4 research outputs found

    Study on the wear and the friction of a metallic pair under lubricated sliding.

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    Este trabalho trata de um estudo experimental das respostas de desgaste e de atrito encontradas em um sistema deslizante lubrificado. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios de deslizamento em um equipamento para ensaios de desgaste, adotando-se o dispositivo pino-contra-disco, para ensaios com movimento relativo rotativo contínuo entre as amostras, e o dispositivo pino-contra-placa, para ensaios com movimento relativo alternado, ou oscilatório, entre as amostras. Os materiais metálicos ensaiados foram pinos de aço AISI 52100 e contra-corpos de aço AISI 8640. O óleo lubrificante foi o mineral de base parafínico, IV 100. Foram variadas as condições de aditivação e de contaminação do óleo lubrificante e foram utilizados dois níveis de carregamento mecânico, determinada pela relação velocidade/carga. O desgaste foi estudado por microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, medição da área afetada pelo desgaste, perfilometria das superfícies desgastadas e análise de óleo. O atrito e o potencial de contato foram monitorados ao longo dos ensaios. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o desgaste dos corpos metálicos foi sensível ao carregamento mecânico, à aditivação e à contaminação do óleo. Diferenças foram notadas nas morfologias superficiais entre os resultados de desgaste dos ensaios rotativos e oscilatórios.This work concerns with experimental study of wear and friction responses of lubricated sliding system. Sliding tests were carried out using pin-on-disk wear testing machine for tests with continuous rotating movement, and the pin-on-plate device, for reciprocating tests between specimens. The metallic test coupons were AISI 52100 steel pins and AISI 8640 steel counter-faces. The used lubricant was paraffinic mineral oil, VI 100. The presence of additives and contamination in the lubricant oil were investigated under two mechanical loading levels, determined by the velocity/load relation. The wear was studied by means of optic and scanning electronic microscopes, perfilometry and dimensional analysis of the worn surfaces and oil analysis. The friction and the contact potential were monitored through out the sliding tests. The results showed that the wear of the metallic materials was susceptible to the mechanical loading, the additive and the contamination existence in the oil. It was observed differences among the wear results of the rotating and the reciprocating tests in terms of surface morphologies

    Wear and friction behaviour of Si3N4 ceramics under diesel and biodiesel lubrication

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    The wear and friction behaviour of self-mated silicon nitride pairs in lubricated ball-on-flat reciprocating sliding conditions is the subject of the present work, using diesel fuel and soybean biodiesels as lubricants. The results show that the friction coefficient is considerably higher for the diesel fuel than for biodiesels in the stationary regime (about 0.14 and 0.06, respectively). The wear coefficient values are in the range 10−8–10−9 mm3/N·m, denoting a mild wear regime, in agreement with the high lubricity of these fuels assessed by the ASTM D 6079 standard. The observed wear mechanisms were mainly mechanically dominated, consisting of transgranular and intergranular fractures, and the formation of a tribolayer by plastic deformation of the wear debris

    Biodiesel compatibility with carbon steel and hdpe parts

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    8 p.: il., tab.Compatibility of the new environmentally-friendly alternative of diesel engine fuels, biodiesel, with storage and engine part materials, is still an open issue. In this work, the interaction between three fuels (petroleum diesel and two types of biodiesel — soybean and sunflower) and two materials (carbon steel and high density polyethylene) used in storage and automotive tanks, is analyzed in detail. A wide set of characterization techniques was used to evaluate the changes in both solid and fluid materials, as weight change measurement, optical, scanning electron and atomic force (AFM) microscopies, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies, and differential scanning calorimetry. The AFM technique allowed detecting surface roughness and morphology changes in the metallic material following the trends in the weight losses. In the case of polymeric material, weight gain by fluid absorption occurred, being detected by the spectroscopic techniques. The biodiesel fuels underwent some ageing however this phenomenon did not affect the interaction between the biodiesel fuels and the substrates. The petrodiesel, which did not age, caused more significant degradation of the substrates