86 research outputs found

    Phytoliths from the Southwest Pacific, Site 591

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    Phytoliths are described from deep sea sediments at Site 591 in the southwestern Pacific. Their regional distribution is related to the arid and semiarid regions of Australia, from where they were blown by westerly winds into the Tasman Sea area. The stratigraphic record ranges from the middle Miocene, at about 14.4 m.y., until the early Pleistocene. A distinct increase in frequencies observed during the Pliocene and a maximum at about 2.5 m.y. coincide with important trends in paleogeography and paleoclimatology: the development of the Antarctic ice cap, the northward drift of the Australian Plate, and the generation of arid conditions on the Australian continent

    Ebridians and actiniscidians from the Southwest Pacific

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    Ebridians and actiniscidians are described from Sites 588, 591, and 594 in the southwest Pacific. The middle Miocene to early Pliocene interval at Site 591 can be subdivided into five ebridian-actiniscidian zones. These are correlated to standard nannoplankton zones. Five new species are described from the Neogene of the southwest Pacific: Ammodochium serotinum, Hermesinum obliquum, Actiniscusßosculus, A. laciniatus, and A squamosus

    Silicoflagellates and some sponge spicules from the southwest Pacific, Deep Sea Drilling Project, Leg 90

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    Silicoflagellates are described from Sites 588 (middle Eocene), 591 (middle Miocene to lower Pliocene), and 594 (middle Miocene to Quaternary) in the southwest Pacific. At Sites 591 and 594 a detailed silicoflagellate zonation is possible, although there are some obvious differences arising from the latitudinal position of the sites in the silicoflagellate assemblages. Comparison between the sequences recovered at Sites 591 and 206 (Leg 21) revealed two hiatuses in the latter, but helped to establish a zonation for this area from the lower Miocene to the Pleistocene and a correlation to standard nannoplankton zones. The stratigraphic implications of the taxonomy used by various authors and the species concept presented here are discussed in detail. Special reference is made to types described by Ehrenberg and to later synonyma, because the Ehrenberg collection is the base for all subsequent descriptions and evaluations of silicoflagellate taxa. Two new genera (Neonaviculopsis, Paramesocena), two new subspecies (Dictyocha fibula subsp. asymmetrica, Neonaviculopsis neonautica subsp. praenautica), and three new forms (Dictyocha perlaevis f. pentaradiata, Distephanus speculum subsp. speculum f. nonarius, and Mesocena ? hexalitha f. heptalitha) are described from the southwest Pacific Neogene and Pleistocene. Associated sponge spicules were noted and will be described in detail in a later paper, but some are documented on Plate 13

    Tertiary and Quaternary calcareous nannoplankton biostratigraphy of ODP Leg 112 holes

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    Positions of all cores recovered during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 112 off Peru are shown in the standard calcareous nannoplankton zonation. Stratigraphic and regional occurrences and preservation of calcareous nannoplankton are discussed for all sites, and fossil lists are presented for selected samples. Late Miocene to Holocene nannoplankton assemblages in the upwelling systems off Peru and scattered blooms, especially of Gephyrocapsa species and Helicosphaera carteri, are described. Scyphosphaera assemblages found in late Miocene Zone NN9 {Discoaster hamatus Zone) at Site 684 are compared with similar assemblages from Gabon on the west coast of Africa. Remarkable subsidence is indicated by early and middle Eocene nearshore and shallow-water nannoplankton assemblages for Sites 682, 683, and 688. Besides several local hiatuses, major regional hiatuses were noted at Site 682 (upper Eocene, uppermost middle Eocene, and part of the lower and middle Oligocene missing), Site 683 (uppermost middle Eocene to lower part of the middle Miocene missing), and Site 688 (part of the middle Eocene, uppermost middle Eocene to upper Oligocene, and parts of the lower and middle Miocene missing)

    Silicoflagellates, actiniscidians, and ebridians of ODP Leg 105 sites

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    Neogene and Quaternary silicoflagellates, actiniscidians, and ebridians are described from Sites 679 through 688 in the eastern Pacific off Peru. Five silicoflagellate zones and one horizon can be distinguished in the Neogene and Quaternary sequences. The encountered Eocene and Oligocene sequences are barren in silicoflagellates. Several hiatuses were noted in the Neogene and early Pleistocene sequences. Displaced silicoflagellates and ebridians from older strata were found occasionally, with a distinct increase in the Quaternary at Site 688. Distribution lists for species found are presented for Sites 682, 683, 685 and 688. Systematic discussion centers on the Distephanus bioctonarius group, with special reference to Hole 681A. Two new forms (Distephanus bioctonarius f. decimarius and Distephanus speculum subsp. speculum f. pseudoseptenarius) are described from the eastern Pacific Quaternary sequence