67 research outputs found

    Sensing the Destination in a Slow or in a Fast Style? – The Lessons of a Hungarian Survey

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    Several trends exist while living the world with some extremities: there is a scale from a modern, little superficial, self-serving, belief in the omnipotence of social media philosophy of life till a much deeper concept that guarantees living the experience. It is present in every field of life - so travel is no exception, either. The slow philosophy sensing the spirituality of the place is also gaining ground in tourism - as a kind of counterpoint to modern “Instagram” tourism. The article examines the validity of this concept today and presents a survey conducted among Hungarian respondents. It examines, how important it is for respondents to avoid destinations visited by the masses, to travel in an eco-friendly way or to become a part of the place while sipping on the culture of the place. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    3Is Social Media the 4th ‘S’ – The Extended Perspectives of ‘Sun, Sea and Sand’

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    The trio of ‘sun, sea and sand’ has been regarded as the conventional combination of attractions that pulled the tourists to a destination and made them completely satisfied. People wishing for relaxation and enjoyment intentionally visited places that were isolated from the outside world and nobody could disturb them during their vacation. Nowadays, this situation took a big turn, and most of the tourists cannot imagine that they spend a few days without an internet connection or their smartphones.  In the era of smart devices, people are always connected to others and feel compelled to share their experiences even during their holidays. Social media not only permeates our lives but also has a powerful effect on our decisions and activities regarding our travels, as well. Travelling without posting on social media platforms is almost unbelievable nowadays. The aim of this paper is to reveal and analyse the situation based on a survey conducted with Hungarians. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Yield and chemical composition of plant parts of silage maize (Zea mays L) hybrids and their interest for biogas production

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    Silage maize (Zea mays L) hybrids bred in Martonvásár were tested for morphological traits, yield and chemical composition of the whole plant and the plant parts in three years (2010-2012). Biogas production of the hybrids was investigated in 2009 and 2010. The dry matter, protein, starch, water soluble carbohydrates, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre, lignin and in vitro digestible organic matter contents were measured by NIR spectroscopy. The ratio of ear attachment height to plant height was smaller, the leaf number above the ear and the proportion of the leaves in the total plant dry matter was greater for leafy hybrids. It was concluded that the differences in the chemical composition of the parts of the same genotype were greater than between the same parts of different genotypes. The leaves had the greatest protein content. The starch and WSC content in the ear was significantly higher than in the other plant parts. The ear had the lowest lignin content and the highest IVDOM content compared to other plant parts. NDF and ADF contents were greatest in the stalk below the ear. Significant differences were found for WSC content of the plant parts of leafy and non-leafy hybrids. Digestible dry matter yield (DDMY) was calculated from individual dry matter production, plant number per hectare and digestible organic matter content. The highest DDMY value was recorded for Siloking (19.18 t ha-1). Biogas yield was highest for Mv Massil (659 l kg-1 DM) with 61.38% methane concentration. Leafy hybrids produced significantly more biogas than conventional hybrids. Biogas yield proved to have significant positive correlations with starch and WSC content, and negative correlations with protein and lignin content

    Hope and Responsibility Vested in Younger Generations: The Case of Hungary

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    In the era of consumer society, the depletion of the world’s natural resources brings conscious consumption in the spotlight. More and more people are said to be conscious consumers, who act responsibly with regard to the environment and society. Therefore, researches about conscious and responsible purchase behaviour draw the attention of economists and marketing specialists as well – thus being able to form their market actions. According to the stereotype about conscious consumers in our heads, the conscious consumer is young, well educated, and female. This paper aims to reveal the consumption habits of people and their attitude toward consciousness and responsibility, furthermore, to investigate them from the stereotype’s point of view that finds youngsters more conscious. An online survey was conducted with 652 consumers of a German supermarket chain in Hungary. The research concentrates on identifying the main differences between generations regarding their purchase habits. The research results show that the consciousness is rather manifested in the self-interest than in the responsibility. While other international survey data have proven development through generations and found younger consumers more conscious and responsible, this fact has not been statistically proven in Hungary. The real causes or drivers behind conscious behaviour are still questionable in the Hungarian market

    Are the Hungarians on the Right Track Toward Sustainable Consumption?

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    Business operation in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach supports competitiveness and sustainable development. In Hungary the approaches of social responsibility and sustainability started to develop after the change of regime, mainly through international corporate cooperation. However, in our days not only companies are expected to operate in a sustainable and responsible way, but it is indispensable that the demand and aspirations in this direction should be reflected in society as well, since besides processes applied in production, it is the consumption that can contribute most to the realization of sustainability. The purpose of this study is to examine whether consumers know the CSR activity of the shop they visit, as well as to highlight the aspects influencing their choice. Furthermore, the study also reveals the socially responsible activities that would be supported by them. The customers of an international food chain company – is a leader in CSR activities - were involved in the questionnaire survey. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Change in Responsible Consumer Behaviour Through Generations?

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    In our accelerated world, in the era of over-consumption, decisions and choices have got more and more emphases than before. In spite of the fact, that conscious and responsible behaviour did not draw as much attention as it does nowadays, the whole society suffers the consequences of decisions independently from which generation can be blamed. However, the education for responsible behaviour has started and become more important than ever, the real change in the attitude and the approach to responsibility still needs a lot of time. The research conducted among Hungarian consumers aims to reveal the differences between the generations’ consumer behaviour with special focus on the FMCG market. In the analysis of the factors influencing consumer decision-making, the corporate marketing communication as well as the environmental and social aspects get central role. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Utilizing Leafy genes as resources in quality silage maize breeding

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    The primary goal of silage maize production is to obtain the greatest possible amount of digestible nutrients. Although it is not of the highest value in terms of starch, leaves provide ruminants with sufficient amount of green mass and facilitate nutrient uptake. The nutrient and fibre content of leaves at harvest affect the quality of silage. In cooperation with Glenn Seed Ltd, the Agricultural Research Institute of HAS had an opportunity to use an inbred line carrying the dominant allele Leafy1 (Lfy1). The number and surface area of leaves were measured in various hybrid combinations, and the hybrids and parents were compared morphologically. The combinations causing the highest heterosis were identified. Compared to lines without Lfy1 gene and hybrids in the same maturity group, these lines had an additional 3-4 leaves above the ear on average, resulting in an extra 30-40% leaf area. The hybrid Siloking (Lfy) produced 50% more leaves above the ear than the standard, leading to an extra 40% leaf area. The results demonstrate that the increased total leaf area of Lfy silage hybrids and the number of leaves above the ear, ensure that new leaves with high sugar content capable of photosynthesizing can develop until the end of grain filling. The increased leaf-mass produced by Lfy hybrids may be utilized, bearing in mind the relevant guidelines by the European Union, also as biogas raw material in sustainable energy management

    Effect of drought on yield components of maize hybrids : Zea mays L

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    When investigating drought tolerance, it must not be forgotten that drought stress is a complex phenomenon exhibiting quite different characters in different years and locations. For this reason, the plant response to drought is also a complex process. In our study, 83 maize hybrids originating from various countries were investigated over a period of two years, under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The drought tolerance of plants in the non-irrigated plots was analysed in terms of flowering synchrony and yield components. It could be concluded from the results that in response to long-term water deficit the period between tasselling and silking became longer, while the analysis of yield components revealed the greatest reductions in the number of kernels per ear and in the proportion of seed set. As the degree of proterandry increased, there was a decline in the grain yield, confirming that the analysis of this trait could be a way of predicting drought tolerance. Considerable differences in drought tolerance were observed between the genetic materials included in the analysis, suggesting the presence among these parental lines and hybrids of genotypes resistant to long-term water deficit, suitable for cultivation under dry conditions. An analysis of correlations between the traits revealed that proterandry should be treated as a priority trait when investigating drought stress tolerance, as better predictions can be made of both drought tolerance and potential yields, leading to more reliable selection for higher yields

    Effect of drought on yield components of maize hybrids (Zea mays L)

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    When investigating drought tolerance, it must not be forgotten that drought stress is a complex phenomenon ex¬hibiting quite different characters in different years and locations. For this reason, the plant response to drought is also a complex process. In our study, 83 maize hybrids originating from various countries were investigated over a period of two years, under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The drought tolerance of plants in the non-irrigated plots was analysed in terms of flowering synchrony and yield components. It could be concluded from the results that in response to long-term water deficit the period between tasselling and silking became longer, while the analysis of yield components revealed the greatest reductions in the number of kernels per ear and in the proportion of seed set. As the degree of proterandry increased, there was a decline in the grain yield, confirming that the analysis of this trait could be a way of predicting drought tolerance. Considerable differences in drought tolerance were observed between the genetic materials included in the analysis, suggesting the presence among these parental lines and hybrids of genotypes resistant to long-term water deficit, suitable for cultivation under dry conditions. An analysis of correlations between the traits revealed that proterandry should be treated as a priority trait when investigating drought stress tolerance, as better predictions can be made of both drought tolerance and potential yields, leading to more reliable selection for higher yields

    A turizmusbiztonságban rejlő marketing és menedzsment implikációk

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    A globális turizmust fenyegető biztonsági kockázatok negatív hatásai, az iparágra jellemző multiplikátorhatásból adódóan, a gazdaság egészére továbbgyűrűznek. Azonosításuk mind fogyasztói, mind szolgáltatói oldalról szükségszerű, minimalizálásuk és kiküszöbölésük az értékteremtés feltétele. A turisztikai desztinációkat sújtó katasztrófákra, krízishelyzetekre történő felkészülésben, és az azokat követő válságkezelésben a megfelelő menedzsment- és marketingszemlélet alkalmazása a szektor további „sérülésének” megakadályozását, illetve mielőbbi helyreállítását célozza. A válságkezelési gyakorlat szemléltetése egy angliai száj- és körömfájás járvány, valamint egy ausztrál bozóttűz esetein keresztül történik