7 research outputs found

    Characterising Tidal Features Around Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations

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    Tidal features provide signatures of recent mergers and offer a unique insight into the assembly history of galaxies. The Vera C. Rubin Observatory’s Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) will enable an unprecedentedly large survey of tidal features around millions of galaxies. To decipher the contributions of mergers to galaxy evolution it will be necessary to compare the observed tidal features with theoretical predictions. Therefore, we use cosmological hydrodynamical simulations NewHorizon, eagle, IllustrisTNG, and Magneticum to produce LSST-like mock images of z ∼ 0 galaxies (z ∼ 0.2 for NewHorizon) with M⋆, 30 pkpc≥109.5M_{\scriptstyle \star ,\text{ 30 pkpc}}\ge 10^{9.5} M⊙_{\scriptstyle \odot }. We perform a visual classification to identify tidal features and classify their morphology. We find broadly good agreement between the simulations regarding their overall tidal feature fractions: fNEWHORIZON=0.40±0.06f_{\small {\rm NEWHORIZON}}=0.40\pm 0.06, fEAGLE=0.37±0.01f_{\small {\rm EAGLE}}=0.37\pm 0.01, fTNG=0.32±0.01f_{\small {\rm TNG}}=0.32\pm 0.01 and fMAGNETICUM=0.32±0.01f_{\small {\rm MAGNETICUM}}=0.32\pm 0.01, and their specific tidal feature fractions. Furthermore, we find excellent agreement regarding the trends of tidal feature fraction with stellar and halo mass. All simulations agree in predicting that the majority of central galaxies of groups and clusters exhibit at least one tidal feature, while the satellite members rarely show such features. This agreement suggests that gravity is the primary driver of the occurrence of visually-identifiable tidal features in cosmological simulations, rather than subgrid physics or hydrodynamics. All predictions can be verified directly with LSST observations

    Dissecting the long-term emission behaviour of the BL Lac object Mrk 421

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    We report on long-term multiwavelength monitoring of blazar Mrk 421 by the GLAST-AGILE Support Program of the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (GASP-WEBT) collaboration and Steward Observatory, and by the Swift and Fermi satellites. We study the source behaviour in the period 2007-2015, characterized by several extreme flares. The ratio between the optical, X-ray and gamma-ray fluxes is very variable. The gamma-ray flux variations show a fair correlation with the optical ones starting from 2012. We analyse spectropolarimetric data and find wavelength-dependence of the polarization degree (P), which is compatible with the presence of the host galaxy, and no wavelength dependence of the electric vector polarization angle (EVPA). Optical polarimetry shows a lack of simple correlation between P and flux and wide rotations of the EVPA. We build broad-band spectral energy distributions with simultaneous near-infrared and optical data from the GASP-WEBT and ultraviolet and X-ray data from the Swift satellite. They show strong variability in both flux and X-ray spectral shape and suggest a shift of the synchrotron peak up to a factor of similar to 50 in frequency. The interpretation of the flux and spectral variability is compatible with jet models including at least two emitting regions that can change their orientation with respect to the line of sight

    Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510-089 in 2015

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    Context. PKS 1510 089 is one of only a few flat spectrum radio quasars detected in the very-high-energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma-ray band.Aims. We study the broadband spectral and temporal properties of the PKS 1510 089 emission during a high gamma-ray state.Methods. We performed VHE gamma-ray observations of PKS 1510 089 with the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes during a long, high gamma-ray state in May 2015. In order to perform broadband modeling of the source, we have also gathered contemporaneous multiwavelength data in radio, IR, optical photometry and polarization, UV, X-ray, and GeV gamma-ray ranges. We construct a broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) in two periods, selected according to VHE gamma-ray state.Results. PKS 1510 089 was detected by MAGIC during a few day-long observations performed in the middle of a long, high optical and gamma-ray state, showing for the first time a significant VHE gamma-ray variability. Similarly to the optical and gamma-ray high state of the source detected in 2012, it was accompanied by a rotation of the optical polarization angle and the emission of a new jet component observed in radio. However, owing to large uncertainty on the knot separation time, the association with the VHE gamma-ray emission cannot be firmly established. The spectral shape in the VHE band during the flare is similar to those obtained during previous measurements of the source. The observed flux variability sets constraints for the first time on the size of the region from which VHE gamma rays are emitted. We model the broadband SED in the framework of the external Compton scenario and discuss the possible emission site in view of multiwavelength data and alternative emission models

    Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510-089 in 2015

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