824 research outputs found

    High Q-factor Sapphire Whispering Gallery Mode Microwave Resonator at Single Photon Energies and milli-Kelvin Temperatures

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    The microwave properties of a crystalline sapphire dielectric whispering gallery mode resonator have been measured at very low excitation strength (E/hf=1) and low temperatures (T = 30 mK). The measurements were sensitive enough to observe saturation due to a highly detuned electron spin resonance, which limited the loss tangent of the material to about 2e-8 measured at 13.868 and 13.259 GHz. Small power dependent frequency shifts were also measured which correspond to an added magnetic susceptibility of order 1e-9. This work shows that quantum limited microwave resonators with Q-factors > 1e8 are possible with the implementation of a sapphire whispering gallery mode system

    The Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect at 1 and 2 mm towards ROSAT Clusters

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    An observing campaign was devoted to the search for the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (S-Z) effect towards X-ray ROSAT Clusters in the millimetric spectral domain. A double channel (1.2 and 2 {\it mm}) photometer was installed at the focus of the 15m Swedish ESO Submillimeter Telescope (SEST) in Chile in september 1994 and 1995 and observations of the targets S1077, A2744, S295 and RXJ0658-5557 were gathered. Detections were found for A2744 at 1 {\it mm} and in both channels (at 1.2 and 2 {\it mm}) towards RXJ0658-5557. For the first time there is evidence for the S-Z enhancement and both the latter and the decrement were detected on the same source. We discuss astrophysical and systematic effects which could give origin to these signals.Comment: 6 pg Latex file (style file included) including 1 ps figure, XVIth Moriond Astrophysics Meeting "The Anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background", Les Arcs, Savoie-France, March 16-23 199

    Magnetism in SQUIDs at Millikelvin Temperatures

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    We have characterized the temperature dependence of the flux threading dc SQUIDs cooled to millikelvin temperatures. The flux increases as 1/T as temperature is lowered; moreover, the flux change is proportional to the density of trapped vortices. The data is compatible with the thermal polarization of surface spins in the trapped fields of the vortices. In the absence of trapped flux, we observe evidence of spin-glass freezing at low temperature. These results suggest an explanation for the "universal" 1/f flux noise in SQUIDs and superconducting qubits.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Compressed sensing quantum process tomography for superconducting quantum gates

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    We apply the method of compressed sensing (CS) quantum process tomography (QPT) to characterize quantum gates based on superconducting Xmon and phase qubits. Using experimental data for a two-qubit controlled-Z gate, we obtain an estimate for the process matrix χ\chi with reasonably high fidelity compared to full QPT, but using a significantly reduced set of initial states and measurement configurations. We show that the CS method still works when the amount of used data is so small that the standard QPT would have an underdetermined system of equations. We also apply the CS method to the analysis of the three-qubit Toffoli gate with numerically added noise, and similarly show that the method works well for a substantially reduced set of data. For the CS calculations we use two different bases in which the process matrix χ\chi is approximately sparse, and show that the resulting estimates of the process matrices match each ther with reasonably high fidelity. For both two-qubit and three-qubit gates, we characterize the quantum process by not only its process matrix and fidelity, but also by the corresponding standard deviation, defined via variation of the state fidelity for different initial states.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Coherent photon assisted cotunneling in a Coulomb blockade device

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    We study cotunneling in a double junction Coulomb blockade device under the influence of time dependent potentials. It is shown that the ac-bias leads to photon assisted cotunneling which in some cases may dominate the transport. We derive a general non-perturbative expression for the tunneling current in the presence of oscillating potentials and give a perturbative expression for the photon assisted cotunneling current.Comment: Replaced with a longer paper which includes a non-perturbative calculation. 13 pages with 1 figure. To be published in Physical Review

    Giant oscillations of the current in a dirty 2D electron system flowing perpendicular to a lateral barrier under magnetic field

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    The charge transport in a dirty 2-dimensional electron system biased in the presence of a lateral potential barrier under magnetic field is theoretically studied. The quantum tunneling across the barrier provides the quantum interference of the edge states localized on its both sides that results in giant oscillations of the charge current flowing perpendicular to the lateral junction. Our theoretical analysis is in a good agreement with the experimental observations presented in Ref.8. In particular, positions of the conductance maxima coincide with the Landau levels while the conductance itself is essentially suppressed even at the energies at which the resonant tunneling occurs and hence these puzzling observations can be resolved without taking into account the electron-electron interaction.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    A nighttime temperature maximum in the thermosphere above Saint Santin in winter

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    International audienceThe Saint Santin (45 N) incoherent scatter radar data base shows a local enhancement in nighttime ion temperature that occurs in winter only. Its amplitude can exceed 100 K and averages 40 K on the basis of a conservative computation. The enhancement peaks near 4 LT and has a duration of about 4 hours. We discuss two possible explanations for this feature: (1) it is caused by the convergence of global winds at the global pressure minimum, under which Saint Santin rotates at winter solstice, and (2) it is an extension or propagation of the well-known low-latitude midnight temperature maximum to midlatitudes, perhaps to that pressure minimum

    Analysis of measurement errors for a superconducting phase qubit

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    We analyze several mechanisms leading to errors in a course of measurement of a superconducting flux-biased phase qubit. Insufficiently long measurement pulse may lead to nonadiabatic transitions between qubit states 1>|1> and 0>|0>, before tunneling through a reduced barrier is supposed to distinguish the qubit states. Finite (though large) ratio of tunneling rates for these states leads to incomplete discrimination between 1>|1> and 0>|0>. Insufficiently fast energy relaxation after the tunneling of state 1>|1> may cause the repopulation of the quantum well in which only the state 0>|0> is supposed to remain. We analyze these types of measurement errors using analytical approaches as well as numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Demonstration of quantum Zeno effect in a superconducting phase qubit

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    Quantum Zeno effect is a significant tool in quantum manipulating and computing. We propose its observation in superconducting phase qubit with two experimentally feasible measurement schemes. The conventional measurement method is used to achieve the proposed pulse and continuous readout of the qubit state, which are analyzed by projection assumption and Monte Carlo wave-function simulation, respectively. Our scheme gives a direct implementation of quantum Zeno effect in a superconducting phase qubit.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure