15,530 research outputs found

    List of species, biological data and illustrated key to the identification of mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in artificial breeding in Uruguay

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    Se presenta la lista de especies y una clave ilustrada para el reconocimiento de géneros y especies de larvas de mosquitos de cuarto estadio, que fueron halladas criando en recipientes y otros ambientes artificiales, como desagües domiciliarios, en Uruguay. En el país se conoce la presencia de 12 géneros y 51 especies de mosquitos, 22 especies, repartidas en seis géneros, fueron halladas criando en ambientes artificiales (la clave incluye 18): Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), Aedes albopictus Skuse, Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) sp., Anopheles (Anopheles) sp., Culex apicinus Philippi, Culex coronator Dyar & Knab, Culex dolosus (Lynch Arribálzaga), Culex maxi Dyar, Culex mollis Dyar & Knab, Culex quinquefasciatus Say, Culex pipiens (L.), Culex saltanensis Dyar, Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Maquart), Ochlerotatus crinifer (Theobald), Ochlerotatus fluviatilis (Lutz), Ochlerotatus scapularis (Rondani), Psorophora ciliata (Fabricius), Psorophora cingulata (Fabricius), Psorophora confinnis (Lynch A.), Psorophora (Grabhamia) sp., Psorophora (Janthinosoma) sp. y Toxorhynchites (Lynchiella) theobaldi (Dyar & Knab). Se citan por primera vez para Uruguay a Cx. apicinus, Cx. mollis y Ps. cingulata.List of species, biological data and illustrated key to the identification of mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in artificial breeding in Uruguay. We present the list of species and an illustrated key to the recognition of genera and species of mosquito larvae of fourth instar were found breeding in artificial containers and other artificial environments as household drains in Uruguay. The country is known to occur in 12 genera and 51 species of mosquitoes, 22 species, spread over six genera, were found breeding in artificial environments (including 18 in the key): Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), Aedes albopictus Skuse, Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) sp., Anopheles (Anopheles) sp., Culex apicinus Philippi, Culex coronator Dyar & Knab, Culex dolosus (Lynch Arribálzaga), Culex maxi Dyar, Culex mollis Dyar & Knab, Culex quinquefasciatus Say, Culex pipiens (L.), Culex saltanensis Dyar, Ochlerotatus albifasciatus (Maquart), Ochlerotatus crinifer (Theobald), Ochlerotatus fluviatilis (Lutz), Ochlerotatus scapularis (Rondani), Psorophora ciliata (Fabricius), Psorophora cingulata (Fabricius), Psorophora confinnis (Lynch A.), Psorophora (Grabhamia) sp., Psorophora (Janthinosoma) sp. and Toxorhynchites (Lynchiella) theobaldi (Dyar & Knab). Culex apicinus, Cx. mollis and Ps. cingulata are recorded for the first time in Uruguay.Fil: Rossi, Gustavo Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico La Plata. Centro de Estudios Parasitológicos y de Vectores (i); Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Martinez, Maria. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de la República; Urugua

    Additive effect involving a new locus of benomyl resistance in Aspergillus nidulans

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    Most of the fungicides based on the benzimidazole nucleus, including benomyl, thiabendazole and thiophanate, are systemic and because they control many important fungal diseases

    The levels of mRNA expressed by gene palF of A. nidulans do not appear to be pH regulated

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    Although pal genes are putative members of a signaling cascade involved in ambient pH sensing and in the consecutive activation of PacC protein, recent findings show that most of them (palA, B, C, H and I) do not respond to ambient pH at the transcriptional level. Here, we show that mRNA levels of the remainding palF gene are also constant at various growth pH values

    pH and acid phosphatase determinations after growth of Aspergillus nidulans on solid medium

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    pH and acid phosphatase determinations after growth of Aspergillus nidulans on solid mediu

    PDFFlow: parton distribution functions on GPU

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    We present PDFFlow, a new software for fast evaluation of parton distribution functions (PDFs) designed for platforms with hardware accelerators. PDFs are essential for the calculation of particle physics observables through Monte Carlo simulation techniques. The evaluation of a generic set of PDFs for quarks and gluon at a given momentum fraction and energy scale requires the implementation of interpolation algorithms as introduced for the first time by the LHAPDF project. PDFFlow extends and implements these interpolation algorithms using Google's TensorFlow library providing the capabilities to perform PDF evaluations taking fully advantage of multi-threading CPU and GPU setups. We benchmark the performance of this library on multiple scenarios relevant for the particle physics community.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Code available at https://github.com/N3PDF/pdfflo

    Adaptive and off-line techniques for non-linear multiscale analysis

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    This paper presents two procedures, based on the numerical multiscale theory, developed to predict the mechanical non-linear response of composite materials under monotonically increasing loads. Such procedures are designed with the objective of reducing the computational cost required in these types of analysis. Starting from virtual tests of the microscale, the solution of the macroscale structure via Classical First-Order Multiscale Method will be replaced by an interpolation of a discrete number of homogenized surfaces previously calculated. These surfaces describe the stress evolution of the microscale at fixed levels of an equivalent damage parameter (). The information required for these surfaces to conduct the analysis is stored in a Data Base using a json format. Of the two methods developed, the first one uses the pre-computed homogenized surface just to obtain the material non-linear threshold, and generates a Representative Volume Element (RVE) once the material point goes into the nonlinear range; the second method is completely off-line and is capable of describing the material linear and non-linear behavior just by using the discrete homogenized surfaces stored in the Data Base. After describing the two procedures developed, this manuscript provides two examples to validate the capabilities of the proposed method

    Antismoking campaigns’ perception and gender differences: a comparison among EEG Indices

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    Human factors’ aim is to understand and evaluate the interactions between people and tasks, technologies, and environment. Among human factors, it is possible then to include the subjective reaction to external stimuli, due to individual’s characteristics and states of mind. These processes are also involved in the perception of antismoking public service announcements (PSAs), the main tool for governments to contrast the first cause of preventable deaths in the world: tobacco addiction. In the light of that, in the present article, it has been investigated through the comparison of different electroencephalographic (EEG) indices a typical item known to be able of influencing PSA perception, that is gender. In order to investigate the neurophysiological underpinnings of such different perception, we tested two PSAs: one with a female character and one with a male character. Furthermore, the experimental sample was divided into men and women, as well as smokers and nonsmokers. The employed EEG indices were the mental engagement (ME: the ratio between beta activity and the sum of alpha and theta activity); the approach/withdrawal (AW: the frontal alpha asymmetry in the alpha band); and the frontal theta activity and the spectral asymmetry index (SASI: the ratio between beta minus theta and beta plus theta). Results suggested that the ME and the AW presented an opposite trend, with smokers showing higher ME and lower AW than nonsmokers. The ME and the frontal theta also evidenced a statistically significant interaction between the kind of the PSA and the gender of the observers; specifically, women showed higher ME and frontal theta activity for the male character PSA. This study then supports the usefulness of the ME and frontal theta for purposes of PSAs targeting on the basis of gender issues and of the ME and the AW and for purposes of PSAs targeting on the basis of smoking habits
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