2,871 research outputs found

    A note on ensiling characteristics of the tropical grass Setaria sphacelata var. splendida (Stapf).

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the ensiling characteristics of Setaria sphacelata var. splendida (S. splendida) and to identify ensilability limiting factors of this tropical grass, locally produced


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    The present study was carried out to investigate the evolution of biochemical composition and physical traits of the chemical composition and physical characteristics of muscle Psoas major (PM adipose during growth of Alentejano pigs

    As leguminosas como alimentos funcionais: o caso das dislipidémias e das doenças cardiovasculares.

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    A dieta mediterrânica é rica em alimentos funcionais. As leguminosas, um dos alimentos-chave desta dieta, têm visto o seu papel na prevenção de dislipidémias, diabetes e cancro do cólon mencionado por muitos autores. O efeito do consumo de leguminosas na redução da colesterolémia deve-se a diferentes nutrientes e fitoquímicos, tais como: i) proteína; ii) lípidos, particularmente a componente polinsaturada e monoinsaturada; iii) fibra, especialmente a fracção solúvel; iv) saponinas; e v) fitosteróis. O consumo da soja tem sido relacionado com tais efeitos benéficos, mas dados recentes obtidos na Universidade de Évora demonstraram que leguminosas como a ervilha e o tremoço de folhas estreitas também apresentam elevado potencial funcional na regulação do colesterol sanguíneo. O seu consumo levou a reduções de 30% na colesterolémia de animais experimentais, via redução do colesterol das LDL. A utilização destas leguminosas como alimentos funcionais e/ou como fornecedoras de fitoquímicos com potencial preventivo e terapêutico é promissora e poderá constituir uma mais-valia e uma fonte extra de rendimento para os agricultores que se dediquem ao cultivo destas espécies. The Mediterranean diet is rich in functional foods. Legumes are one of the key-foods of this diet and many authors mention their role in the prevention of dyslipidemias, diabetes and colon cancer. The hypocholesterolemic effect of legumes is related to several nutrients and phytochemicals. Among them: i) protein; ii) lipids, especially polyunsaturated and monounsaturated ones; iii) dietary fibre, especially soluble fibre; iv) saponins; and v) phytosterols. Soybean consumption has been related with these benefic effects. However, recent data obtained at the University of Évora have demonstrated that other legumes, such as peas and blue lupin, can also present a high hypocholesterolemic potential. In fact, the consumption of these legumes led to a 30% reduction in the cholesterolemia of experimental animals, due to a LDL-cholesterol reduction. The utilization of these legumes as functional foods or as providers of phytochemicals with a high preventive and therapeutic potential is promising, and may contribute to an increase in the income of farmers growing these crops

    the demand of mineral resources

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    the demand of mineral resources

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    As fontes de Mt 1-2. Contributos para a exegese do evangelho da infancia de Mateus

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    Composição química do lombo curado: efeito da matéria-prima.

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    Para este trabalho, foram utilizados lombos (matéria-prima) obtidos em 3 sistemas de produção diferentes, com matrizes produtivas bem caracterizadas e conhecidas: 1) porcos de raça Alentejana engordados em montanheira (PAMA), 2)porcos de raça alentejana Alentejana (DOP) e 3) porcos industriais (PI). Os lombos frescos foram identificados e sujeitos ao mesmo processo tecnológico de elaboração, na fábrica Companhia Alentejana de Enchidos Tradicionais. Após o processo de cura, a composição química centesimal dos lombos frescos foi determinada, bem como o seu teor de colagénio total e o teor de cloretos (sal). Os lombos de porco Alentejano (PAM e DOP) registaram uma marcada diferença de composição química relativamente aos lombos de PI, principalmente no teor de gordura intramuscular (lípidos neutros). O maior teor de gordura intramuscular dos lombos de porco Alentejano afetou o teor de humidade e de proteína, mas na avaliação sensorial da suculência, os lombos de porco Alentejano mereceram melhor avaliação, confirmando a importância da gordura intramuscular nas características de textura dos lombo curado. Estes dados sugerem mesmo que a sua influência é superior à da concentração em colagénio total, que apesar de superior nos lombos de porco Alentejano, não afetou negativamente a sensação de suculênci

    Effect of betaine on growth performance and carcass composition of Alentejano pig breed.

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of fattening diets supplemented with betaine on growth performances and carcass characteristics of Alentejano pigs. Sixteen Alentejano pigs sexually neutralized, with a initial body weight (BW) of 36.3 kg, allocated to open-air individual pens (3m2), were divided into two experimental groups: Group C (n=8) consuming a commercial diet with 150 g/kg crude protein and 13.0 MJ digestible energy; and group CB (n=8) consuming the same diet supplemented with betaine (1g/kg). The diets were restrictively offered at 85% estimated ad libitum consumption. All pigs had free access to fresh water. Diet refusals were measured daily and pigs were weighed weekly. At 100 kg BW, pigs were submitted to a 24 h fasting period and killed. Carcass weight, backfat thickness and Longissimus muscle area were determined. The left side half carcass was submitted to commercial cuts according to the Portuguese norm and their weights recorded. No significant differences between treatments were detected in feed intake (297.3 vs. 286.5 kg), average daily gain (472 vs. 480g) and feed:gain (4.66 vs. 4.51). Hot carcass weight (82.2 vs. 83.6 kg), backfat thickness (5.0 vs. 5.3 cm), Longissimus muscle area (21.9 vs. 21.2 cm2) and weights of commercial cuts of the half carcass were also not significantly affected by betaine supplementation

    Betaine supplementation vs. exercise: effects on glucose, protein, urea and lipid plasma parameters from Alentejano pigs.

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    Swine, due to their physiologic and anatomical similarities to humans, are considered as good models for cholesterol metabolism studies. The Alentejano (AL) pig is a breed from the south of Portugal with a higher lipogenic activity than European breeds. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of betaine (a methyl donor and an osmoprotectant, with contradictory effects on backfat thickness) supplementation and of exercise in some plasma parameters of AL pigs. Weaned female and male AL pigs were castrated, allocated to individual pens and fed a commercial (C) diet offered at 85% of ad libitum. The pigs were slaughtered (~100 kg BW) in 3 groups: Group C (n=6), consuming the C diet; Group CB (n=8), consuming the C diet with betaine (1g/kg); and Group CE (n=5), consuming also the C diet, but with access to an exercise area. Fasting plasma concentrations of glucose, protein, urea, triacylglycerols, phospholipids, total and LDL- and HDL-cholesterol were determined. When compared to C and CE pigs, CB pigs presented higher concentrations (P<0.05) of triacylglycerols, phospholipids, cholesterol and lipoprotein cholesterol. As to CE pigs, they presented lower total cholesterol (P=0.08) and higher HDL-cholesterol and HDL:total cholesterol ratio (P<0.05) than C ones. These data suggest that betaine increases dyslipidemia. Furthermore, exercise had a beneficial effect on plasma cholesterol levels and on the cholesterol deposition in adipose tissues and muscles of CE pigs (lower than the ones observed in the subcutaneous fat and m. semimembranosus of C and CB pigs – preliminary data)