16 research outputs found
Passado, presente e futuro na perspectiva dos planos urbanos: uma análise do papel da parte oeste no contexto da expansão urbana da metrópole do Rio de Janeiro
Nos primeiros anos do século XXI, novos projetos de investimento foram instalados no extremo oeste metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro, que desde 1960 hospeda empreendimentos industriais e de logística. Essa “prosperidade industrial” tem sido acompanhada pelo crescimento dos conjuntos habitacionais, dos loteamentos informais e do número de moradores. Essa condição é fruto de uma acelerada inserção do entorno da Baía de Sepetiba na dinâmica metropolitana a partir da segunda metade do século XX, quando teve início a substituição das atividades rurais. Nesse contexto, o presente artigo tem como objetivo compreender o papel do extremo oeste diante da expansão urbana da metrópole do Rio de Janeiro através da análise dos planos urbanos desenvolvidos pelo Estado entre os anos de 1930 e 2018. Ao final, foi possível perceber o grande destaque dado pelos planos às atividades industriais para o desenvolvimento não só do entorno da Baía de Sepetiba, como do Rio de Janeiro, e também a necessidade de dotar este espaço de infraestrutura, indicando que a industrialização em curso na baía de Sepetiba, não tão recente, mas que ganhou novo fôlego na virada do século XXI, não tem reverberado em ganhos para o seu entorno.In the first years of the 21st century, new investment projects were implemented in the westernmost metropolitan part of Rio de Janeiro, which has been hosting logistics and industrial enterprises since 1960. This “industrial property” has been followed by the growth of spaces dedicated to low-cost housing, informal settlement parcels and population. This condition results from the accelerated insertion of the surroundings of Sepetiba Bay into the metropolitan dynamics on the second half of XX century, when the substitution of rural activities started to take place. In this context, this paper aims to understand the role of Rio de Janeiro’s Extreme Metropolitan West in face of the urban expansion of the metropolis, through the analysis of the urban plans developed by the State between 1930 and 2018. Based on this study, it was possible to notice the great emphasis given by the plans to the industrial activities in order to develop not only the surroundings of the Sepetiba Bay, but also of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the plans also show a necessity to endow this space with infrastructure, pointing out that the ongoing industrialization on Sepetiba Bay, not so recent, but with a new strength in the turn of the 21st century, do not reverberate in gains to its surroundings.Au début du XXIème siècle, de nouveaux projets d’investissement ont été installés dans l’extrême ouest métropolitain du Rio de Janeiro, qui accueille depuis 1960 des entreprises industrielles et logistiques. Cette « prospérité industrielle » s’est accompagnée de la croissance des lotissements, des lotissements informels et du nombre de résidents. Cette condition est le résultat d’une insertion accélérée des abords de la Baía de Sepetiba dans la dynamique métropolitaine de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, lorsque le remplacement des activités rurales a commencé. Dans ce contexte, cet article vise à comprendre le rôle de l’extrême ouest face à l’expansion urbaine de la métropole du Rio de Janeiro à travers l’analyse des plans urbains élaborés par l’État entre les années 1930 et 2018. À la fin, il a été possible de percevoir l’accent mis par les plans d’activités industrielles pour le développement non seulement des environs de la Baía de Sepetiba, mais aussi de Rio de Janeiro, et aussi la nécessité de doter cet espace d’infrastructures, indiquant que l’industrialisation en cours dans la Baía de Sepetiba, pas si récente, mais qui a pris un nouvel élan au tournant du XXIème siècle, il n’a pas eu de retombées positives pour son environnement. Extrême Ouest Métropolitan du Rio de Janeiro, Expansion urbaine, Baía de Sepetiba, Plans urbains, Grands projets d’investissement
Grandes projetos e produção do espaço do entorno da Baía de Sepetiba: uma análise através dos planos urbanos, leis e políticas públicas
Um novo ciclo de instalação de grandes projetos de investimento iluminou a discussão
sobre a produção do espaço no entorno da Baía de Sepetiba, fazendo emergir uma
questão sobre sua relação com a expansão da metrópole fluminense no eixo oeste
neste início do século XXI. Novos terminais portuários dedicados à exportação de
commodities minerárias e grandes indústrias pesadas instaladas por empresas
transnacionais ampliaram a inserção do entorno da Baía de Sepetiba nos fluxos
mundiais de capital e mercadorias. Em paralelo à retomada destes investimentos, no
início dos anos 2000, também ampliou-se uma dinâmica já existente de instalação de
conjuntos habitacionais voltados à população de baixa renda e intensificou-se a
construção de condomínios para a classe média e de loteamentos irregulares. A
intensa criação de novas unidades habitacionais tem se traduzido nas taxas de
crescimento populacional nessa porção do espaço metropolitano, que são bem
superiores às da média metropolitana. Assim, na atualidade, o jogo espacial na Baía
de Sepetiba é marcado pelo encontro dessa mancha metropolitana estendida e a
inserção desse mesmo espaço dentro de um projeto de divisão territorial do trabalho
em escala mundial via grandes empreendimentos. Neste sentido, esta pesquisa
buscou analisar como o entorno da Baía de Sepetiba virou um espaço privilegiado
para a instalação e operação de portos e indústrias e seu papel no processo de
expansão metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro a partir da análise de planos urbanos, leis
e decretos de zoneamento e políticas setoriais de industrialização e habitação. Tal
análise visou a compreender esse espaço tal como ele se apresenta, ou seja, como
espaço em construção e em contradição, resultado de processos que se constituem
em diferentes escalas e temporalidades.A brand-new large investment round of undertakings in Rio de Janeiro has highlighted
the discussion regarding the production of space around its western fringes on the
Sepetiba Bay s shores. This scenario draws attention to how these investments affect
the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Area s sprawl towards its westside at the beginning of
the 21st century. Besides large, heavy industries established by transnational
companies, mining exporting, and commodities-based ports contributed to embracing
Sepetiba Bay s surroundings in the international capital and goods flows.
Concomitantly, former low-income housing programs were heated up as middle-class
gated communities, and irregular subdivisions have appeared intensely as well.
Furthermore, the intense provision of housing units led the population rate to grow in
Rio s western fringes higher than the metropolitan average. Thus, in this process, what
is at stake is the struggle of urban sprawl towards Sepetiba Bay with its insertion within
a project of territorial division of labor on a worldwide scale via large undertakings.
Thus, the research sought to analyze how the Sepetiba Bay s surroundings turned into
a privileged space for establishing and operating ports and industries. The second goal
was to identify Sepetiba Bay s role in Rio s metropolitan sprawl. The analysis was
carried out by exploring and examining urban plans, laws and decrees, zoning, and
sectoral industrialization and housing policies. These findings contribute to
understanding Sepetiba Bay as a space under production paradoxically resulted from
diverse scales over time.234 f
Evaluation of the, in vitro, photoprotetive capacity of Moringa oleifera oil for its use in sunscreen formulation
Moringa oleifera Lam is an Indian plant with applications in the agricultural and medical fields. The assets development capable of increasing the efficiency of sunscreens, mainly those of plant origin, due to their natural benefits, represents an increasing demand for cosmetology. The present study aims to identify by CG-MS the constituents of the most active oil and to evaluate the photoprotective capacity of Moringa oil, and its action in sunscreen formulations. Extracts of the oils from the Moringa seeds were evaluated for the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) observing the highest result for the dichloromethane extract. This extract showed low cytotoxic potential for human fibroblasts and it was incorporated into a sunscreen. The extract increased the SPF of the sunscreen and its effect may be related to fatty acids identified by GC-MS. The results showed the benefit of Moringa oil as a vegetable active in the sunscreen formulations by increasing the SPF of sunscreens in a natural and sustainable way.RESUMO
Moringa oleifera Lam é uma planta indiana com aplicações nas áreas agrícolas e médica. O desenvolvimento de ativos capazes de aumentar a eficiência dos filtros solares, principalmente os de origem vegetal, devido aos seus benefícios naturais, representa uma demanda crescente por cosmetologia. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar por CG-MS os constituintes do óleo mais ativo e avaliar a capacidade fotoprotetora do óleo de Moringa, e sua ação em formulações de filtros solares. Os extratos dos óleos das sementes de Moringa foram avaliados quanto ao Fator de Proteção Solar (FPS), observando-se o maior resultado para o extrato de diclorometano. Este extrato apresentou baixo potencial citotóxico para fibroblastos humanos e foi incorporado a um protetor solar. O extrato aumentou o FPS do protetor solar e seu efeito pode estar relacionado aos ácidos graxos identificados por GC-MS. Os resultados mostraram o benefício do óleo de Moringa como ativo vegetal nas formulações de protetores solares por aumentar o FPS dos protetores solares de forma natural e sustentável.
Palavras-chave: Moringa oleifera Lam; Formulações; Protetores solares; ácidos graxo
Trypanocidal activity of flavanone derivatives.
Chagas disease, also known as American trypanosomiasis, is classified as a neglected disease by the World Health Organization. For clinical treatment, only two drugs have been on the market, Benznidazole and Nifurtimox, both of which are recommended for use in the acute phase but present low cure rates in the chronic phase. Furthermore, strong side effects may result in discontinuation of this treatment. Faced with this situation, we report the synthesis and trypanocidal activity of 3-benzoyl-flavanones. Novel 3-benzoyl-flavanone derivatives were prepared in satisfactory yields in the 3-step synthetic procedure. According to recommended guidelines, the whole cell-based screening methodology was utilized that allowed for the simultaneous use of both parasite forms responsible for human infection. The majority of the tested compounds displayed promising anti-Trypanosoma cruzi activity and the most potent flavanone bearing a nitrofuran moiety was more potent than the reference drug, Benznidazole
Profile of peach palm fruit consumers in the Metropolitan Region of Belém, Pará, Brazilian Amazon
People in the Amazon highly value the fruit of the peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), but its commercialization is hampered because of consumers’ difficulty in identifying fruit of good quality. This study seeks to evaluate the behavior of peach palm fruit consumers in municipalities in the Belém Region in Pará State by conducting a survey of 200 consumers. Peach palm consumption frequency is low, and it has not grown over the past five years in the largest proportion of consumers. The attributes most consumers looked for when purchasing peach palm were its external aspects, displaying a preference for red, oily pulp, medium-sized fruits that were pitted. Consumers enjoy purchasing peach palm as bunches of raw fruit, and while they believe that the price is too high, they are willing to pay more for fruit of proven quality
Nanoemulsified Essential Oil of <i>Melaleuca leucadendron</i> Leaves for Topical Application: In Vitro Photoprotective, Antioxidant and Anti-Melanoma Activities
Melanoma, primarily caused by solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can be prevented by the use of sunscreens. However, the use of synthetic sunscreens raises environmental concerns. Natural compounds with antioxidant photoprotective properties and cytotoxic effects against cancer cells can be promising for the prevention and treatment of melanoma with less environmental effect. This study focuses on Melaleuca leucadendron essential oil (EO) for photoprotection and antitumor applications. EO was hydrodistilled from M. leucadendron leaves with a 0.59% yield. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry detected monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Nanoemulsions were prepared with (NE-EO) and without EO (NE-B) using the phase inversion method, showing good stability, spherical or oval morphology, and a pseudoplastic profile. Photoprotective activity assessed spectrophotometrically showed that the NE-EO was more effective than NE-B and free EO. Antioxidant activity evaluated by DPPH and ABTS methods indicated that pure and nanoemulsified EO mainly inhibited the ABTS radical, showing IC50 40.72 and 5.30 µg/mL, respectively. Cytotoxicity tests on L-929 mouse fibroblasts, NGM human melanocyte, B16-F10 melanoma, and MeWo human melanoma revealed that EO and NE-EO were more cytotoxic to melanoma cells than to non-tumor cells. The stable NE-EO demonstrates potential for melanoma prevention and treatment. Further research is required to gain a better understanding of these activities
Ano IX, número 19
Espaço e Economia: Revista Brasileira de Geografia Econômica, além dos artigos em fluxo contínuo, inclui nesta edição o Dossiê Oeste Metropolitano do Rio de Janeiro, organizado pelos professores Marcio Rufino Silva, Denise de Alcantara, Leandro Dias de Oliveira e André Santos da Rocha (PPGGEO e PPGDT-UFRRJ)