20 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of impurity-induced magnetism in FeSe

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    Experimental evidence suggests that FeSe is close to a magnetic instability, and recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements on FeSe multilayer films have revealed stripe order locally pinned near defect sites. Motivated by these findings, we perform a theoretical study of locally induced magnetic order near nonmagnetic impurities in a model relevant for FeSe. We find that relatively weak repulsive impurities indeed are capable of generating short-range magnetism, and explain the driving mechanism for the local order by resonant eg-orbital states. In addition, we investigate the importance of orbital-selective self-energy effects relevant for Hund's metals, and show how the structure of the induced magnetization cloud gets modified by orbital selectivity. Finally, we make concrete connection to STM measurements of iron-based superconductors by symmetry arguments of the induced magnetic order, and the basic properties of the Fe Wannier functions relevant for tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Robustness of Quasiparticle Interference Test for Sign-changing Gaps in Multiband Superconductors

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    Recently, a test for a sign-changing gap function in a candidate multiband unconventional superconductor involving quasiparticle interference data was proposed. The test was based on the antisymmetric, Fourier transformed conductance maps integrated over a range of momenta q\bf q corresponding to interband processes, which was argued to display a particular resonant form, provided the gaps changed sign between the Fermi surface sheets connected by q\bf q. The calculation was performed for a single impurity, however, raising the question of how robust this measure is as a test of sign-changing pairing in a realistic system with many impurities. Here we reproduce the results of the previous work within a model with two distinct Fermi surface sheets, and show explicitly that the previous result, while exact for a single nonmagnetic scatterer and also in the limit of a dense set of random impurities, can be difficult to implement for a few dilute impurities. In this case, however, appropriate isolation of a single impurity is sufficient to recover the expected result, allowing a robust statement about the gap signs to be made.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Symmetry-forbidden intervalley scattering by atomic defects in monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides

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    Intervalley scattering by atomic defects in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides (TDMs; MX2) presents a serious obstacle for applications exploiting their unique valley-contrasting properties. Here, we show that the symmetry of the atomic defects can give rise to an unconventional protection mechanism against intervalley scattering in monolayer TMDs. The predicted defect-dependent selection rules for intervalley scattering can be verified via Fourier transform scanning tunneling spectroscopy (FT-STS), and provide a unique identification of, e.g., atomic vacancy defects (M vs X). Our findings put the absence of the intervalley FT-STS peak in recent experiments in a different perspective.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures + supplementary. Published versio

    Impurity-induced antiferromagnetic order in Pauli-limited nodal superconductors: application to heavy fermion CeCoIn5

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    We investigate the properties of the coexistence phase of itinerant antiferromagnetism and nodal dd-wave superconductivity (Q-phase) discovered in heavy fermion CeCoIn5 under applied magnetic field. We solve the minimal model that includes dd-wave superconductivity and underlying magnetic correlations in real space to elucidate the structure of the QQ-phase in the presence of an externally applied magnetic field. We further focus on the role of magnetic impurities, and show that they nucleate the Q-phase at lower magnetic fields. Our most crucial finding is that, even at zero applied field, dilute magnetic impurities cooperate via RKKY-like exchange interactions to generate a long-range ordered coexistence state identical to the Q-phase. This result is in agreement with recent neutron scattering measurements [S. Raymond et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. {\bf 83}, 013707 (2014)].Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Tunable valley Hall effect in gate-defined graphene superlattices

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    We theoretically investigate gate-defined graphene superlattices with broken inversion symmetry as a platform for realizing tunable valley dependent transport. Our analysis is motivated by recent experiments [C. Forsythe et al., Nat. Nanotechnol. 13, 566 (2018)] wherein gate-tunable superlattice potentials have been induced on graphene by nanostructuring a dielectric in the graphene/patterneddielectric/gate structure. We demonstrate how the electronic tight-binding structure of the superlattice system resembles a gapped Dirac model with associated valley dependent transport using an unfolding procedure. In this manner we obtain the valley Hall conductivities from the Berry curvature distribution in the superlattice Brillouin zone, and demonstrate the tunability of this conductivity by the superlattice potential. Finally, we calculate the valley Hall angle relating the transverse valley current and longitudinal charge current and demonstrate the robustness of the valley currents against irregularities in the patterned dielectric.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    The Microbial Olympics 2016

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    Following the success of the inaugural games, the Microbial Olympics return with a new series of events and microbial competitors. The games may have moved to a new hosting venue, but the dedication to training, fitness, competition (and yes, education and humour) lives on