29 research outputs found

    Artificial intelligence and the evolution of finance: opportunities, challenges and ethical considerations

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    The swift progression and widespread integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across numerous fields has been causing major shifts in conventional paradigms. One of the prime examples of such transformation is evident in the finance sector. This document delves into the immediate implications, future opportunities, the challenges being faced and the future outlook of AI in finance by conducting an exhaustive review of academic papers, industrial studies, and real-world case studies. Our research indicates that AI's impact on areas like risk management, trading, customer assistance, fraud detection, and personalization of financial services has been notably significant, boosting efficiency, security, and customer contentment. However, we also discuss the critical hurdles that arise with the implementation of AI, such as ethical concerns about data privacy and biases, the mystery surrounding AI's 'black box' problem, and the potential job losses due to automation. Our paper concludes that although AI has the potential to bring about significant changes in the finance industry, it is crucial to overcome the associated ethical, trust, and regulatory challenges to maximize its benefits. Future investigations should focus on creating ethically considerate, transparent, and robust AI tools that are compliant with and can excel in the Regulatory Landscape of the finance industry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Project-based learning in distance learning: an appoach to organize events and develop competencies

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    Today the world is facing a great challenge that has a strong impact on the Mundial Educational System, the COVID-19 pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the learning process and required that all students have to learn through online platforms which implies a distance learning process between teachers and students. In order to minimize this impact of COVID-19 on the students’ learning, the educational system has been forced to change, and new pedagogical activities have emerged, everything was adjusted to the digital learning environment. Teachers during the year 2020 were forced to adapt their pedagogical activities as well as learn a new one to become attractive and motivating for students to actively participate in the distance learning process. The objective of this article is to present an application of the Project-Based Learning (PBL) and understand the perception of students about the development of their transversal competencies acquired during this collaborative work. The project involved students from the second curricular year of a Higher Professional Training Course (HPTC) of Management Applied to the Development of Touristic Products (MADTP) at University of Aveiro, Portugal, during the fall/winter of 2020. Teachers shared the PBL methodology to join two disciplines for the same students: Animation, and Itineraries and Tourist Events and Tourism Quality Management. It was purposed as a practical activity that students should organize four webinars with different themes. The aim of this project was to explore how collaborative work within PBL methodology can motivate students and engage them in distance learning using several digital tools to support the learning process, team coordination, and interpersonal communication. The methodology used was initiated with exploratory research as a case study. One questionnaire was applied to better understand the perception of students to their competencies developed with this project. Implementing this methodology, teachers have a deeper knowledge about the transversal competencies that can be developed under this particular context. The study shows some evidence of the students’ perceptions about their competencies developed during a real-life learning context, such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, time management, collaboration, leadership, responsibility, self-direction, and work ethic. The results aggregate organizational and behavioural competencies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mapping the marketing and communication student’s choice in higher education: a study in Portugal

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    O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o processo de escolha da IES sob a ótica dos estudantes de um programa de mestrado ofertado por uma instituição integrante do sistema de ensino superior politécnico em Portugal. Metodologia: A partir de um método qualitativo, os dados foram coletados a partir de sessões de focus group orientados pelo Modelo dos 5As proposto por Kotler et al. (2017) e pelas variáveis identificadas na literatura, e submetidos a análise de conteúdo. Resultados: Os resultados indicam a predominância das influências próprias dos estudantes e ainda dos outros grupos de referência no decorrer do processo de escolha. Os estudantes avaliam a opinião dos seus grupos de referência, as características inerentes à oferta formativa e o suporte oferecido, bem como a reconhecida reputação desta. Limitações: As limitações se dão em virtude da dimensão da amostra imposta pelo baixo número de inscritos no programa de mestrado objeto deste estudo, que implica dificuldades ao generalizar os resultados em escala. Originalidade/Valor: O presente estudo ambiciona avançar a compreensão do comportamento do estudante no ensino superior aplicando um modelo conceptual. Não foram encontrados estudos com esta abordagem no contexto português. Implicações: Em termos práticos, as IES devem fundamentar as ações de recrutamento e estratégias de marketing e comunicação a partir do perfil de consumidor dos estudantes, com vista a otimizar o número de inscritos nos mestrados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interdisciplinary pedagogical activity, collaborative teaching under COVID-19

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    The Mundial Higher Education System is facing diverse and several challenges in a very short period of time. The pandemic situation of COVID-19 the world is facing imposed some really important changes in the Higher Education System: (i) The presence of a hybrid classes system (the online class combined with face-to-face classes); (ii) The acquisition of appropriate technologies and skills in order to use online platforms; (iii) The social distaimposed between students, teachers and between students and teachers; and (iv) the continuous teaching/learning process is complemented with the utilization of different tools of communications that support online classes. In these circumstances, it is important to adopt innovative pedagogies that can better prepare students to ingress in the tourism profession, particularly in the context of the crisis that the tourism sector is facing. In order to bridge the gap between how different Tourism subjects can be taught in university and how Tourism Professional Teams Works in a real-life context under a pandemic situation, interdisciplinary pedagogical activities implemented within the classroom. This article aims to describe and present interdisciplinary pedagogical practices within the Planning and Politics of Tourism and Introduction of EconoTourism classes, under a particular context, in order to develop important competencies that will allow students to be better prepared to work in the tourism sector. Specifically, the principal goal is to investigate the students’ perception of competencies acquired through interdisciplinary active under a collaborative learning activity within a pandemic situation. This investigation adopted a case study method. In a quantitative approach, the students answered a questionnaire about self-assessment, motivatiskills, and competencies acquired along diff erent stages of collaborative teamwork between peers. Complementing these fi ndings, we used a qualitatapproach. We describe teacher’s and students´ cooperation, and coordination eff orts throughout the activity carried out along two diff erent disciplines This research also provides important and novel insights to understand how students can develop important competencies, under a pandemic contexts learning from a hybrid process using interdisciplinary pedagogies. Teachers cooperation working through collaborative teaching activities and design considered as a proper interdisciplinary activity in order to graduate better students. The world is living a unique moment within a pandemic situation. Ait has a strong impact on the Higher Education System and all academic communities. In this sense, teachers must be open-minded regarding the learn process, as well as the use of new technologies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Da licenciatura ao mestrado: as influências na tomada de decisão dos estudantes de marketing e comunicação no Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal

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    A concorrência tem estimulado Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) a perceberem o estudante como um consumidor. Em Portugal, contrariamente à crescente procura por formações superiores, percebem-se vagas ociosas em mestrados ofertados por Institutos Politécnicos (IP) localizados em territórios de baixa densidade. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar os principais fatores de influência no processo de tomada de decisão da IES para ingressar num mestrado, em função da intenção e perceção dos estudantes do último ano das licenciaturas em Marketing e Comunicação. Por um método quantitativo, os dados foram coletados a partir de questionários orientados por 27 influências identificadas na literatura. A partir de medidas de tendência e de análise fatorial exploratória, foi possível compreender o perfil, as principais influências e as intenções futuras desses estudantes. Os resultados indicam o interesse em ingressar num mestrado, o apreço por IES de boa reputação e a consideração por mestrados com melhores saídas profissionais. O estudo revelou significância moderada para a localização da IES e desinteresse em permanecer na mesma instituição da licenciatura. Este estudo fornece orientações e discute, sob a ótica do marketing e da comunicação, futuras estratégias a fim de elevar a atratividade e os índices dos mestrados ofertados por esta IES e outras em contextos similares.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COMBAR COST EU. A mobile application proposal

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    Diagnosis and treatment options/strategies for helminth parasitic diseases are not standardized globally, or even across Europe, due to factors such as epidemiology, resources availability, socio-economics, and the lack of adequate information. Good communication of options can help to overcome some of these problems. In this sense, it is proposed to develop a mobile application (Abozeid et al., 2021) that allows the tailoring, and sharing, of knowledge (Abu-El-Noor et al., 2021; Kunkel et al., 2021) related to the various diagnoses and treatments in a format appropriate for all stakeholders (e.g. farmers, veterinarians, universities, researchers, laboratories, industries). The proposal aims to present the theoretical functionalities for the creation of a mobile application (Muashekele et al., 2021), the application should have a sequence of options that must be grounded in theoretical requirements. First of all, there is a necessity to have inputs standardized by the application (e.g. country/region, applicable legislation, animal typology, disease characteristics, symptoms) that should be entered into the application. The aim is to provide a range of tailored options to the end-user. Second, given the user's choices, the application can offer information and guidelines (including veterinarians available, laboratories, diagnosis, treatments, stores, among others). It is highlighted that the main gain may be the collection of information, whenever the user allows it. Finally, considering that most farmers use the language of their country, it is crucial to have the application in different European languages.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Professional coaching: an alternative to continuing education

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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal analisar e compreender a perceção de diferentes gestores de Pequenas e Médias empresas (PME) sobre o processo de coaching. Para o efeito, investigou-se sobre as organizações positivas, clima e cultura organizacionais, formação profissional e coaching, tema central do estudo. Procurou-se enquadrar o processo de coaching no âmbito das organizações positivas, caracterizadas por uma cultura organizacional adaptativa e estimulante, e com práticas formativas convergentes com o desenvolvimento profissional. A metodologia de investigação subjacente ao estudo é de cariz qualitativa, tendo-se utilizado como técnica de recolha de dados a entrevista semiestruturada. Para o efeito, foram realizadas cinco entrevistas a diferentes gestores de empresas. Pela análise dos discursos dos entrevistados, pode afirmar-se que os planos de formação profissional das empresas, incidem em áreas técnicas e de desenvolvimento pessoal, verificando-se que apenas uma empresa utiliza o coaching como método de desenvolvimento profissional. As restantes empresas utilizam outros métodos de formação e desenvolvimento de competências, verificando-se, no discurso dos entrevistados uma valorização das soft skills e não apenas de competências técnicas. Os gestores entrevistados consideram o processo de feedback importante para o desenvolvimento profissional dos trabalhadores e admitem que um aspeto a melhorar na relação chefia-trabalhador é o processo de comunicação. A partir da pesquisa realizada é possível perceber que o coaching é uma prática conhecida, mas pouco praticada pelos gestores de PME entrevistados, sendo que para a maioria, esse conhecimento resulta apenas de “ouvir falar”The main objective of this study is to analyze and understand the perception of different managers of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) about the coaching process in a business context. For this purpose, research was conducted on positive organizations, organizational climate, and culture, vocational training, and coaching, the central theme of the study. The coaching process was framed in the context of positive organizations, with an adaptive and stimulating organizational culture, and with training practices convergent with professional development. The research method underlying the study is qualitative in nature, and a semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. For this purpose, five interviews were conducted with different managers from SME. Through the analysis of the interviewees discourse it can be said that the training plans of the company’s focus on technical areas and personal development and that only one company uses coaching as a method of professional development. The remaining companies use other methods of training and development of skills, and in the managers’ discourse an appreciation of soft skills and not only technical skills can be perceived. The interviewed managers consider the feedback process important for the professional development of employees and admit that one aspect to be improved in the manager-employee relationship is the communication process. From the survey, it is possible to conclude that coaching is a known practice, but hardly enforced by the interviewed SME managers, and in some cases, this knowledge results only from hearsayinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sensory perception nudge: insect-based food consumer behavior

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    The negative impact that animal protein sources have on the environment is a critical world problem. Finding new acceptable alternatives is crucial. Nevertheless, numerous factors influence the decision to try an unknown food. By adopting a consumer behavior perspective as well as approaching the possibility of overcoming neophobia, this research examined the influence of sensory perception on consumer behavior with regard to the experimentation with new foods, focusing on entomophagy. A theoretical model was developed, and path analysis and factor influence were based on the structural equation model (PLS-SEM), designed in SmartPLS, to test the model relationships. Despite the low level of awareness concerning the benefits of entomophagy, this study considered that many aspects influence experimentation with new food, specifically our sensorial system. Sensory perception is founded on the senses, such as the tactile, olfactory, visual, and gustatory senses, which can influence perception. In line with these assumptions, this research identified the three most important and decisive factors that can influence individuals’ sensory perceptions: preparation, visual and related aspects, and the presentation of the shape of food have an influence on sensory perception regarding entomophagy consumer behavior. People like to know the method of preparation as well as the ingredients and the color of the food. These findings are crucial to food business practitioners, policymakers, and marketers, who can adopt some food process strategies following sensory perception, that will contribute to changing the habits of consumers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Using routes or itineraries to create networks in regions with low competitiveness

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    There are territories where the ability of territorial competitiveness can be conditioned by the availability of resources, access, and capacity to attract and retain tourists. The barrier of competitiveness of territories, especially desertified territories with scarce resources, can be overcome through the involvement of all and the integration of stakeholders in a collaborative network. In this sense, with the aim of structuring the offer of tourist routes and itineraries according to the needs of the demand, based on the available resources, it is proposed to structure three models of itineraries according to demand, which can be stated as follows: i) have a reduced cost through a standardized itinerary; ii) be directed towards a group of customers through a segmented itinerary; or iii) make the offer as flexible as possible to meet the specific needs, desires or expectations of a tourist, through a customized itinerary. This paper uses action research to contribute to the improvement of the functioning of routes and itineraries in low-density territories.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    Validação teórica em modelagem de equações estruturais aplicada ao Marketing Social

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    A relação dos indicadores com o respectivo construto pode ser de causa ou efeito. Considera-se que o construto pode ser formativo ou reflexivo, dependendo da análise teórica que antecede a análise estatística dos dados. E esta relação tem implicações para a definição do modelo estrutural. Neste sentido, apresenta-se um processo de validação teórico para o modelo estrutural, aplicado ao comportamento do aleitamento materno no âmbito do marketing social, tendo sido considerado os seguintes pressupostos: i) a intenção precede o comportamento voluntário; ii) a intenção é cognitiva; iii) a intenção é influenciada por vários fatores, e por esta razão, foi previamente avaliada por diferentes modelos, dependendo do contexto. Ressalta-se a dificuldade de encontrar um único modelo para ser aplicado a todos os comportamentos.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio