questionnaire of 38 variables and the probability relations among the variables have been tested by the chi-square. Analysis has shown that 80% of male and 85% of female pupils practice sport in their leisure time. On average, they practice sport 2 to 3 times a week. The majority of male pupils practice sport competitively (39%), while female pupils primarily practice not officially organized recreational sports (48%). As for smoking, 4% of the male and 12% of the female pupils smoke, the majority of the male pupils had their first cigarette at the age of 13, female pupils at the age of 12. Regarding alcohol use, 90% of the male and 94% of the female pupils had tried an alcohol beverage, which means a majority of pupils between ages 10 and 13. As far as drugs are concerned, 18% of the male and 26% of the female pupils tried drugs. The prevailing types of drug-taking are vapor inhaling, pills and marijuana. The majority of pupils said they had tried smoking, drinking alcohol and taking illicit drugs out of curiosity. Parents mainly encourage their children to practice sport. The majority of pupils think that sport and smoking do not go together, they are of the opinion that sport activities are those activities that could discourage drug-taking. We have ascertained that is no statistically significant correlation between sport activities and taking drugs both legal and illicit drugs. However, a statistically characteristic correlation has been ascertained with regard to drinking alcohol in the case of male pupils (beer and wine) and inhaling vapors in the case of female pupils. Differences would be probably more evident at a later time – the transition from primary to secondary school. To discourage young people from drug-taking, both legal and illicit, they should be offered more activities so that they can spend their free time in a reasonable and qualitative way

    Vpliv nadmorske višine na kolonizacijo tatarske ajde (Fagopyrum tataricum) z endofitskimi glivami

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    Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti ali različna nadmorska višina značilno vpliva na mikorizno kolonizacijo pri tatarski ajdi (Fagopyrum tataricum) in kateri tip mikorize je pogostejši na višji nadmorski višini. Korenine smo barvali s tripan modrim ter s svetlobno mikroskopijo ocenili stopnjo kolonizacije, prisotnost arbuskulov, veziklov, svitkov in mikrosklerocijev. Na vzorcih smo opazili predvsem mikrosklerocije in vezikle, arbuskuli in svitki so se pojavili le posamič. Prisotni so temni septirani endofiti (DSE) in arbuskularna mikoriza. Z večanjem nadmorske višine se zmanjšuje gostota mikrosklerocijev. Na višjih nadmorskih višinah je večja prisotnost DSE v primerjavi z glivami arbuskularne mikorize