102 research outputs found

    Imaging continental shelf shallow stratigraphy by using different high-resolution seismic sources: an example from the Calabro-Tyrrhenian margin (Mediterranean Sea)

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    High-resolution seismic reflection profiles of the Calabro-Tyrrhenian continental shelf were collected using different seismic sources (Sub-Bottom Profiler, Uniboom, Sparker 0.5-1-4.5 kJ). Noticeable differences and results were obtained both from a geophysical and geological-interpretative point of view. The availability of different sources permitted the definition of the most suitable seismostratigraphic characterization in terms of resolution, penetration and acoustic facies. Very high resolution stratigraphy was defined through profiles produced by different seismic systems used in parallel. This permitted the application of sequence-stratigraphy concepts with the reconstruction of a thick postglacial depositional sequence, formed by a transgressive and a high-stand systems tract. The thickness distribution of postglacial deposits reveals that the main depocenter (55-65 m) is located offshore of the Coastal Range, along a stretch of coast supplied by several small and seasonal streams ("fiumare") and characterized by the lack of a coastal plain. This suggests the greater efficiency of sediment supply and bypass in this area relatively to sectors located offshore of the main rivers. The transgressive systems tract, usually thin or nearly absent, is particularly well developed (up to 33 m) and is composed of up to three parasequences with a retrogradational stacking pattern. The high-stand systems tract, up to 30 m thick, is made up of two parasequences and has a quite regular geometry and acoustic facies.Perfis de reflexão sísmica de alta resolução da plataforma continental tirreniana de Calabro foram obtidos utilizando-se recursos sísmicos diversos (Perfilador de Sub-superfície, Uniboom, Sparker 0.5-1-4.5 kJ). Diferenças evidentes foram encontradas sob o ponto de vista geofísico e geológico-interpretativo. A disponibilidade de diferentes fontes permitiu a definição de uma caracterização sismo-estratigráfica mais acurada em termos de resolução, penetração e facies acústica. Uma estratigrafia de resolução bastante alta pôde ser obtida através de perfis produzidos por diferentes sistemas sísmicos utilizados em paralelo. Este fato possibilitou o emprego de conceitos de sequência-estratigrafia para a reconstrução de uma espessa sequência deposicional pós-glacial formada por um trato de sistemas transgressivo e de nível de base alto. A espessura dos depósitos pós-glaciais revela que o principal centro de deposição (55-65 m) está localizado ao largo da serra costeira, ao longo de uma costa distendida e alimentada por pequenos filetes sazonais ("fiumare"), sendo caracterizado pela falta de uma planície costeira. Os dados sugerem a existência de um suprimento de sedimentos bastante eficiente nessa área, em relação a setores localizados ao largo dos rios principais. O trato de sistemas transgressivo, geralmente estreito ou ausente, é aqui particularmente bem desenvolvido (acima de 33 m) e composto por até três parasequências com padrão de empilhamento retrogradacional. O trato de sistemas de nível de base alto, até 30 m de espessura, é composto por duas parasequências e apresenta geometria e facies acústica extremamente regulares

    Benthic foraminifers and siliceous sponge spicules assemblages in the Quaternary rhodolith rich sediments from Pontine Archipelago shelf

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    The bottom samples (Quaternary in age) of two cores (CS1 and Caro1) collected at 60 and 122 m water depth in the marine area near Ponza Island (Pontine Archipelago, Tyrrhenian Sea) are investigated. In particular, benthic foraminifers and siliceous sponge spicules are considered. The coralline red algae (pralines, boxworks and unattached branches) are abundant in both samples and, particularly, in the CS1 bottom as well as the benthic foraminifers. The siliceous sponge spicules also are very diversified and abundant in the CS1 bottom sample, while in the Caro1 bottom they are rare and fragmented. Benthic foraminiferal assemblage of two samples is dominated by Asterigerinata mamilla and Lobatula lobatula, typical epiphytic species but also able to live on circalittoral detrital seafloors, adapting to an epifaunal lifestyle. Based on these data the bottom of the studied cores represents the upper circalittoral zone, within the present-day depth limit distribution of coralline red algae in the Pontine Archipelago (shallower than 100 m water depth)

    The role of Internal Solitary Waves on deep-water sedimentary processes. The case of up-slope migrating sediment waves off the Messina Strait

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    Subaqueous, asymmetric sand waves are typically observed in marine channel/canyon systems, tidal environments, and continental slopes exposed to strong currents, where they are formed by current shear resulting from a dominant unidirectional flow. However, sand-wave fields may be readily observed in marine environments where no such current exists; the physical processes driving their formation are enigmatic or not well understood. We propose that internal solitary waves (ISWs) induced by tides can produce an effective, unidirectional boundary “current” that forms asymmetric sand waves. We test this idea by examining a sand-wave field off the Messina Strait, where we hypothesize that ISWs formed at the interface between intermediate and surface waters are refracted by topography. Hence, we argue that the deflected pattern (i.e., the depth-dependent orientation) of the sand-wave field is due to refraction of such ISWs. Combining field observations and numerical modelling, we show that ISWs can account for three key features: ISWs produce fluid velocities capable of mobilizing bottom sediments; the predicted refraction pattern resulting from the interaction of ISWs with bottom topography matches the observed deflection of the sand waves; and predicted migration rates of sand waves match empirical estimates. This work shows how ISWs may contribute to sculpting the structure of continental margins and it represents a promising link between the geological and oceanographic communities

    Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and rhodolith facies evolution in post-LGM sediments from the Pontine Archipelago shelf (Central Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    The seabed of the Pontine Archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea) insular shelf is peculiar as it is characterized by a mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedimentation. In order to reconstruct the Late Quaternary paleoenvironmental evolution of the Pontine Archipelago, this study investigates the succession of facies recorded by two sediment cores. For this purpose, benthic foraminifera and rhodoliths assemblages were considered. The two cores (post-Last Glacial Maximum in age) were collected at 60 (CS1) and 122 m (Caro1) depth on the insular shelf off Ponza Island. The paleontological data were compared with seismo-stratigraphic and lithological evidence. The cores show a deepening succession, with a transition from a basal rhodolith-rich biodetritic coarse sand to the surface coralline-barren silty sand. This transition is more evident along core Caro1 (from the bottom to the top), collected at a deeper water depth than CS1. In support of this evidence, along Caro1 was recorded a fairly constant increase in the amount of planktonic foraminiferal and a marked change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages (from Asterigerinata mamilla and Lobatula lobatula assemblage to Cassidulina carinata assemblage). Interestingly, the dating of the Caro1 bottom allowed us to extend to more than 13,000 years BP the rhodolith record in the Pontine Archipelago, indicating the possible presence of an active carbonate factory at that time

    New evidences of the interplay between a turbidite canyon (Guadiaro canyon, NW Alboran Sea) and current-driven along slope processes

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    Workshop. Alboran Domain and Gibraltar Arc: Geological Research and Natural Hazards - El dominio de Alborán y el Arco de Gibraltar: Investigación geológica y riesgos naturales - Le Domaine Alboran et l'Arch de Gibraltar: Recherche géologique et risques naturels, 16-18 octubre 2019, Granada..-- 2 pages, 1 figureThe NW Alboran Sea contains geological evidences of the intricate interplay of downslope and alongslope features on one hand, and of the interaction of the Atlantic Waters flowing out and the intermediate Mediterranean Waters (MWs) flowing into the Strait of Gibraltar on the other hand.Both of these interactions are of high scientific relevance and have been studied separately before, but must also be considered together since both phenomena occur simultaneously. The work is based on data acquired during the FAUCES surveys, comprising high-resolution bathymetry and seismic profiles, in combination with a database comprising seismic profiles acquired since the 70s. The interaction between downslope and alongslope processes occurs on both margins of the Alboran Sea, but this interaction is especially complex in the Spanish margin, where the turbidite canyons cut the continuity of terraced plastered drifts. The interaction may vary between the dominance of downslope processes over the alongslope processes (i.e., Almeria turbidite system), the alternation between downslope and alongslope deposits (which is the case of the most recent lobe of the Guadiaro fan) and the influence of alongslope processes over downslope processes. The Guadiaro canyon provides an example of the last case: After a first phase in which the canyon was incised, during a second phase (Pliocene) downslope processes were dominant, as indicated by the chaotic facies infilling the canyon incision. A last phase (Quaternary) characterized by stratified discontinuous facies indicate a greater influence of contourite alongslope deposits. During the stage two and mostly during stage three, the lateral accretion of packages (LAPs) of stratified facies with NE progradation trend have been recognized on its SW side (right margin), progressively invading of the Guadiaro Palaeocanyon and affecting its current location and shape (Fig. 1). These findings have been confirmed by isochore maps, in which a depocentre of Quaternary age runs parallel to the canyon on its SW side. The oceanography of the study area is marked by the closeness to the Strait of Gibraltar, located to the west. The Mediterranean intermediate waters, comprising Western Intermediate Waters (WIW), Levantine Intermediate Waters (LIW) and the upper portion of Tyrrhenian Dense Waters (TDWi), flow along the Spanish margin towards the Strait. On the opposite, the Atlantic Waters enter forming a strong jet into the Mediterranean. These two groups of water masses are separated by a pycnocline, along which internal waves formed in the Camarinal Sill travel eastwards. The NE progradation of the LAPs affecting the Guadiaro canyon points to the much stronger effect of the Atlantic Jet and the eastwardtravelling internal waves over the intermediate MWs directed towards the Strait of Gibraltar. Ultimately, these findings may shed light on one of the reasons behind the sudden abandonment and obliteration of the Estepona Palaeocanyon after the BQD, possibly located where the Atlantic Jet and the internal waves cease their sediment transport towards the NE and where the weaker SW transport by the intermediate Mediterranean Waters become the only alongslope transport mechanismContribution from Project FAUCES - CTM2015-65461-C2-R (MINECO/FEDER

    The Bortoluzzi Mud Volcano (Ionian Sea, Italy) and its potential for tracking the seismic cycle of active faults

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    The Ionian Sea in southern Italy is at the center of active interaction and convergence between the Eurasian and African–Adriatic plates in the Mediterranean. This area is seismically active with instrumentally and/or historically recorded Mw > 7:0 earthquakes, and it is affected by recently discovered long strike-slip faults across the active Calabrian accretionary wedge. Many mud volcanoes occur on top of the wedge. A recently discovered one (called the Bortoluzzi Mud Volcano or BMV) was surveyed during the Seismofaults 2017 cruise (May 2017). Bathymetric backscatter surveys, seismic reflection profiles, geochemical and earthquake data, and a gravity core are used here to geologically, geochemically, and geophysically characterize this structure. The BMV is a circular feature ' 22m high and ' 1100m in diameter with steep slopes (up to a dip of 22 ). It sits atop the Calabrian accretionary wedge and a system of flowerlike oblique-slip faults that are probably seismically active as demonstrated by earthquake hypocentral and focal data. Geochemistry of water samples from the seawater column on top of the BMV shows a significant contamination of the bottom waters from saline (evaporite-type) CH4-dominated crustalderived fluids similar to the fluids collected from a mud volcano located on the Calabria mainland over the same accretionary wedge. These results attest to the occurrence of open crustal pathways for fluids through the BMV down to at least the Messinian evaporites at about 3000 m. This evidence is also substantiated by helium isotope ratios and by comparison and contrast with different geochemical data from three seawater columns located over other active faults in the Ionian Sea area. One conclusion is that the BMV may be useful for tracking the seismic cycle of active faults through geochemical monitoring. Due to the widespread diffusion of mud volcanoes in seismically active settings, this study contributes to indicating a future path for the use of mud volcanoes in the monitoring and mitigation of natural hazards.Published1-233SR TERREMOTI - Attività dei CentriJCR Journa

    Geohazard features of the north-western Sicily and Pantelleria

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    9 pages, 3 figures, supplemental material https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2024.2342931.-- Data availability statement: Department of Earth and Marine Science of the University of Palermo for institutional purposes, so their access will be available by contacting the reference people (attilio.sulliunipa.it) upon reasonable requestWe present maps of geohazard features identified across north-western Sicily and Pantelleria in the framework of the Magic project (MArine Geohazard along Italian Coasts), which involved Italian marine geological researchers in 2007-2013. These seafloor features were recognized using high-resolution bathymetry data and rely on the morphological expression of the seafloor and shallow sub-surface processes. The north-western Sicily is a complex continental margin, affected by morphodynamic, depositional, and tectonic processes. The Egadi offshore is controlled by fault escarpments and alternating retreating and progradational processes. Ustica and Pantelleria submerged edifices show the effect of volcanic activity. The Ustica seafloor is interested in volcanic, tectonic, and gravitational instability processes, while the Pantelleria offshore underwent erosive-depositional processes and the effect of bottom currents. Two levels of interpretation are represented: the physiographic domain at a scale of 1:250.000 and the morphological units and morpho-bathymetric elements at a 1:100.000 scaleThe Magic Project has been funded by the Italian Civil Protection Department. [...] With the institutional support of the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S)Peer reviewe

    Evoluzione recente di due settori tettonicamente attivi del margine continentale tirrenico ricostruita mediante analisi comparata di dati geofisici ad alta risoluzione e campionamenti mirati

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze della terraConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal