4 research outputs found

    The characterization of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), its role in cancerogenesis and cardiovascular system diseases and possibilities of using this cytokine as a molecular marker

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    The inflammatory process is directly associated with secretion of cytokines, e.g. tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). This molecule is one of the 22 proteins which belong to TNF family and is secreted mainly by: macrophages, monocytes, T lymphocyte and mast cells. The biological effects of TNF-α is possible through binding this cytokine to specific receptors - TNFR1 and TNFR2. The large number of reports provides that this cytokine plays extremely important role in cancers and cardiovascular disease - two groups of inflammatory diseases. Unfortunately, these diseases are the main cause of death in spite of advances in medicine and increasing public awareness of prevention. It is believed that better understanding both molecular potential of this cytokine and the impact in cancerogenesis and others inflammatory diseases may cause using TNF-α as a molecular marker in these diseases and will make it possible to observe the effects of anti-inflammatory therapy. It will be able to cause a drop in the incidence of these diseases and better monitoring of them

    The place sport in the use of free time students

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    Tematem mojej pracy jest „Miejsce sportu w zagospodarowaniu czasu wolnego studentów”. Głównym jej celem było przedstawienie form aktywnego spędzania czasu wolnego studentów. Praca została podzielona na trzy rozdziały. W pierwszym rozdziale przedstawione zostały podstawowe zagadnienia tj.: sport, czas wolny, funkcje czasu wolnego oraz główne formy spędzania czasu wolnego. Drugi rozdział dotyczy organizacji czasu, podziału budżetu czasu oraz zawartej w niej aktywności fizycznej. Zaś w trzecim rozdziale znajduję się analiza danych zebranych podczas badań ankietowych. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pokazały, że osoby ze względu na podjęte studia, często również pracę nie zawsze mogą decydować o ilości czasu wolnego, ale mają wpływ na to jak go zagospodarują.The theme of my work is "The place of sport in the use of leisure time of students". The main objective was to present forms of leisure time activities of students. The work is divided into three chapters. The first chapter presents the basic issues, ie .: sport, leisure, leisure time functions and the main forms of leisure. The second chapter concerns the organization of time, the division of time and budget contained therein physical activity. And in the third chapter provides an analysis of data collected during the survey.The results of the study showed that people due to studies undertaken, often work can not always decide the amount of free time, but have an impact on how it should fill