18,331 research outputs found

    Structural studies of mesoporous ZrO2_{2}-CeO2_{2} and ZrO2_{2}-CeO2_{2}/SiO2_{2} mixed oxides for catalytical applications

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    In this work the synthesis of ZrO2_{2}-CeO2_{2} and ZrO2_{2}-CeO2_{2}/SiO2_{2} were developed, based on the process to form ordered mesoporous materials such as SBA-15 silica. The triblock copolymer Pluronic P-123 was used as template, aiming to obtain crystalline single phase walls and larger specific surface area, for future applications in catalysis. SAXS and XRD results showed a relationship between ordered pores and the material crystallization. 90% of CeO2_{2} leaded to single phase homogeneous ceria-zirconia solid solution of cubic fluorite structure (Fm3ˉ\bar{3}m). The SiO2_{2} addition improved structural and textural properties as well as the reduction behavior at lower temperatures, investigated by XANES measurements under H2_{2} atmosphere

    Multicolored Temperley-Lieb lattice models. The ground state

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    Using inversion relation, we calculate the ground state energy for the lattice integrable models, based on a recently obtained baxterization of non trivial multicolored generalization of Temperley-Lieb algebras. The simplest vertex and IRF models are analyzed and found to have a mass gap.Comment: 15 pages 2 figure

    Social Effects in Science: Modelling Agents for a Better Scientific Practice

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    Science is a fundamental human activity and we trust its results because it has several error-correcting mechanisms. Its is subject to experimental tests that are replicated by independent parts. Given the huge amount of information available, scientists have to rely on the reports of others. This makes it possible for social effects to influence the scientific community. Here, an Opinion Dynamics agent model is proposed to describe this situation. The influence of Nature through experiments is described as an external field that acts on the experimental agents. We will see that the retirement of old scientists can be fundamental in the acceptance of a new theory. We will also investigate the interplay between social influence and observations. This will allow us to gain insight in the problem of when social effects can have negligible effects in the conclusions of a scientific community and when we should worry about them.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Sustaining precarity : critically examining tourism and employment

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    There is consensus that the social, or people, dimension of sustainability including its workforce thematics are neglected in the tourism literature and policy despite its prevalence in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Premised on the understanding that sustainability is inherently set in neo-liberal discourses of progress, development and growth, we set about to investigate tourism’s performance principally relative to SDG, no. 8 (UN, 2015), which calls for 'decent work'. Underpinned by precarity, an emerging sociological concept applied in the workforce context, and adopting critical approaches, this paper presents a review of a sample of industry reports from global, regional and national levels. The study provides evidence that tourism sustains precarity vis-à-vis its employment practices. Our findings suggest that, counter to prevailing sustainability discourse, tourism (employment) sustains deep social cleavages and economic inequalities – a triumvirate of precariousness of work, precariousness at work and subsequent precariousness of life

    Bayesian Updating Rules in Continuous Opinion Dynamics Models

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    In this article, I investigate the use of Bayesian updating rules applied to modeling social agents in the case of continuos opinions models. Given another agent statement about the continuous value of a variable xx, we will see that interesting dynamics emerge when an agent assigns a likelihood to that value that is a mixture of a Gaussian and a Uniform distribution. This represents the idea the other agent might have no idea about what he is talking about. The effect of updating only the first moments of the distribution will be studied. and we will see that this generates results similar to those of the Bounded Confidence models. By also updating the second moment, several different opinions always survive in the long run. However, depending on the probability of error and initial uncertainty, those opinions might be clustered around a central value.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, presented at SigmaPhi200

    Non-commutative fermion mass matrix and gravity

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    The first part is an introductory description of a small cross-section of the literature on algebraic methods in non-perturbative quantum gravity with a specific focus on viewing algebra as a laboratory in which to deepen understanding of the nature of geometry. This helps to set the context for the second part, in which we describe a new algebraic characterisation of the Dirac operator in non-commutative geometry and then use it in a calculation on the form of the fermion mass matrix. Assimilating and building on the various ideas described in the first part, the final part consists of an outline of a speculative perspective on (non-commutative) quantum spectral gravity. This is the second of a pair of papers so far on this project.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A Previous title: An outlook on quantum gravity from an algebraic perspective. 39 pages, 1 xy-pic figure, LaTex Reasons for new version: added references, change of title and some comments more up-to-dat

    Qualitative understanding of the sign of t' asymmetry in the extended t-J Model and relevance for pairing properties

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    Numerical calculations illustrate the effect of the sign of the next nearest-neighbor hopping term t' on the 2-hole properties of the t-t'-J model. Working mainly on 2-leg ladders, in the -1.0 < t'/t < 1.0 regime, it is shown that introducing t' in the t-J model is equivalent to effectively renormalizing J, namely t' negative (positive) is equivalent to an effective t-J model with smaller (bigger) J. This effect is present even at the level of a 2x2 plaquette toy model, and was observed also in calculations on small square clusters. Analyzing the transition probabilities of a hole-pair in the plaquette toy model, it is argued that the coherent propagation of such hole-pair is enhanced by a constructive interference between both t and t' for t'>0. This interference is destructive for t'<0.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PRB as a Rapid Communicatio

    Local Density of States in Mesoscopic Samples from Scanning Gate Microscopy

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    We study the relationship between the local density of states (LDOS) and the conductance variation ΔG\Delta G in scanning-gate-microscopy experiments on mesoscopic structures as a charged tip scans above the sample surface. We present an analytical model showing that in the linear-response regime the conductance shift ΔG\Delta G is proportional to the Hilbert transform of the LDOS and hence a generalized Kramers-Kronig relation holds between LDOS and ΔG\Delta G. We analyze the physical conditions for the validity of this relationship both for one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems when several channels contribute to the transport. We focus on realistic Aharonov-Bohm rings including a random distribution of impurities and analyze the LDOS-ΔG\Delta G correspondence by means of exact numerical simulations, when localized states or semi-classical orbits characterize the wavefunction of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Evolution of a global string network in a matter dominated universe

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    We evolve the network of global strings in the matter-dominated universe by means of numerical simulations. The existence of the scaling solution is confirmed as in the radiation-dominated universe but the scaling parameter ξ\xi takes a slightly smaller value, ξ0.6±0.1\xi \simeq 0.6 \pm 0.1, which is defined as ξ=ρst2/μ\xi = \rho_{s} t^{2} / \mu with ρs\rho_{s} the energy density of global strings and μ\mu the string tension per unit length. The change of ξ\xi from the radiation to the matter-dominated universe is consistent with that obtained by Albrecht and Turok by use of the one-scale model. We also study the loop distribution function and find that it can be well fitted with that predicted by the one-scale model, where the number density nl(t)n_{l}(t) of the loop with the length ll is given by nl(t)=ν/[t2(l+κt)2]n_{l}(t) = \nu/[t^2 (l + \kappa t)^2] with ν0.040\nu \sim 0.040 and κ0.48\kappa \sim 0.48. Thus, the evolution of the global string network in the matter-dominated universe can be well described by the one-scale model as in the radiation-dominated universe.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure