4,387 research outputs found

    H2020: PERICLES_Deliverable number: D5.3_Integration and coordination of Cultural heritage policies within ICZM and MSP

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    Executive Summary Historically cultural heritage management has not been integrated in coastal policies. Some examples from Southern European countries are available, but usually natural heritage has been the main concern for integrated policies. An analysis based on policies, legislation, scientific reports and academic papers show that cultural heritage has penetrated with difficulties integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) strategies implemented in the PERICLES countries. However, the compulsory requirement of the EU Directive on Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) has accelerated the inclusivity of cultural policies and actors’ engagement within marine (and in some cases) coastal plans. This shows the importance of spatial planning that offers a perspective that can be exported to heritage from the more traditional implementation designed to manage cities, ecosystems and landscapes, filling the gap left by ICZM that rarely has acknowledged heritage issues to any significant extent. An investigation on the integration of cultural heritage (CH) management within ICZM and MSP has been carried out by a checklist of indicators piloted in four PERICLES countries (Northern Ireland, Portugal, Denmark and Scotland). From the pilot test, it is evident how the current CH management reflects a broad perspective and is supported by the implementation of a series of tools (such as the environmental and strategic impact assessment) that facilitate the integration with other policies. However, elements of an integrated strategy based on adaptive management and involving concerned parties are less considered. Moreover, the lack of support and coordination at vertical and horizontal scales by public bodies and of mechanisms that facilitate the exchange of information remains quite relevant. The integration of the literature review and the pilot test results shows that planning and management of CH are taking place in coastal zone and that a framework for considering CH into ICZM strategies is emerging. However, several approaches required by an ICZM governance are not in place. The partial coordination between government bodies, formal partnerships or other mechanisms facilitating stakeholders’ interventions and community voice are currently limiting the possibility of a transition to an participatory approach. This result is backed-up by the analysis of policy formation reported in the PERICLES Deliverable D5.1 that suggests how across the PERICLES regions policy is led by government by a top-down strategy. The policy formation analysis reported in the PERICLES Deliverable D5.1 evidences a shift towards more participatory and increasingly deliberative approaches in some countries like Northern Ireland, with extensive consultations, discussion documents, online forums and on-going stakeholder discourse encouraging partnerships and participatory processes. The latter approaches are considered necessary by PERICLES to guarantee a shift from ‘government’ to ‘governance’ and underpin an effective multi-actor framework for cultural heritage in key policy and planning arenas

    A sonata op. 35 de Frédéric Chopin

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    O objetivo deste projeto é: - Apresentar o percurso composicional de Chopin através de episódios da sua vida pessoal e musical; - Explorar o contexto composicional da Sonata, dando particular atenção às possíveis fontes inspiradoras; - Mostrar as teses de vários musicólogos sobre a questão da repetição da exposição no primeiro andamento da Sonata; - Ilustrar uma teoria da possível influência de Beethoven na composição da obra; - Comparar comentários de músicos e musicólogos sobre o revolucionário último andamento da Sonata, o Finale, e as suas propostas estéticas; - Apresentar uma perspectiva analítica da op.35 propondo uma reflexão sobre questões interpretativas e performativas; - Conduzir uma análise comparativa de gravações históricas, destacando os vários estilos interpretativos da Sonata ao longo de várias épocas

    Effect of THI on milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI) on the milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle from northeast part of Italy. A total of 592 individual milk samples from six dairy herds were evaluated. The milk coagulation properties traits analysed were milk rennet coagulation time and curd firmness, as well as the fat, protein, and casein contents, pH, milk aptitude to coagulate (IAC), and the somatic cell count. The THI was determined during the periods of sample collection. The THI results showed that values of up to 75 did not significantly change the IAC values; however, when the THI values were above 75, the IAC decreased significantly. The control of THI can be used to guarantee appropriate milk coagulation properties

    Contracts to Govern the Transition towards Sustainable Production: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Analysis in the Durum Wheat Sector in Italy

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    The increasing request for food sustainability is affecting the pasta sector in Italy. This phenomenon introduces different sources of uncertainties that, in turn, put pressure on all the stages of the supply chain, with a consequent emerging need for a higher level of coordination. Based on the Transaction Costs Theory approach, the paper is aimed at verifying whether contract design—revolving around the negotiation of contractual attributes with different functions in terms of safeguard, adaptability, and coordination—plays a crucial role in aligning sources of uncertainty surrounding transactions with the allocation of property and decision rights. To this aim, a sample of durum wheat producers is interviewed for expressing their preferences about some contractual features, such as price, production and quality rules, sustainable environmental techniques, and advisory services. Using a discrete choice analysis through a multinomial logit model, results reveal that, thanks to the presence of attributes able to ensure coordination and adaptability, contracts are able to steer towards elements of sustainability related to food quality and safety, whereas further efforts are needed to share environmental goals with farmers

    Feeding dehydrated alfalfa increases polyunsaturated fatty acids concentration in Marchigiana beef muscle

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    Beef meat is a low fat food (<5% fat). However, the fatty acid composition of beef is relatively saturated (approximately 45-50%). The polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids (P/S) ratio in beef is approximately 0.1, the ideal being about 0.4 (Department of Health, 1994). This can cause critical comments to beef meat related to human health

    Microorganisms of food ice cubes and their transfer to drinks

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    The present work was carried out to investigate the microbiological characteristics of the ice cubes produced at different levels: 1) home-made (HM) from domestic freezers; 2) produced by ice machines in bars and pubs (BP); 3) produced by ice industries (IN). BP samples were collected from the box stocks. HM and BP samples were transferred into sterile stomacher bags. IN samples were provided in the manufacturers’ plastic bags. Samples were transported into thermal insulated boxes. Five samples per each production level, forming a total of 15 samples (HM1-HM5, BP1-BP5, IN1-IN5), were collected in duplicate in two consecutive months. Each ice sample was thawed in 1 L sterile Dhuram’s bottle at room temperature and subjected to the membrane filtration analyses. Total mesophilic microorganisms (TMM), total psychrotrophic microorganisms (TPM), pseudomonads, members of the Enterobacteriaceae family, coliforms, enterococci, yeasts and moulds were investigated. When the amounts of colonies were uncountable, 1 mL of sample was directly inoculated into agar media. All results were expressed as colony forming units (CFU)/100 mL of thawed ice. TMM were in the range 100-9600, 312-6300 and 130-4000 for HM, BP and IN samples, respectively. Three HM and two IN samples were negative for the presence of TPM. The highest concentration (960) was found for IN2. Pseudomonads were detected in all HM samples but the highest levels were registered for BP1 (390) and IN2 (384). Except IN4, Enterobacteriaceae were found in all samples. All INs and 4 HM samples did not displayed coliforms. By contrast, they were hosted in all BP samples, ranging from 1 to 184. Enterococci were never found in HM samples, but detected in two INs and 3 BPs. Except IN1, moulds were always registered, while yeasts developed from the majority of HM and IN samples and two BP samples. The colonies representative for the different morphologies were randomly picked up from plates, purified to homogeneity and subjected to a phenotypic grouping. Yeasts and bacteria were subjected to the genetic identification by sequencing of D1/D2 domains of 26S rRNA gene and partial sequencing of 16S rRNA gene, respectively, while moulds were identified phenotypically. So far, the species mostly represented among bacteria, as evaluated only by the forward 16S rRNA gene sequence, were Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas spp., Pantoea spp., Pantoea agglomerans, Enterococcus faecium, and Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Candida intermedia and Pichia guillermondii were identified among yeasts and Penicillium spp. among moulds. The work was also aimed to monitor the microbial transfer from ice to humans through drinks. To this purpose, each microorganism was inoculated singly in sterile mineral water to produce contaminated ice cubes using disposable ice cube trays. Inoculums occurred at the highest concentrations found in the ice cubes analysed. The concentrations of the microorganisms were followed in six different types of drinks, including alcoholic (vodka and whiskey), moderate alcoholic (Martini), sparkling (tonic water), sugary (peach tea) and sugary sparkling (coke) drinks. In order to simulate the contamination of drinks by ice during consumption, six ice cubes (corresponding to 60 mL) containing each microorganism were added to 100 mL of each drink (simulating a bar administration) in sterile cups and, after 1 h, the entire volume was analysed by membrane filtration. A physiological solution was used as control. So far, the tests were performed with Penicillium spp. and P. agglomerans. Penicillium was not influenced by the different drinks, since, after 1 h, its level did not change. Regarding P. agglomerans, which is an opportunistic pathogen causing urinary tract infections, its concentration in peach tea was superimposable to that found in physiological solution, while it decreased in all other drinks. In particular, the concentration of this bacterium almost halved in vodka, coke and tonic water, diminished consistently in Martini and completely disappeared in whiskey. Experimentations are in progress to determine the behaviour of the other microorganisms in these systems. These data evidenced that the worst hygienic characteristics were found in BP samples, while the majority of ice cubes produced in specialized industries were characterized by acceptable microbiological parameters. This work indicated that the concentration of P. agglomerans is reduced by alcohol and CO2, but further in vivo assays are necessary to better clarify their role on the other ice microorganisms


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    Cells grown in a monolayer tend to flatten in the lower part of the plate adhering to and spreading in the horizontal plane without expanding in the vertical dimension. The result is that cells grown in 2D have a forced apex-basal polarity. Microfluidic Live-Imaging with CellViewer technology is an ideal solution to observe the maintenance of a cell in excellent health, trying to bridge the gap between the 2D and 3D model. In this work we propose to test the system on a single isolated Jurkat cell in the microfluidic cartridge and record the timelapse for 4 hours. After adaptive autofocus, when sliding inside the cartridge chamber, the single cell is tracked under the action of the optics and the 3D rotation was experimentally successfully achieved. Then a single cell viability assessment was used using MitoGreen-dye a fluorescence marker selectively permeable to live cells. ImageJ software was used to: calculate the diameter of a single cell, create fluorescence intensity graphs along a straight line passing through the cell, visualize spatial fluorescence intensity distribution in 3D
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