8,781 research outputs found

    The stellar content of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Phoenix

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    We present new deep VIVI ground-based photometry of the Local Group dwarf galaxy Phoenix. Our results confirm that this galaxy is mainly dominated by red stars, with some blue plume stars indicating recent (100 Myr old) star formation in the central part of the galaxy. We have performed an analysis of the structural parameters of Phoenix based on an ESO/SRC scanned plate, in order to search for differentiated component. The results were then used to obtain the color-magnitude diagrams for three different regions of Phoenix in order to study the variation of the properties of its stellar population. The young population located in the central component of Phoenix shows a clear asymmetry in its distribution, that could indicate a propagation of star formation across the central component. The HI cloud found at 6 arcmin Southwest by Young & Lo (1997) could have been involved in this process. We also find the presence of a substantial intermediate-age population in the central region of Phoenix that would be less abundant or absent in its outer regions. This result is also consistent with the gradient found in the number of horizontal branch stars, whose frequency relative to red giant branch stars increases towards the outer part of the galaxy. These results, together with those of our morphological study, suggest the existence of an old, metal-poor population with a spheroidal distribution surrounding the younger inner component of Phoenix. This two-component structure may resemble the halo-disk structure observed in spirals, although more data, in particular on kinematics, are necessary to confirm this.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, 9 Tables, to be published in AJ, August 9

    DGSAT: Dwarf Galaxy Survey with Amateur Telescopes II. A catalogue of isolated nearby edge-on disk galaxies and the discovery of new low surface brightness systems

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    The connection between the bulge mass or bulge luminosity in disk galaxies and the number, spatial and phase space distribution of associated dwarf galaxies is a discriminator between cosmological simulations related to galaxy formation in cold dark matter and generalized gravity models. Here, a nearby sample of isolated Milky Way class edge-on galaxies is introduced, to facilitate observational campaigns to detect the associated families of dwarf galaxies at low surface brightness. Three galaxy pairs with at least one of the targets being edge-on are also introduced. About 60% of the catalogued isolated galaxies contain bulges of different size, while the remaining objects appear to be bulge-less. Deep images of NGC 3669 (small bulge, with NGC 3625 at the edge of the image) and NGC 7814 (prominent bulge), obtained with a 0.4-m aperture, are also presented, resulting in the discovery of two new dwarf galaxy candidates, NGC3669-DGSAT-3 and NGC7814-DGSAT-7. Eleven additional low surface brightness galaxies are identified, previously notified with low quality measurement flags in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Integrated magnitudes, surface brightnesses, effective radii, Sersic indices, axis ratios, and projected distances to their putative major hosts are displayed. At least one of the galaxies, NGC3625-DGSAT-4, belongs with a surface brightness of approximately 26 mag per arcsec^2 and effective radius >1.5 kpc to the class of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs). NGC3669-DGSAT-3, the galaxy with lowest surface brightness in our sample, may also be an UDG.Comment: 12 pages including 6 figures, 4 tables, a brief appendix, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A). Paper slightly modified after A&A language editing, updating very few references and correcting a small typo at the start of the Appendi

    The luminosity function of Palomar 5 and its tidal tails

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    We present the main sequence luminosity function of the tidally disrupted globular cluster Palomar 5 and its tidal tails. For this work we analyzed imaging data obtained with the Wide Field Camera at the INT (La Palma) and data from the Wide Field Imager at the MPG/ESO 2.2 m telescope at La Silla down to a limiting magnitude of approximately 24.5 mag in B. Our results indicate that preferentially fainter stars were removed from the cluster so that the LF of the cluster's main body exhibits a significant degree of flattening compared to other GCs. This is attributed to its advanced dynamical evolution. The LF of the tails is, in turn, enhanced with faint, low-mass stars, which we interpret as a consequence of mass segregation in the cluster.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the conference "Satellites and tidal streams" held at La Palma, Canary Islands, May 26 - 30, 200

    A Search for Planetary Nebulae With the SDSS: the outer regions of M31

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    We have developed a method to identify planetary nebula (PN) candidates in imaging data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). This method exploits the SDSS' five-band sampling of emission lines in PN spectra, which results in a color signature distinct from that of other sources. Selection criteria based on this signature can be applied to nearby galaxies in which PNe appear as point sources. We applied these criteria to the whole area of M31 as scanned by the SDSS, selecting 167 PN candidates that are located in the outer regions of M31. The spectra of 80 selected candidates were then observed with the 2.2m telescope at Calar Alto Observatory. These observations and cross-checks with literature data show that our method has a selection rate efficiency of about 90%, but the efficiency is different for the different groups of PNe candidates. In the outer regions of M31, PNe trace different well-known morphological features like the Northern Spur, the NGC205 Loop, the G1 Clump, etc. In general, the distribution of PNe in the outer region 8<R<20 kpc along the minor axis shows the "extended disk" - a rotationally supported low surface brightness structure with an exponential scale length of 3.21+/-0.14 kpc and a total mass of ~10^10 M_{\sun}, which is equivalent to the mass of M33. We report the discovery of three PN candidates with projected locations in the center of Andromeda NE, a very low surface brightness giant stellar structure in the outer halo of M31. Two of the PNe were spectroscopically confirmed as genuine PNe. These two PNe are located at projected distances along the major axis of ~48 Kpc and ~41 Kpc from the center of M31 and are the most distant PNe in M31 found up to now.Comment: 58 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, Accepted to Astronomical Journa
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